You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
const url = require('native-url'); const getCurrentScriptSource = require('./getCurrentScriptSource'); const parseQuery = require('./parseQuery');
/** * @typedef {Object} SocketUrlParts * @property {string} [auth] * @property {string} [hostname] * @property {string} [protocol] * @property {string} [pathname] * @property {string} [port] */
/** * Parse current location and Webpack's `__resourceQuery` into parts that can create a valid socket URL. * @param {string} [resourceQuery] The Webpack `__resourceQuery` string. * @returns {SocketUrlParts} The parsed URL parts. * @see
*/ function getSocketUrlParts(resourceQuery) { const scriptSource = getCurrentScriptSource(); const urlParts = url.parse(scriptSource);
/** @type {string | undefined} */ let auth; let hostname = urlParts.hostname; let protocol = urlParts.protocol; let pathname = '/sockjs-node'; // This is hard-coded in WDS
let port = urlParts.port;
// This is a hack to work-around `native-url`'s parse method,
// which filters out falsy values when concatenating the `auth` string.
// In reality, we need to check for both values to correctly inject them.
// Ref: GoogleChromeLabs/native-url#32
// The placeholder `baseURL` is to allow parsing of relative paths,
// and will have no effect if `scriptSource` is a proper URL.
const authUrlParts = new URL(scriptSource, ''); // Parse authentication credentials in case we need them
if (authUrlParts.username) { auth = authUrlParts.username;
// Since HTTP basic authentication does not allow empty username,
// we only include password if the username is not empty.
if (authUrlParts.password) { // Result: <username>:<password>
auth = auth.concat(':', authUrlParts.password); } }
// Check for IPv4 and IPv6 host addresses that corresponds to `any`/`empty`.
// This is important because `hostname` can be empty for some hosts,
// such as `about:blank` or `file://` URLs.
const isEmptyHostname = urlParts.hostname === '' || urlParts.hostname === '::' || urlParts.hostname === null;
// We only re-assign the hostname if we are using HTTP/HTTPS protocols
if ( isEmptyHostname && window.location.hostname && window.location.protocol.indexOf('http') !== -1 ) { hostname = window.location.hostname; }
// We only re-assign `protocol` when `hostname` is available and is empty,
// since otherwise we risk creating an invalid URL.
// We also do this when `https` is used as it mandates the use of secure sockets.
if (hostname && (isEmptyHostname || window.location.protocol === 'https:')) { protocol = window.location.protocol; }
// We only re-assign port when it is not available or `empty`
if (!port || port === '0') { port = window.location.port; }
// If the resource query is available,
// parse it and overwrite everything we received from the script host.
const parsedQuery = parseQuery(resourceQuery || ''); hostname = parsedQuery.sockHost || hostname; pathname = parsedQuery.sockPath || pathname; port = parsedQuery.sockPort || port;
return { auth: auth, hostname: hostname, pathname: pathname, protocol: protocol, port: port, }; }
module.exports = getSocketUrlParts;