const definitions = require("../src/definitions"); const flatMap = require("array.prototype.flatmap"); const { typeSignature, iterateProps, mapProps, filterProps, unique } = require("./util");
const stdout = process.stdout;
const jsTypes = ["string", "number", "boolean"];
const quote = value => `"${value}"`;
function params(fields) { const optionalDefault = field => (field.default ? ` = ${field.default}` : ""); return mapProps(fields) .map(field => `${typeSignature(field)}${optionalDefault(field)}`) .join(","); }
function assertParamType({ assertNodeType, array, name, type }) { if (array) { // TODO - assert contents of array?
return `assert(typeof ${name} === "object" && typeof ${name}.length !== "undefined")\n`; } else { if (jsTypes.includes(type)) { return `assert(
typeof ${name} === "${type}", "Argument ${name} must be of type ${type}, given: " + typeof ${name} )`;
if (assertNodeType === true) { return `assert(
${name}.type === "${type}", "Argument ${name} must be of type ${type}, given: " + ${name}.type )`;
return ""; } }
function assertParam(meta) { const paramAssertion = assertParamType(meta);
if (paramAssertion === "") { return ""; }
if (meta.maybe || meta.optional) { return `
if (${meta.name} !== null && ${meta.name} !== undefined) { ${paramAssertion}; } `;
} else { return paramAssertion; } }
function assertParams(fields) { return mapProps(fields) .map(assertParam) .join("\n"); }
function buildObject(typeDef) { const optionalField = meta => { if (meta.array) { // omit optional array properties if the constructor function was supplied
// with an empty array
return `
if (typeof ${meta.name} !== "undefined" && ${meta.name}.length > 0) { node.${meta.name} = ${meta.name}; } `;
} else if (meta.type === "Object") { // omit optional object properties if they have no keys
return `
if (typeof ${meta.name} !== "undefined" && Object.keys(${ meta.name }).length !== 0) { node.${meta.name} = ${meta.name}; } `;
} else if (meta.type === "boolean") { // omit optional boolean properties if they are not true
return `
if (${meta.name} === true) { node.${meta.name} = true; } `;
} else { return `
if (typeof ${meta.name} !== "undefined") { node.${meta.name} = ${meta.name}; } `;
} };
const fields = mapProps(typeDef.fields) .filter(f => !f.optional && !f.constant) .map(f => f.name);
const constants = mapProps(typeDef.fields) .filter(f => f.constant) .map(f => `${f.name}: "${f.value}"`);
return `
const node: ${typeDef.flowTypeName || typeDef.name} = { type: "${typeDef.name}", ${constants.concat(fields).join(",")} }
${mapProps(typeDef.fields) .filter(f => f.optional) .map(optionalField) .join("")} `;
function lowerCamelCase(name) { return name.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + name.substring(1); }
function generate() { stdout.write(`
// @flow
// see scripts/generateNodeUtils.js
import { assert } from "mamacro";
function isTypeOf(t: string) { return (n: Node) => n.type === t; }
function assertTypeOf(t: string) { return (n: Node) => assert(n.type === t); } `);
// Node builders
iterateProps(definitions, typeDefinition => { stdout.write(`
export function ${lowerCamelCase(typeDefinition.name)} ( ${params(filterProps(typeDefinition.fields, f => !f.constant))} ): ${typeDefinition.name} {
${assertParams(filterProps(typeDefinition.fields, f => !f.constant))} ${buildObject(typeDefinition)}
return node; } `);
// Node testers
iterateProps(definitions, typeDefinition => { stdout.write(`
export const is${typeDefinition.name} = isTypeOf("${typeDefinition.name}"); `);
// Node union type testers
const unionTypes = unique( flatMap(mapProps(definitions).filter(d => d.unionType), d => d.unionType) ); unionTypes.forEach(unionType => { stdout.write( `
export const is${unionType} = (node: Node) => ` +
mapProps(definitions) .filter(d => d.unionType && d.unionType.includes(unionType)) .map(d => `is${d.name}(node) `) .join("||") + ";\n\n" ); });
// Node assertion
iterateProps(definitions, typeDefinition => { stdout.write(`
export const assert${typeDefinition.name} = assertTypeOf("${typeDefinition.name}"); `);
// a map from node type to its set of union types
stdout.write( `
export const unionTypesMap = {` +
mapProps(definitions) .filter(d => d.unionType) .map(t => `"${t.name}": [${t.unionType.map(quote).join(",")}]\n`) + `};
// an array of all node and union types
stdout.write( `
export const nodeAndUnionTypes = [` +
mapProps(definitions) .map(t => `"${t.name}"`) .concat(unionTypes.map(quote)) .join(",") + `];` ); }