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// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2013 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2005-12-21
// Updated : 2007-08-14
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtx/euler_angles.inl
namespace glm
template <typename valType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4<valType> eulerAngleX
valType const & angleX
valType cosX = glm::cos(angleX);
valType sinX = glm::sin(angleX);
return detail::tmat4x4<valType>(
valType(1), valType(0), valType(0), valType(0),
valType(0), cosX, sinX, valType(0),
valType(0),-sinX, cosX, valType(0),
valType(0), valType(0), valType(0), valType(1));
template <typename valType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4<valType> eulerAngleY
valType const & angleY
valType cosY = glm::cos(angleY);
valType sinY = glm::sin(angleY);
return detail::tmat4x4<valType>(
cosY, valType(0),-sinY, valType(0),
valType(0), valType(1), valType(0), valType(0),
sinY, valType(0), cosY, valType(0),
valType(0), valType(0), valType(0), valType(1));
template <typename valType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4<valType> eulerAngleZ
valType const & angleZ
valType cosZ = glm::cos(angleZ);
valType sinZ = glm::sin(angleZ);
return detail::tmat4x4<valType>(
cosZ, sinZ, valType(0), valType(0),
-sinZ, cosZ, valType(0), valType(0),
valType(0), valType(0), valType(1), valType(0),
valType(0), valType(0), valType(0), valType(1));
template <typename valType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4<valType> eulerAngleXY
valType const & angleX,
valType const & angleY
valType cosX = glm::cos(angleX);
valType sinX = glm::sin(angleX);
valType cosY = glm::cos(angleY);
valType sinY = glm::sin(angleY);
return detail::tmat4x4<valType>(
cosY, -sinX * sinY, cosX * sinY, valType(0),
valType(0), cosX, sinX, valType(0),
-sinY , -sinX * cosY, cosX * cosY, valType(0),
valType(0), valType(0), valType(0), valType(1));
template <typename valType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4<valType> eulerAngleYX
valType const & angleY,
valType const & angleX
valType cosX = glm::cos(angleX);
valType sinX = glm::sin(angleX);
valType cosY = glm::cos(angleY);
valType sinY = glm::sin(angleY);
return detail::tmat4x4<valType>(
cosY, valType(0), sinY, valType(0),
-sinX * sinY, cosX, sinX * cosY, valType(0),
-cosX * sinY, -sinX, cosX * cosY, valType(0),
valType(0), valType(0), valType(0), valType(1));
template <typename valType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4<valType> eulerAngleXZ
valType const & angleX,
valType const & angleZ
return eulerAngleX(angleX) * eulerAngleZ(angleZ);
template <typename valType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4<valType> eulerAngleZX
valType const & angleZ,
valType const & angleX
return eulerAngleZ(angleZ) * eulerAngleX(angleX);
template <typename valType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4<valType> eulerAngleYXZ
valType const & yaw,
valType const & pitch,
valType const & roll
valType tmp_ch = glm::cos(yaw);
valType tmp_sh = glm::sin(yaw);
valType tmp_cp = glm::cos(pitch);
valType tmp_sp = glm::sin(pitch);
valType tmp_cb = glm::cos(roll);
valType tmp_sb = glm::sin(roll);
detail::tmat4x4<valType> Result;
Result[0][0] = tmp_ch * tmp_cb + tmp_sh * tmp_sp * tmp_sb;
Result[0][1] = tmp_sb * tmp_cp;
Result[0][2] = -tmp_sh * tmp_cb + tmp_ch * tmp_sp * tmp_sb;
Result[0][3] = valType(0);
Result[1][0] = -tmp_ch * tmp_sb + tmp_sh * tmp_sp * tmp_cb;
Result[1][1] = tmp_cb * tmp_cp;
Result[1][2] = tmp_sb * tmp_sh + tmp_ch * tmp_sp * tmp_cb;
Result[1][3] = valType(0);
Result[2][0] = tmp_sh * tmp_cp;
Result[2][1] = -tmp_sp;
Result[2][2] = tmp_ch * tmp_cp;
Result[2][3] = valType(0);
Result[3][0] = valType(0);
Result[3][1] = valType(0);
Result[3][2] = valType(0);
Result[3][3] = valType(1);
return Result;
template <typename valType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4<valType> yawPitchRoll
valType const & yaw,
valType const & pitch,
valType const & roll
valType tmp_ch = glm::cos(yaw);
valType tmp_sh = glm::sin(yaw);
valType tmp_cp = glm::cos(pitch);
valType tmp_sp = glm::sin(pitch);
valType tmp_cb = glm::cos(roll);
valType tmp_sb = glm::sin(roll);
detail::tmat4x4<valType> Result;
Result[0][0] = tmp_ch * tmp_cb + tmp_sh * tmp_sp * tmp_sb;
Result[0][1] = tmp_sb * tmp_cp;
Result[0][2] = -tmp_sh * tmp_cb + tmp_ch * tmp_sp * tmp_sb;
Result[0][3] = valType(0);
Result[1][0] = -tmp_ch * tmp_sb + tmp_sh * tmp_sp * tmp_cb;
Result[1][1] = tmp_cb * tmp_cp;
Result[1][2] = tmp_sb * tmp_sh + tmp_ch * tmp_sp * tmp_cb;
Result[1][3] = valType(0);
Result[2][0] = tmp_sh * tmp_cp;
Result[2][1] = -tmp_sp;
Result[2][2] = tmp_ch * tmp_cp;
Result[2][3] = valType(0);
Result[3][0] = valType(0);
Result[3][1] = valType(0);
Result[3][2] = valType(0);
Result[3][3] = valType(1);
return Result;
template <typename valType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat2x2<valType> orientate2
valType const & angle
valType c = glm::cos(angle);
valType s = glm::sin(angle);
detail::tmat2x2<valType> Result;
Result[0][0] = c;
Result[0][1] = s;
Result[1][0] = -s;
Result[1][1] = c;
return Result;
template <typename valType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat3x3<valType> orientate3
valType const & angle
valType c = glm::cos(angle);
valType s = glm::sin(angle);
detail::tmat3x3<valType> Result;
Result[0][0] = c;
Result[0][1] = s;
Result[0][2] = 0.0f;
Result[1][0] = -s;
Result[1][1] = c;
Result[1][2] = 0.0f;
Result[2][0] = 0.0f;
Result[2][1] = 0.0f;
Result[2][2] = 1.0f;
return Result;
template <typename valType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat3x3<valType> orientate3
detail::tvec3<valType> const & angles
return detail::tmat3x3<valType>(yawPitchRoll(angles.x, angles.y, angles.z));
template <typename valType>
GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4<valType> orientate4
detail::tvec3<valType> const & angles
return yawPitchRoll(angles.z, angles.x, angles.y);
}//namespace glm