// This is a patch for mozilla/source-map#349 -
// internally, it uses the existence of the `fetch` global to toggle browser behaviours.
// That check, however, will break when `fetch` polyfills are used for SSR setups.
// We "reset" the polyfill here to ensure it won't interfere with source-map generation.
const originalFetch = global.fetch; delete global.fetch;
const { SourceMapConsumer, SourceMapGenerator, SourceNode } = require('source-map'); const { Template } = require('webpack');
/** * Generates an identity source map from a source file. * @param {string} source The content of the source file. * @param {string} resourcePath The name of the source file. * @returns {import('source-map').RawSourceMap} The identity source map. */ function getIdentitySourceMap(source, resourcePath) { const sourceMap = new SourceMapGenerator(); sourceMap.setSourceContent(resourcePath, source);
source.split('\n').forEach((line, index) => { sourceMap.addMapping({ source: resourcePath, original: { line: index + 1, column: 0, }, generated: { line: index + 1, column: 0, }, }); });
return sourceMap.toJSON(); }
/** * Gets a runtime template from provided function. * @param {function(): void} fn A function containing the runtime template. * @returns {string} The "sanitized" runtime template. */ function getTemplate(fn) { return Template.getFunctionContent(fn).trim().replace(/^ {2}/gm, ''); }
const RefreshSetupRuntime = getTemplate(require('./RefreshSetup.runtime')).replace( '$RefreshRuntimePath$', require.resolve('react-refresh/runtime').replace(/\\/g, '/') ); const RefreshModuleRuntime = getTemplate(require('./RefreshModule.runtime'));
/** * A simple Webpack loader to inject react-refresh HMR code into modules. * * [Reference for Loader API](https://webpack.js.org/api/loaders/)
* @this {import('webpack').loader.LoaderContext} * @param {string} source The original module source code. * @param {import('source-map').RawSourceMap} [inputSourceMap] The source map of the module. * @param {*} [meta] The loader metadata passed in. * @returns {void} */ function ReactRefreshLoader(source, inputSourceMap, meta) { const callback = this.async();
/** * @this {import('webpack').loader.LoaderContext} * @param {string} source * @param {import('source-map').RawSourceMap} [inputSourceMap] * @returns {Promise<[string, import('source-map').RawSourceMap]>} */ async function _loader(source, inputSourceMap) { if (this.sourceMap) { let originalSourceMap = inputSourceMap; if (!originalSourceMap) { originalSourceMap = getIdentitySourceMap(source, this.resourcePath); }
const node = SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap( source, await new SourceMapConsumer(originalSourceMap) );
node.prepend([RefreshSetupRuntime, '\n\n']); node.add(['\n\n', RefreshModuleRuntime]);
const { code, map } = node.toStringWithSourceMap(); return [code, map.toJSON()]; } else { return [[RefreshSetupRuntime, source, RefreshModuleRuntime].join('\n\n'), inputSourceMap]; } }
_loader.call(this, source, inputSourceMap).then( ([code, map]) => { callback(null, code, map, meta); }, (error) => { callback(error); } ); }
module.exports = ReactRefreshLoader;
// Restore the original value of the `fetch` global, if it exists
if (originalFetch) { global.fetch = originalFetch; }