"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.deselectOptions = exports.selectOptions = void 0;
var _dom = require("@testing-library/dom");
var _utils = require("./utils");
var _click = require("./click");
var _focus = require("./focus");
var _hover = require("./hover");
function selectOptionsBase(newValue, select, values, init) { if (!newValue && !select.multiple) { throw (0, _dom.getConfig)().getElementError(`Unable to deselect an option in a non-multiple select. Use selectOptions to change the selection instead.`, select); }
const valArray = Array.isArray(values) ? values : [values]; const allOptions = Array.from(select.querySelectorAll('option, [role="option"]')); const selectedOptions = valArray.map(val => { if (allOptions.includes(val)) { return val; } else { const matchingOption = allOptions.find(o => o.value === val || o.innerHTML === val);
if (matchingOption) { return matchingOption; } else { throw (0, _dom.getConfig)().getElementError(`Value "${val}" not found in options`, select); } } }).filter(option => !option.disabled); if (select.disabled || !selectedOptions.length) return;
if ((0, _utils.isInstanceOfElement)(select, 'HTMLSelectElement')) { if (select.multiple) { for (const option of selectedOptions) { // events fired for multiple select are weird. Can't use hover...
_dom.fireEvent.pointerOver(option, init);
_dom.fireEvent.pointerEnter(select, init);
_dom.fireEvent.pointerMove(option, init);
_dom.fireEvent.mouseMove(option, init);
_dom.fireEvent.pointerDown(option, init);
_dom.fireEvent.mouseDown(option, init);
(0, _focus.focus)(select, init);
_dom.fireEvent.pointerUp(option, init);
_dom.fireEvent.mouseUp(option, init);
_dom.fireEvent.click(option, init); } } else if (selectedOptions.length === 1) { // the click to open the select options
(0, _click.click)(select, init); selectOption(selectedOptions[0]); // the browser triggers another click event on the select for the click on the option
// this second click has no 'down' phase
_dom.fireEvent.pointerOver(select, init);
_dom.fireEvent.pointerEnter(select, init);
_dom.fireEvent.pointerUp(select, init);
_dom.fireEvent.mouseUp(select, init);
_dom.fireEvent.click(select, init); } else { throw (0, _dom.getConfig)().getElementError(`Cannot select multiple options on a non-multiple select`, select); } } else if (select.getAttribute('role') === 'listbox') { selectedOptions.forEach(option => { (0, _hover.hover)(option, init); (0, _click.click)(option, init); (0, _hover.unhover)(option, init); }); } else { throw (0, _dom.getConfig)().getElementError(`Cannot select options on elements that are neither select nor listbox elements`, select); }
function selectOption(option) { option.selected = newValue; (0, _dom.fireEvent)(select, (0, _dom.createEvent)('input', select, { bubbles: true, cancelable: false, composed: true, ...init }));
_dom.fireEvent.change(select, init); } }
const selectOptions = selectOptionsBase.bind(null, true); exports.selectOptions = selectOptions; const deselectOptions = selectOptionsBase.bind(null, false); exports.deselectOptions = deselectOptions;