/** * Sets a constant default value for the property when it is undefined. * @template T * @template {keyof T} Property * @param {T} object An object. * @param {Property} property A property of the provided object. * @param {T[Property]} defaultValue The default value to set for the property. * @returns {T[Property]} The defaulted property value. */ const d = (object, property, defaultValue) => { if (typeof object[property] === 'undefined' && typeof defaultValue !== 'undefined') { object[property] = defaultValue; } return object[property]; };
/** * Resolves the value for a nested object option. * @template T * @template {keyof T} Property * @template Result * @param {T} object An object. * @param {Property} property A property of the provided object. * @param {function(T | undefined): Result} fn The handler to resolve the property's value. * @returns {Result} The resolved option value. */ const nestedOption = (object, property, fn) => { object[property] = fn(object[property]); return object[property]; };
/** * Normalizes the options for the plugin. * @param {import('../types').ReactRefreshPluginOptions} options Non-normalized plugin options. * @returns {import('../types').NormalizedPluginOptions} Normalized plugin options. */ const normalizeOptions = (options) => { // Show deprecation notice for the `disableRefreshCheck` option and remove it
if (typeof options.disableRefreshCheck !== 'undefined') { delete options.disableRefreshCheck; console.warn( [ 'The "disableRefreshCheck" option has been deprecated and will not have any effect on how the plugin parses files.', 'Please remove it from your configuration.', ].join(' ') ); }
d(options, 'exclude', /node_modules/i); d(options, 'include', /\.([jt]sx?|flow)$/i); d(options, 'forceEnable');
nestedOption(options, 'overlay', (overlay) => { /** @type {import('../types').NormalizedErrorOverlayOptions} */ const defaults = { entry: require.resolve('../../client/ErrorOverlayEntry'), module: require.resolve('../../overlay'), sockIntegration: 'wds', };
if (overlay === false) { return false; } if (typeof overlay === 'undefined' || overlay === true) { return defaults; }
d(overlay, 'entry', defaults.entry); d(overlay, 'module', defaults.module); d(overlay, 'sockIntegration', defaults.sockIntegration); d(overlay, 'sockHost'); d(overlay, 'sockPath'); d(overlay, 'sockPort'); d(options, 'useLegacyWDSSockets');
return overlay; });
return options; };
module.exports = normalizeOptions;