#pragma once
#include "CELLMath.hpp"
#include "Image.hpp"
namespace CELL { enum DRAWMODE { DM_POINTS = 0, DM_LINES = 1, DM_LINE_LOOP = 2, DM_LINE_STRIP = 3, DM_TRIANGES = 4, };
struct DateElementDes { int _size; DATETYPE _type; int _stride; const void* _data; };
class Span { public: int _xStart; int _xEnd; Rgba _colorStart; Rgba _colorEnd;
float2 _uvStart; float2 _uvEnd;
int _y;
public: Span(int xStart,int xEnd,int y,Rgba colorStart,Rgba colorEnd,float2 uvStart,float2 uvEnd) { if (xStart < xEnd) { _xStart = xStart; _xEnd = xEnd; _colorStart = colorStart; _colorEnd = colorEnd;
_uvStart = uvStart; _uvEnd = uvEnd;
_y = y; } else { _xStart = xEnd; _xEnd = xStart;
_colorStart = colorEnd; _colorEnd = colorStart;
_uvStart = uvEnd; _uvEnd = uvStart; _y = y; } } };
class Ege { public: int _x1; int _y1; float2 _uv1; Rgba _color1;
int _x2; int _y2; float2 _uv2; Rgba _color2;
Ege(int x1,int y1,Rgba color1,float2 uv1,int x2,int y2,Rgba color2,float2 uv2) { if (y1 < y2) { _x1 = x1; _y1 = y1; _uv1 = uv1; _color1 = color1;
_x2 = x2; _y2 = y2; _uv2 = uv2; _color2 = color2; } else { _x1 = x2; _y1 = y2; _uv1 = uv2; _color1 = color2;
_x2 = x1; _y2 = y1; _uv2 = uv1; _color2 = color1; } } }; class Raster { public: uint* _buffer; int _width; int _height; Rgba _color;
Image* _texture;
matrix4 _matModel; matrix4 _matView; matrix4 _matProj; matrix4 _matProjView; float2 _viewPort; Frustum _frust;
DateElementDes _poitionPointer; DateElementDes _colorPointer; DateElementDes _uvPointer;
DateElementDes _defaultColorPointer; DateElementDes _defaultUVPointer; Rgba _defaultColorArray[3]; float2 _detaultUVArray[3]; public: Raster(int w,int h,void* buffer); ~Raster(void);
void clear();
struct Vertex { int2 p0; float2 uv0; Rgba c0;
int2 p1; float2 uv1; Rgba c1;
int2 p2; float2 uv2; Rgba c2;
}; void drawImage(int startX,int startY,const Image* image); public:
void loadViewMatrix(const CELL::matrix4& mat); void loadViewIdentity(const CELL::matrix4& mat);
void loadProjMatrix(const CELL::matrix4& mat); void loadProjIdentity(const CELL::matrix4& mat);
* ����ͶӰ���� */ void setPerspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar); /**
* ���ɹ۲����� */ void lookat(float3 const & eye,float3 const & center,float3 const & up);
void setViewPort(int x,int y,int w,int h); /**
* ģ�;����������� */
void loadMatrix(const CELL::matrix4& mat);
void loadIdentity(); void vertexPointer(int size,DATETYPE type,int stride,const void* data);
void colorPointer(int size,DATETYPE type,int stride,const void* data);
void textureCoordPointer(int size,DATETYPE type,int stride,const void* data);
void bindTexture(Image* image);
void drawArrays(DRAWMODE pri,int start,int count);
float3 piplineTransform(float3 pos) { float4 world(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,1);
float4 screen = _matProjView * world; if (screen.w == 0.0f) { return false; } screen.x /= screen.w; screen.y /= screen.w; screen.z /= screen.w;
// map to range 0 - 1
screen.x = screen.x * 0.5f + 0.5f; screen.y = screen.y * 0.5f + 0.5f; screen.z = screen.z * 0.5f + 0.5f;
// map to viewport
screen.x = screen.x * _viewPort.x; screen.y = _height - screen.y * _viewPort.y;
return float3(screen.x,screen.y,screen.z); } void drawTrianle(Ege eges[3]) { int iMax = 0; int length = eges[0]._y2 - eges[0]._y1;
for (int i = 1 ;i < 3 ; ++ i) { int len = eges[i]._y2 - eges[i]._y1; if (len > length) { length = len; iMax = i; } } int iShort1 = (iMax + 1)%3; int iShort2 = (iMax + 2)%3;
drawEge(eges[iMax],eges[iShort1],_texture); drawEge(eges[iMax],eges[iShort2],_texture); } void drawTriangle(const Vertex& vertex,Image* image) { Ege eges[3] = { Ege(vertex.p0.x,vertex.p0.y,vertex.c0, vertex.uv0, vertex.p1.x,vertex.p1.y,vertex.c1, vertex.uv1), Ege(vertex.p1.x,vertex.p1.y,vertex.c1, vertex.uv1, vertex.p2.x,vertex.p2.y,vertex.c2, vertex.uv2), Ege(vertex.p2.x,vertex.p2.y,vertex.c2, vertex.uv2, vertex.p0.x,vertex.p0.y,vertex.c0, vertex.uv0), }; int iMax = 0; int length = eges[0]._y2 - eges[0]._y1; for (int i = 1 ;i < 3 ; ++ i) { int len = eges[i]._y2 - eges[i]._y1; if (len > length) { length = len; iMax = i; } } int iShort1 = (iMax + 1)%3; int iShort2 = (iMax + 2)%3;
drawEge(eges[iMax],eges[iShort1],image); drawEge(eges[iMax],eges[iShort2],image);
void drawEge(const Ege& e1,const Ege& e2,Image* image) { float yOffset1 = e1._y2 - e1._y1; if (yOffset1 == 0) { return; }
float yOffset = e2._y2 - e2._y1; if (yOffset == 0) { return; } float xOffset = e2._x2 - e2._x1; float scale = 0; float step = 1.0f/yOffset;
float xOffset1 = e1._x2 - e1._x1; float scale1 = (float)(e2._y1 - e1._y1)/yOffset1; float step1 = 1.0f/yOffset1;
for (int y = e2._y1 ; y < e2._y2 ; ++ y) { int x1 = e1._x1 + (int)(scale1 * xOffset1); int x2 = e2._x1 + (int)(scale * xOffset); Rgba color2 = colorLerp(e2._color1,e2._color2,scale); Rgba color1 = colorLerp(e1._color1,e1._color2,scale1);
float2 uvStart = uvLerp(e1._uv1,e1._uv2,scale1); float2 uvEnd = uvLerp(e2._uv1,e2._uv2,scale);
Span span(x1,x2,y,color1,color2,uvStart,uvEnd); drawSpan(span,image);
scale += step; scale1 += step1;
} }
void drawSpan(const Span& span,Image* image) { float length = span._xEnd - span._xStart; float scale = 0; float step = 1.0f/length; for (int x = span._xStart ; x < span._xEnd; ++ x) { //Rgba color = colorLerp(span._colorStart,span._colorEnd,scale);
float2 uv = uvLerp(span._uvStart,span._uvEnd,scale);
Rgba pixel = image->pixelUV(uv.x,uv.y);
//Rgba dst = color + pixel;
scale += step;
setPixel(x,span._y,pixel); } } void drawLine(float2 pt1,float2 pt2,Rgba color1,Rgba color2);
void drawPoints(float2 pt1,Rgba4Byte color) {
} inline void setPixelEx(unsigned x,unsigned y,Rgba color) { _buffer[y * _width + x] = color._color; }
inline Rgba getPixel(unsigned x,unsigned y) { return Rgba(_buffer[y * _width + x]); } inline void setPixel(unsigned x,unsigned y,Rgba color) { if (x >= _width || y >= _height) { return; } _buffer[y * _width + x] = color._color; } }; }