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#pragma once
#include "CELLMath.hpp"
namespace CELL
class CELLCamera
float3 _eye;
float3 _target;
float3 _up;
float3 _right;
float3 _dir;
matrix4 _matView;
matrix4 _matProj;
matrix4 _matWorld;
float2 _viewSize;
CELLCamera(const float3& target = float3(0,0,0),const float3& eye = float3(0,100,100),const float3& right = float3(1,0,0))
_viewSize = float2(256,256);
_matView = CELL::matrix4(1);
_matProj = CELL::matrix4(1);
_matWorld = CELL::matrix4(1);
_target = target;
_eye = eye;
_dir = normalize(_target - _eye);
_right = right;
_up = normalize(cross(_right,_dir));
float3 getEye() const
return _eye;
* 设置眼睛的位置
void setEye(CELL::float3 val)
_eye = val;
float3 getTarget() const
return _target;
void setTarget(CELL::float3 val)
_target = val;
void setRight(CELL::float3 val)
_right = val;
float3 getUp() const
return _up;
void setUp(CELL::float3 val)
_up = val;
float3 getDir() const
return _dir;
float3 getRight() const
return _right;
void setViewSize(const float2& viewSize)
_viewSize = viewSize;
void setViewSize(float x,float y)
_viewSize = float2(x,y);
float2 getViewSize()
return _viewSize;
void setProject(const matrix4& proj)
_matProj = proj;
const matrix4& getProject() const
return _matProj;
const matrix4& getView() const
return _matView;
* 正交投影
void ortho( float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar )
_matProj = CELL::ortho(left,right,bottom,top,zNear,zFar);
* 透视投影
void perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
_matProj = CELL::perspective<float>(fovy,aspect,zNear,zFar);
* 世界坐标转化为窗口坐标
bool project( const float4& world, float4& screen )
screen = (_matProj * _matView * _matWorld) * world;
if (screen.w == 0.0f)
return false;
screen.x /= screen.w;
screen.y /= screen.w;
screen.z /= screen.w;
// map to range 0 - 1
screen.x = screen.x * 0.5f + 0.5f;
screen.y = screen.y * 0.5f + 0.5f;
screen.z = screen.z * 0.5f + 0.5f;
// map to viewport
screen.x = screen.x * _viewSize.x;
screen.y = _viewSize.y - (screen.y * _viewSize.y);
return true;
* 世界坐标转化为窗口坐标
float2 worldToScreen( const float3& world)
float4 worlds(world.x,world.y,world.z,1);
float4 screens;
return float2(screens.x,screens.y);
* 窗口坐标转化为世界坐标
float3 screenToWorld(const float2& screen)
float4 screens(screen.x,screen.y,0,1);
float4 world;
return float3(world.x,world.y,world.z);
float3 screenToWorld(float x,float y)
float4 screens(x,y,0,1);
float4 world;
return float3(world.x,world.y,world.z);
* 窗口坐标转化为世界坐标
bool unProject( const float4& screen, float4& world )
float4 v;
v.x = screen.x;
v.y = screen.y;
v.z = screen.z;
v.w = 1.0;
// map from viewport to 0 - 1
v.x = (v.x) /_viewSize.x;
v.y = (_viewSize.y - v.y) /_viewSize.y;
//v.y = (v.y - _viewPort.Y) / _viewPort.Height;
// map to range -1 to 1
v.x = v.x * 2.0f - 1.0f;
v.y = v.y * 2.0f - 1.0f;
v.z = v.z * 2.0f - 1.0f;
CELL::matrix4 inverse = (_matProj * _matView * _matWorld).inverse();
v = v * inverse;
if (v.w == 0.0f)
return false;
world = v / v.w;
return true;
Ray createRayFromScreen(int x,int y)
float4 minWorld;
float4 maxWorld;
float4 screen(float(x),float(y),0,1);
float4 screen1(float(x),float(y),1,1);
Ray ray;
float3 dir(maxWorld.x - minWorld.x,maxWorld.y - minWorld.y, maxWorld.z - minWorld.z);
return ray;
* 下面的函数的功能是将摄像机的观察方向绕某个方向轴旋转一定的角度
* 改变观察者的位置,目标的位置不变化
virtual void rotateViewY(float angle)
_dir = rotateY<float>(_dir, angle);
_up = rotateY<float>(_up, angle);
_right = normalize(cross(_dir,_up));
float len = length(_eye - _target);
_eye = _target - _dir * len;
_matView = CELL::lookAt(_eye,_target,_up);
virtual void rotateViewX(float angle)
matrix4 mat(1) ;
_dir = _dir * mat;
_up = _up * mat;
_right = normalize(cross(_dir,_up));
float len = length(_eye - _target);
_eye = _target - _dir * len;
_matView = CELL::lookAt(_eye,_target,_up);
virtual void update()
_matView = CELL::lookAt(_eye,_target,_up);