"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.upload = upload;
var _dom = require("@testing-library/dom");
var _click = require("./click");
var _blur = require("./blur");
var _focus = require("./focus");
function upload(element, fileOrFiles, init, { applyAccept = false } = {}) { if (element.disabled) return; (0, _click.click)(element, init); const input = element.tagName === 'LABEL' ? element.control : element; const files = (Array.isArray(fileOrFiles) ? fileOrFiles : [fileOrFiles]).filter(file => !applyAccept || isAcceptableFile(file, element.accept)).slice(0, input.multiple ? undefined : 1); // blur fires when the file selector pops up
(0, _blur.blur)(element, init); // focus fires when they make their selection
(0, _focus.focus)(element, init); // do not fire an input event if the file selection does not change
if (files.length === input.files.length && files.every((f, i) => f === input.files.item(i))) { return; } // the event fired in the browser isn't actually an "input" or "change" event
// but a new Event with a type set to "input" and "change"
// Kinda odd...
const inputFiles = { length: files.length, item: index => files[index], ...files }; (0, _dom.fireEvent)(input, (0, _dom.createEvent)('input', input, { target: { files: inputFiles }, bubbles: true, cancelable: false, composed: true, ...init }));
_dom.fireEvent.change(input, { target: { files: inputFiles }, ...init }); }
function isAcceptableFile(file, accept) { if (!accept) { return true; }
const wildcards = ['audio/*', 'image/*', 'video/*']; return accept.split(',').some(acceptToken => { if (acceptToken[0] === '.') { // tokens starting with a dot represent a file extension
return file.name.endsWith(acceptToken); } else if (wildcards.includes(acceptToken)) { return file.type.startsWith(acceptToken.substr(0, acceptToken.length - 1)); }
return file.type === acceptToken; }); }