function _sliceIterator(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; }
function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr; } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { return _sliceIterator(arr, i); } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } }
import { encodeNode } from "@webassemblyjs/wasm-gen"; import { encodeU32 } from "@webassemblyjs/wasm-gen/lib/encoder"; import { isFunc, isGlobal, assertHasLoc, orderedInsertNode, getSectionMetadata, traverse, getEndOfSection } from "@webassemblyjs/ast"; import { resizeSectionByteSize, resizeSectionVecSize, createEmptySection, removeSections } from "@webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-section"; import { overrideBytesInBuffer } from "@webassemblyjs/helper-buffer"; import { getSectionForNode } from "@webassemblyjs/helper-wasm-bytecode";
function shiftLocNodeByDelta(node, delta) { assertHasLoc(node); // $FlowIgnore: assertHasLoc ensures that
node.loc.start.column += delta; // $FlowIgnore: assertHasLoc ensures that
node.loc.end.column += delta; }
function applyUpdate(ast, uint8Buffer, _ref) { var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2), oldNode = _ref2[0], newNode = _ref2[1];
var deltaElements = 0; assertHasLoc(oldNode); var sectionName = getSectionForNode(newNode); var replacementByteArray = encodeNode(newNode); /** * Replace new node as bytes */
uint8Buffer = overrideBytesInBuffer(uint8Buffer, // $FlowIgnore: assertHasLoc ensures that
oldNode.loc.start.column, // $FlowIgnore: assertHasLoc ensures that
oldNode.loc.end.column, replacementByteArray); /** * Update function body size if needed */
if (sectionName === "code") { // Find the parent func
traverse(ast, { Func: function Func(_ref3) { var node = _ref3.node; var funcHasThisIntr = node.body.find(function (n) { return n === newNode; }) !== undefined; // Update func's body size if needed
if (funcHasThisIntr === true) { // These are the old functions locations informations
assertHasLoc(node); var oldNodeSize = encodeNode(oldNode).length; var bodySizeDeltaBytes = replacementByteArray.length - oldNodeSize;
if (bodySizeDeltaBytes !== 0) { var newValue = node.metadata.bodySize + bodySizeDeltaBytes; var newByteArray = encodeU32(newValue); // function body size byte
// FIXME(sven): only handles one byte u32
var start = node.loc.start.column; var end = start + 1; uint8Buffer = overrideBytesInBuffer(uint8Buffer, start, end, newByteArray); } } } }); } /** * Update section size */
var deltaBytes = replacementByteArray.length - ( // $FlowIgnore: assertHasLoc ensures that
oldNode.loc.end.column - oldNode.loc.start.column); // Init location informations
newNode.loc = { start: { line: -1, column: -1 }, end: { line: -1, column: -1 } }; // Update new node end position
// $FlowIgnore: assertHasLoc ensures that
newNode.loc.start.column = oldNode.loc.start.column; // $FlowIgnore: assertHasLoc ensures that
newNode.loc.end.column = // $FlowIgnore: assertHasLoc ensures that
oldNode.loc.start.column + replacementByteArray.length; return { uint8Buffer: uint8Buffer, deltaBytes: deltaBytes, deltaElements: deltaElements }; }
function applyDelete(ast, uint8Buffer, node) { var deltaElements = -1; // since we removed an element
assertHasLoc(node); var sectionName = getSectionForNode(node);
if (sectionName === "start") { var sectionMetadata = getSectionMetadata(ast, "start"); /** * The start section only contains one element, * we need to remove the whole section */
uint8Buffer = removeSections(ast, uint8Buffer, "start");
var _deltaBytes = -(sectionMetadata.size.value + 1); /* section id */
return { uint8Buffer: uint8Buffer, deltaBytes: _deltaBytes, deltaElements: deltaElements }; } // replacement is nothing
var replacement = []; uint8Buffer = overrideBytesInBuffer(uint8Buffer, // $FlowIgnore: assertHasLoc ensures that
node.loc.start.column, // $FlowIgnore: assertHasLoc ensures that
node.loc.end.column, replacement); /** * Update section */ // $FlowIgnore: assertHasLoc ensures that
var deltaBytes = -(node.loc.end.column - node.loc.start.column); return { uint8Buffer: uint8Buffer, deltaBytes: deltaBytes, deltaElements: deltaElements }; }
function applyAdd(ast, uint8Buffer, node) { var deltaElements = +1; // since we added an element
var sectionName = getSectionForNode(node); var sectionMetadata = getSectionMetadata(ast, sectionName); // Section doesn't exists, we create an empty one
if (typeof sectionMetadata === "undefined") { var res = createEmptySection(ast, uint8Buffer, sectionName); uint8Buffer = res.uint8Buffer; sectionMetadata = res.sectionMetadata; } /** * check that the expressions were ended */
if (isFunc(node)) { // $FlowIgnore
var body = node.body;
if (body.length === 0 || body[body.length - 1].id !== "end") { throw new Error("expressions must be ended"); } }
if (isGlobal(node)) { // $FlowIgnore
var body = node.init;
if (body.length === 0 || body[body.length - 1].id !== "end") { throw new Error("expressions must be ended"); } } /** * Add nodes */
var newByteArray = encodeNode(node); // The size of the section doesn't include the storage of the size itself
// we need to manually add it here
var start = getEndOfSection(sectionMetadata); var end = start; /** * Update section */
var deltaBytes = newByteArray.length; uint8Buffer = overrideBytesInBuffer(uint8Buffer, start, end, newByteArray); node.loc = { start: { line: -1, column: start }, end: { line: -1, column: start + deltaBytes } }; // for func add the additional metadata in the AST
if (node.type === "Func") { // the size is the first byte
// FIXME(sven): handle LEB128 correctly here
var bodySize = newByteArray[0]; node.metadata = { bodySize: bodySize }; }
if (node.type !== "IndexInFuncSection") { orderedInsertNode(ast.body[0], node); }
return { uint8Buffer: uint8Buffer, deltaBytes: deltaBytes, deltaElements: deltaElements }; }
export function applyOperations(ast, uint8Buffer, ops) { ops.forEach(function (op) { var state; var sectionName;
switch (op.kind) { case "update": state = applyUpdate(ast, uint8Buffer, [op.oldNode, op.node]); sectionName = getSectionForNode(op.node); break;
case "delete": state = applyDelete(ast, uint8Buffer, op.node); sectionName = getSectionForNode(op.node); break;
case "add": state = applyAdd(ast, uint8Buffer, op.node); sectionName = getSectionForNode(op.node); break;
default: throw new Error("Unknown operation"); } /** * Resize section vec size. * If the length of the LEB-encoded size changes, this can change * the byte length of the section and the offset for nodes in the * section. So we do this first before resizing section byte size * or shifting following operations' nodes. */
if (state.deltaElements !== 0 && sectionName !== "start") { var oldBufferLength = state.uint8Buffer.length; state.uint8Buffer = resizeSectionVecSize(ast, state.uint8Buffer, sectionName, state.deltaElements); // Infer bytes added/removed by comparing buffer lengths
state.deltaBytes += state.uint8Buffer.length - oldBufferLength; } /** * Resize section byte size. * If the length of the LEB-encoded size changes, this can change * the offset for nodes in the section. So we do this before * shifting following operations' nodes. */
if (state.deltaBytes !== 0 && sectionName !== "start") { var _oldBufferLength = state.uint8Buffer.length; state.uint8Buffer = resizeSectionByteSize(ast, state.uint8Buffer, sectionName, state.deltaBytes); // Infer bytes added/removed by comparing buffer lengths
state.deltaBytes += state.uint8Buffer.length - _oldBufferLength; } /** * Shift following operation's nodes */
if (state.deltaBytes !== 0) { ops.forEach(function (op) { // We don't need to handle add ops, they are positioning independent
switch (op.kind) { case "update": shiftLocNodeByDelta(op.oldNode, state.deltaBytes); break;
case "delete": shiftLocNodeByDelta(op.node, state.deltaBytes); break; } }); }
uint8Buffer = state.uint8Buffer; }); return uint8Buffer; }