"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.toHaveAttribute = toHaveAttribute;
var _utils = require("./utils");
function printAttribute(stringify, name, value) { return value === undefined ? name : `${name}=${stringify(value)}`; }
function getAttributeComment(stringify, name, value) { return value === undefined ? `element.hasAttribute(${stringify(name)})` : `element.getAttribute(${stringify(name)}) === ${stringify(value)}`; }
function toHaveAttribute(htmlElement, name, expectedValue) { (0, _utils.checkHtmlElement)(htmlElement, toHaveAttribute, this); const isExpectedValuePresent = expectedValue !== undefined; const hasAttribute = htmlElement.hasAttribute(name); const receivedValue = htmlElement.getAttribute(name); return { pass: isExpectedValuePresent ? hasAttribute && this.equals(receivedValue, expectedValue) : hasAttribute, message: () => { const to = this.isNot ? 'not to' : 'to'; const receivedAttribute = hasAttribute ? printAttribute(this.utils.stringify, name, receivedValue) : null; const matcher = this.utils.matcherHint(`${this.isNot ? '.not' : ''}.toHaveAttribute`, 'element', this.utils.printExpected(name), { secondArgument: isExpectedValuePresent ? this.utils.printExpected(expectedValue) : undefined, comment: getAttributeComment(this.utils.stringify, name, expectedValue) }); return (0, _utils.getMessage)(this, matcher, `Expected the element ${to} have attribute`, printAttribute(this.utils.stringify, name, expectedValue), 'Received', receivedAttribute); } }; }