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// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2013 G-Truc Creation (
// Created : 2009-03-06
// Updated : 2009-03-09
// Licence : This source is under MIT License
// File : glm/gtx/gradient_paint.inl
namespace glm
template <typename valType>
valType radialGradient
detail::tvec2<valType> const & Center,
valType const & Radius,
detail::tvec2<valType> const & Focal,
detail::tvec2<valType> const & Position
detail::tvec2<valType> F = Focal - Center;
detail::tvec2<valType> D = Position - Focal;
valType Radius2 = pow2(Radius);
valType Fx2 = pow2(F.x);
valType Fy2 = pow2(F.y);
valType Numerator = (D.x * F.x + D.y * F.y) + sqrt(Radius2 * (pow2(D.x) + pow2(D.y)) - pow2(D.x * F.y - D.y * F.x));
valType Denominator = Radius2 - (Fx2 + Fy2);
return Numerator / Denominator;
template <typename valType>
valType linearGradient
detail::tvec2<valType> const & Point0,
detail::tvec2<valType> const & Point1,
detail::tvec2<valType> const & Position
detail::tvec2<valType> Dist = Point1 - Point0;
return (Dist.x * (Position.x - Point0.x) + Dist.y * (Position.y - Point0.y)) / glm::dot(Dist, Dist);
}//namespace glm