"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0;
var _helperPluginUtils = require("@babel/helper-plugin-utils");
var _core = require("@babel/core");
var _default = (0, _helperPluginUtils.declare)((api, options) => { var _api$assumption, _options$allowArrayLi, _api$assumption2;
api.assertVersion(7); const { useBuiltIns = false } = options; const iterableIsArray = (_api$assumption = api.assumption("iterableIsArray")) != null ? _api$assumption : options.loose; const arrayLikeIsIterable = (_options$allowArrayLi = options.allowArrayLike) != null ? _options$allowArrayLi : api.assumption("arrayLikeIsIterable"); const objectRestNoSymbols = (_api$assumption2 = api.assumption("objectRestNoSymbols")) != null ? _api$assumption2 : options.loose;
function getExtendsHelper(file) { return useBuiltIns ? _core.types.memberExpression(_core.types.identifier("Object"), _core.types.identifier("assign")) : file.addHelper("extends"); }
function variableDeclarationHasPattern(node) { for (const declar of node.declarations) { if (_core.types.isPattern(declar.id)) { return true; } }
return false; }
function hasRest(pattern) { for (const elem of pattern.elements) { if (_core.types.isRestElement(elem)) { return true; } }
return false; }
function hasObjectRest(pattern) { for (const elem of pattern.properties) { if (_core.types.isRestElement(elem)) { return true; } }
return false; }
const STOP_TRAVERSAL = {};
const arrayUnpackVisitor = (node, ancestors, state) => { if (!ancestors.length) { return; }
if (_core.types.isIdentifier(node) && _core.types.isReferenced(node, ancestors[ancestors.length - 1]) && state.bindings[node.name]) { state.deopt = true; throw STOP_TRAVERSAL; } };
class DestructuringTransformer { constructor(opts) { this.blockHoist = opts.blockHoist; this.operator = opts.operator; this.arrays = {}; this.nodes = opts.nodes || []; this.scope = opts.scope; this.kind = opts.kind; this.iterableIsArray = opts.iterableIsArray; this.arrayLikeIsIterable = opts.arrayLikeIsIterable; this.addHelper = opts.addHelper; }
buildVariableAssignment(id, init) { let op = this.operator; if (_core.types.isMemberExpression(id)) op = "="; let node;
if (op) { node = _core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.assignmentExpression(op, id, _core.types.cloneNode(init) || this.scope.buildUndefinedNode())); } else { node = _core.types.variableDeclaration(this.kind, [_core.types.variableDeclarator(id, _core.types.cloneNode(init))]); }
node._blockHoist = this.blockHoist; return node; }
buildVariableDeclaration(id, init) { const declar = _core.types.variableDeclaration("var", [_core.types.variableDeclarator(_core.types.cloneNode(id), _core.types.cloneNode(init))]);
declar._blockHoist = this.blockHoist; return declar; }
push(id, _init) { const init = _core.types.cloneNode(_init);
if (_core.types.isObjectPattern(id)) { this.pushObjectPattern(id, init); } else if (_core.types.isArrayPattern(id)) { this.pushArrayPattern(id, init); } else if (_core.types.isAssignmentPattern(id)) { this.pushAssignmentPattern(id, init); } else { this.nodes.push(this.buildVariableAssignment(id, init)); } }
toArray(node, count) { if (this.iterableIsArray || _core.types.isIdentifier(node) && this.arrays[node.name]) { return node; } else { return this.scope.toArray(node, count, this.arrayLikeIsIterable); } }
pushAssignmentPattern({ left, right }, valueRef) { const tempId = this.scope.generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(valueRef); this.nodes.push(this.buildVariableDeclaration(tempId, valueRef));
const tempConditional = _core.types.conditionalExpression(_core.types.binaryExpression("===", _core.types.cloneNode(tempId), this.scope.buildUndefinedNode()), right, _core.types.cloneNode(tempId));
if (_core.types.isPattern(left)) { let patternId; let node;
if (this.kind === "const" || this.kind === "let") { patternId = this.scope.generateUidIdentifier(tempId.name); node = this.buildVariableDeclaration(patternId, tempConditional); } else { patternId = tempId; node = _core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.assignmentExpression("=", _core.types.cloneNode(tempId), tempConditional)); }
this.nodes.push(node); this.push(left, patternId); } else { this.nodes.push(this.buildVariableAssignment(left, tempConditional)); } }
pushObjectRest(pattern, objRef, spreadProp, spreadPropIndex) { const keys = []; let allLiteral = true;
for (let i = 0; i < pattern.properties.length; i++) { const prop = pattern.properties[i]; if (i >= spreadPropIndex) break; if (_core.types.isRestElement(prop)) continue; const key = prop.key;
if (_core.types.isIdentifier(key) && !prop.computed) { keys.push(_core.types.stringLiteral(key.name)); } else if (_core.types.isTemplateLiteral(prop.key)) { keys.push(_core.types.cloneNode(prop.key)); } else if (_core.types.isLiteral(key)) { keys.push(_core.types.stringLiteral(String(key.value))); } else { keys.push(_core.types.cloneNode(key)); allLiteral = false; } }
let value;
if (keys.length === 0) { value = _core.types.callExpression(getExtendsHelper(this), [_core.types.objectExpression([]), _core.types.cloneNode(objRef)]); } else { let keyExpression = _core.types.arrayExpression(keys);
if (!allLiteral) { keyExpression = _core.types.callExpression(_core.types.memberExpression(keyExpression, _core.types.identifier("map")), [this.addHelper("toPropertyKey")]); }
value = _core.types.callExpression(this.addHelper(`objectWithoutProperties${objectRestNoSymbols ? "Loose" : ""}`), [_core.types.cloneNode(objRef), keyExpression]); }
this.nodes.push(this.buildVariableAssignment(spreadProp.argument, value)); }
pushObjectProperty(prop, propRef) { if (_core.types.isLiteral(prop.key)) prop.computed = true; const pattern = prop.value;
const objRef = _core.types.memberExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(propRef), prop.key, prop.computed);
if (_core.types.isPattern(pattern)) { this.push(pattern, objRef); } else { this.nodes.push(this.buildVariableAssignment(pattern, objRef)); } }
pushObjectPattern(pattern, objRef) { if (!pattern.properties.length) { this.nodes.push(_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.callExpression(this.addHelper("objectDestructuringEmpty"), [objRef]))); }
if (pattern.properties.length > 1 && !this.scope.isStatic(objRef)) { const temp = this.scope.generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(objRef); this.nodes.push(this.buildVariableDeclaration(temp, objRef)); objRef = temp; }
if (hasObjectRest(pattern)) { let copiedPattern;
for (let i = 0; i < pattern.properties.length; i++) { const prop = pattern.properties[i];
if (_core.types.isRestElement(prop)) { break; }
const key = prop.key;
if (prop.computed && !this.scope.isPure(key)) { const name = this.scope.generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(key); this.nodes.push(this.buildVariableDeclaration(name, key));
if (!copiedPattern) { copiedPattern = pattern = Object.assign({}, pattern, { properties: pattern.properties.slice() }); }
copiedPattern.properties[i] = Object.assign({}, copiedPattern.properties[i], { key: name }); } } }
for (let i = 0; i < pattern.properties.length; i++) { const prop = pattern.properties[i];
if (_core.types.isRestElement(prop)) { this.pushObjectRest(pattern, objRef, prop, i); } else { this.pushObjectProperty(prop, objRef); } } }
canUnpackArrayPattern(pattern, arr) { if (!_core.types.isArrayExpression(arr)) return false; if (pattern.elements.length > arr.elements.length) return;
if (pattern.elements.length < arr.elements.length && !hasRest(pattern)) { return false; }
for (const elem of pattern.elements) { if (!elem) return false; if (_core.types.isMemberExpression(elem)) return false; }
for (const elem of arr.elements) { if (_core.types.isSpreadElement(elem)) return false; if (_core.types.isCallExpression(elem)) return false; if (_core.types.isMemberExpression(elem)) return false; }
const bindings = _core.types.getBindingIdentifiers(pattern);
const state = { deopt: false, bindings };
try { _core.types.traverse(arr, arrayUnpackVisitor, state); } catch (e) { if (e !== STOP_TRAVERSAL) throw e; }
return !state.deopt; }
pushUnpackedArrayPattern(pattern, arr) { for (let i = 0; i < pattern.elements.length; i++) { const elem = pattern.elements[i];
if (_core.types.isRestElement(elem)) { this.push(elem.argument, _core.types.arrayExpression(arr.elements.slice(i))); } else { this.push(elem, arr.elements[i]); } } }
pushArrayPattern(pattern, arrayRef) { if (!pattern.elements) return;
if (this.canUnpackArrayPattern(pattern, arrayRef)) { return this.pushUnpackedArrayPattern(pattern, arrayRef); }
const count = !hasRest(pattern) && pattern.elements.length; const toArray = this.toArray(arrayRef, count);
if (_core.types.isIdentifier(toArray)) { arrayRef = toArray; } else { arrayRef = this.scope.generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(arrayRef); this.arrays[arrayRef.name] = true; this.nodes.push(this.buildVariableDeclaration(arrayRef, toArray)); }
for (let i = 0; i < pattern.elements.length; i++) { let elem = pattern.elements[i]; if (!elem) continue; let elemRef;
if (_core.types.isRestElement(elem)) { elemRef = this.toArray(arrayRef); elemRef = _core.types.callExpression(_core.types.memberExpression(elemRef, _core.types.identifier("slice")), [_core.types.numericLiteral(i)]); elem = elem.argument; } else { elemRef = _core.types.memberExpression(arrayRef, _core.types.numericLiteral(i), true); }
this.push(elem, elemRef); } }
init(pattern, ref) { if (!_core.types.isArrayExpression(ref) && !_core.types.isMemberExpression(ref)) { const memo = this.scope.maybeGenerateMemoised(ref, true);
if (memo) { this.nodes.push(this.buildVariableDeclaration(memo, _core.types.cloneNode(ref))); ref = memo; } }
this.push(pattern, ref); return this.nodes; }
return { name: "transform-destructuring", visitor: { ExportNamedDeclaration(path) { const declaration = path.get("declaration"); if (!declaration.isVariableDeclaration()) return; if (!variableDeclarationHasPattern(declaration.node)) return; const specifiers = [];
for (const name of Object.keys(path.getOuterBindingIdentifiers(path))) { specifiers.push(_core.types.exportSpecifier(_core.types.identifier(name), _core.types.identifier(name))); }
path.replaceWith(declaration.node); path.insertAfter(_core.types.exportNamedDeclaration(null, specifiers)); },
ForXStatement(path) { const { node, scope } = path; const left = node.left;
if (_core.types.isPattern(left)) { const temp = scope.generateUidIdentifier("ref"); node.left = _core.types.variableDeclaration("var", [_core.types.variableDeclarator(temp)]); path.ensureBlock();
if (node.body.body.length === 0 && path.isCompletionRecord()) { node.body.body.unshift(_core.types.expressionStatement(scope.buildUndefinedNode())); }
node.body.body.unshift(_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.assignmentExpression("=", left, temp))); return; }
if (!_core.types.isVariableDeclaration(left)) return; const pattern = left.declarations[0].id; if (!_core.types.isPattern(pattern)) return; const key = scope.generateUidIdentifier("ref"); node.left = _core.types.variableDeclaration(left.kind, [_core.types.variableDeclarator(key, null)]); const nodes = []; const destructuring = new DestructuringTransformer({ kind: left.kind, scope: scope, nodes: nodes, iterableIsArray, arrayLikeIsIterable, addHelper: name => this.addHelper(name) }); destructuring.init(pattern, key); path.ensureBlock(); const block = node.body; block.body = nodes.concat(block.body); },
CatchClause({ node, scope }) { const pattern = node.param; if (!_core.types.isPattern(pattern)) return; const ref = scope.generateUidIdentifier("ref"); node.param = ref; const nodes = []; const destructuring = new DestructuringTransformer({ kind: "let", scope: scope, nodes: nodes, iterableIsArray, arrayLikeIsIterable, addHelper: name => this.addHelper(name) }); destructuring.init(pattern, ref); node.body.body = nodes.concat(node.body.body); },
AssignmentExpression(path) { const { node, scope } = path; if (!_core.types.isPattern(node.left)) return; const nodes = []; const destructuring = new DestructuringTransformer({ operator: node.operator, scope: scope, nodes: nodes, iterableIsArray, arrayLikeIsIterable, addHelper: name => this.addHelper(name) }); let ref;
if (path.isCompletionRecord() || !path.parentPath.isExpressionStatement()) { ref = scope.generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(node.right, "ref"); nodes.push(_core.types.variableDeclaration("var", [_core.types.variableDeclarator(ref, node.right)]));
if (_core.types.isArrayExpression(node.right)) { destructuring.arrays[ref.name] = true; } }
destructuring.init(node.left, ref || node.right);
if (ref) { if (path.parentPath.isArrowFunctionExpression()) { path.replaceWith(_core.types.blockStatement([])); nodes.push(_core.types.returnStatement(_core.types.cloneNode(ref))); } else { nodes.push(_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.cloneNode(ref))); } }
path.replaceWithMultiple(nodes); path.scope.crawl(); },
VariableDeclaration(path) { const { node, scope, parent } = path; if (_core.types.isForXStatement(parent)) return; if (!parent || !path.container) return; if (!variableDeclarationHasPattern(node)) return; const nodeKind = node.kind; const nodes = []; let declar;
for (let i = 0; i < node.declarations.length; i++) { declar = node.declarations[i]; const patternId = declar.init; const pattern = declar.id; const destructuring = new DestructuringTransformer({ blockHoist: node._blockHoist, nodes: nodes, scope: scope, kind: node.kind, iterableIsArray, arrayLikeIsIterable, addHelper: name => this.addHelper(name) });
if (_core.types.isPattern(pattern)) { destructuring.init(pattern, patternId);
if (+i !== node.declarations.length - 1) { _core.types.inherits(nodes[nodes.length - 1], declar); } } else { nodes.push(_core.types.inherits(destructuring.buildVariableAssignment(declar.id, _core.types.cloneNode(declar.init)), declar)); } }
let tail = null; const nodesOut = [];
for (const node of nodes) { if (tail !== null && _core.types.isVariableDeclaration(node)) { tail.declarations.push(...node.declarations); } else { node.kind = nodeKind; nodesOut.push(node); tail = _core.types.isVariableDeclaration(node) ? node : null; } }
for (const nodeOut of nodesOut) { if (!nodeOut.declarations) continue;
for (const declaration of nodeOut.declarations) { const { name } = declaration.id;
if (scope.bindings[name]) { scope.bindings[name].kind = nodeOut.kind; } } }
if (nodesOut.length === 1) { path.replaceWith(nodesOut[0]); } else { path.replaceWithMultiple(nodesOut); } }
} }; });
exports.default = _default;