#pragma once

#include    "CELLMath.hpp"

namespace   CELL
    class CELLCamera
        float3      _eye;
        float3      _target;
        float3      _up;

        float3      _right;
        float3      _dir;
        matrix4     _matView;

        matrix4     _matProj;
        matrix4     _matWorld;
        float2      _viewSize;
        CELLCamera(const float3& target = float3(0,0,0),const float3& eye = float3(0,100,100),const float3& right = float3(1,0,0))
            _viewSize   =   float2(256,256);
            _matView    =   CELL::matrix4(1);
            _matProj    =   CELL::matrix4(1);
            _matWorld   =   CELL::matrix4(1);

            _target     =   target;
            _eye        =   eye;
            _dir        =   normalize(_target - _eye);
            _right      =   right;
            _up         =   normalize(cross(_right,_dir));


        float3 getEye() const 
            return _eye;
        *   �����۾���λ��
        void    setEye(CELL::float3 val)
            _eye    =   val; 
        float3 getTarget() const 
            return _target;

        void    setTarget(CELL::float3 val) 
            _target = val;
        void    setRight(CELL::float3 val)
            _right  =   val;
        float3 getUp() const 
            return _up;
        void    setUp(CELL::float3 val)
            _up = val;
        float3  getDir() const
            return  _dir;

        float3  getRight() const
            return  _right;
        void    setViewSize(const float2& viewSize)
            _viewSize   =   viewSize;
        void    setViewSize(float x,float y)
            _viewSize   =   float2(x,y);

        float2  getViewSize()
            return  _viewSize;
        void    setProject(const matrix4& proj)
            _matProj    =   proj;
        const matrix4& getProject() const
            return  _matProj;
        const matrix4&  getView() const
            return  _matView;

        *   ����ͶӰ
        void    ortho( float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar )
            _matProj    =   CELL::ortho(left,right,bottom,top,zNear,zFar);
        *   ͸��ͶӰ
        void    perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
            _matProj    =   CELL::perspective<float>(fovy,aspect,zNear,zFar);

        *   ��������ת��Ϊ��������
        bool    project( const float4& world, float4& screen )
            screen  =   (_matProj * _matView * _matWorld) * world;
            if (screen.w == 0.0f)
                return false;
            screen.x    /=  screen.w;
            screen.y    /=  screen.w;
            screen.z    /=  screen.w;

            // map to range 0 - 1
            screen.x    =   screen.x * 0.5f + 0.5f;
            screen.y    =   screen.y * 0.5f + 0.5f;
            screen.z    =   screen.z * 0.5f + 0.5f;

            // map to viewport
            screen.x    =   screen.x * _viewSize.x;
            screen.y    =   _viewSize.y - (screen.y * _viewSize.y);
            return  true;

        *   ��������ת��Ϊ��������
        float2  worldToScreen( const float3& world)
            float4  worlds(world.x,world.y,world.z,1);
            float4  screens;
            return  float2(screens.x,screens.y);

        *   ��������ת��Ϊ��������
        float3  screenToWorld(const float2& screen)
            float4  screens(screen.x,screen.y,0,1);
            float4  world;
            return  float3(world.x,world.y,world.z);

        float3  screenToWorld(float x,float y)
            float4  screens(x,y,0,1);
            float4  world;
            return  float3(world.x,world.y,world.z);

        *   ��������ת��Ϊ��������
        bool    unProject( const float4& screen, float4& world )
            float4 v;
            v.x =   screen.x;
            v.y =   screen.y;
            v.z =   screen.z;
            v.w =   1.0;

            // map from viewport to 0 - 1
            v.x =   (v.x) /_viewSize.x;
            v.y =   (_viewSize.y - v.y) /_viewSize.y;
            //v.y = (v.y - _viewPort.Y) / _viewPort.Height;

            // map to range -1 to 1
            v.x =   v.x * 2.0f - 1.0f;
            v.y =   v.y * 2.0f - 1.0f;
            v.z =   v.z * 2.0f - 1.0f;

            CELL::matrix4  inverse = (_matProj * _matView * _matWorld).inverse();

            v   =   v * inverse;
            if (v.w == 0.0f)
                return false;
            world   =   v / v.w;
            return true;

        Ray createRayFromScreen(int x,int y)
            float4  minWorld;
            float4  maxWorld;

            float4  screen(float(x),float(y),0,1);
            float4  screen1(float(x),float(y),1,1);

            Ray     ray;

            float3  dir(maxWorld.x - minWorld.x,maxWorld.y - minWorld.y, maxWorld.z - minWorld.z);
            return  ray;
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        *   �ı�۲��ߵ�λ�ã�Ŀ���λ�ò��仯
        virtual void    rotateViewY(float angle) 
            _dir        =   rotateY<float>(_dir,    angle);
            _up         =   rotateY<float>(_up,     angle);
            _right      =   normalize(cross(_dir,_up));
            float   len =   length(_eye - _target);
            _eye        =   _target - _dir * len;
            _matView    =   CELL::lookAt(_eye,_target,_up);

        virtual void    rotateViewX(float angle) 
            matrix4 mat(1) ;
            _dir        =   _dir * mat;
            _up         =   _up * mat;
            _right      =   normalize(cross(_dir,_up));
            float   len =   length(_eye - _target);
            _eye        =   _target - _dir * len;
            _matView    =   CELL::lookAt(_eye,_target,_up);

        virtual void    update()
            _matView    =   CELL::lookAt(_eye,_target,_up);