"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = void 0; const elementToComponent = { svg: 'Svg', circle: 'Circle', clipPath: 'ClipPath', ellipse: 'Ellipse', g: 'G', linearGradient: 'LinearGradient', radialGradient: 'RadialGradient', line: 'Line', path: 'Path', pattern: 'Pattern', polygon: 'Polygon', polyline: 'Polyline', rect: 'Rect', symbol: 'Symbol', text: 'Text', textPath: 'TextPath', tspan: 'TSpan', use: 'Use', defs: 'Defs', stop: 'Stop', mask: 'Mask', image: 'Image', foreignObject: 'ForeignObject' };
const expoPrefix = (component, expo) => { // Prefix with 'Svg.' in the case we're transforming for Expo
if (!expo) { return component; }
return (component !== 'Svg' ? 'Svg.' : '') + component; };
const plugin = ({ types: t }, { expo }) => { function replaceElement(path, state) { const { name } = path.node.openingElement.name; // Replace element by react-native-svg components
const component = elementToComponent[name];
if (component) { const prefixedComponent = expoPrefix(component, expo); const openingElementName = path.get('openingElement.name'); openingElementName.replaceWith(t.jsxIdentifier(prefixedComponent));
if (path.has('closingElement')) { const closingElementName = path.get('closingElement.name'); closingElementName.replaceWith(t.jsxIdentifier(prefixedComponent)); }
state.replacedComponents.add(prefixedComponent); return; } // Remove element if not supported
state.unsupportedComponents.add(name); path.remove(); }
const svgElementVisitor = { JSXElement(path, state) { if (!path.get('openingElement.name').isJSXIdentifier({ name: 'svg' })) { return; }
replaceElement(path, state); path.traverse(jsxElementVisitor, state); }
}; const jsxElementVisitor = { JSXElement(path, state) { replaceElement(path, state); }
}; const importDeclarationVisitor = { ImportDeclaration(path, state) { if (path.get('source').isStringLiteral({ value: 'react-native-svg' })) { state.replacedComponents.forEach(component => { if (path.get('specifiers').some(specifier => specifier.get('local').isIdentifier({ name: component }))) { return; }
path.pushContainer('specifiers', t.importSpecifier(t.identifier(component), t.identifier(component))); }); } else if (path.get('source').isStringLiteral({ value: 'expo' })) { path.pushContainer('specifiers', t.importSpecifier(t.identifier('Svg'), t.identifier('Svg'))); } else { return; }
if (state.unsupportedComponents.size && !path.has('trailingComments')) { const componentList = [...state.unsupportedComponents].join(', '); path.addComment('trailing', ` SVGR has dropped some elements not supported by react-native-svg: ${componentList} `); } }
}; return { visitor: { Program(path, state) { state.replacedComponents = new Set(); state.unsupportedComponents = new Set(); path.traverse(svgElementVisitor, state); path.traverse(importDeclarationVisitor, state); }
} }; };
var _default = plugin; exports.default = _default;