"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.findByText = exports.findAllByText = exports.getAllByText = exports.getByText = exports.queryAllByText = exports.queryByText = void 0;
var _queryHelpers = require("../query-helpers");
var _helpers = require("../helpers");
var _config = require("../config");
var _allUtils = require("./all-utils");
function queryAllByText(container, text, { selector = '*', exact = true, collapseWhitespace, trim, ignore = _config.DEFAULT_IGNORE_TAGS, normalizer } = {}) { (0, _helpers.checkContainerType)(container); const matcher = exact ? _allUtils.matches : _allUtils.fuzzyMatches; const matchNormalizer = (0, _allUtils.makeNormalizer)({ collapseWhitespace, trim, normalizer }); let baseArray = [];
if (typeof container.matches === 'function' && container.matches(selector)) { baseArray = [container]; }
return [...baseArray, ...Array.from(container.querySelectorAll(selector))].filter(node => !ignore || !node.matches(ignore)).filter(node => matcher((0, _allUtils.getNodeText)(node), node, text, matchNormalizer)); }
const getMultipleError = (c, text) => `Found multiple elements with the text: ${text}`;
const getMissingError = (c, text) => `Unable to find an element with the text: ${text}. This could be because the text is broken up by multiple elements. In this case, you can provide a function for your text matcher to make your matcher more flexible.`;
const queryAllByTextWithSuggestions = (0, _queryHelpers.wrapAllByQueryWithSuggestion)(queryAllByText, queryAllByText.name, 'queryAll'); exports.queryAllByText = queryAllByTextWithSuggestions; const [queryByText, getAllByText, getByText, findAllByText, findByText] = (0, _allUtils.buildQueries)(queryAllByText, getMultipleError, getMissingError); exports.findByText = findByText; exports.findAllByText = findAllByText; exports.getByText = getByText; exports.getAllByText = getAllByText; exports.queryByText = queryByText;