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  1. # Changelog
  2. All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/standard-version) for commit guidelines.
  3. ### [15.0.6](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v15.0.5...v15.0.6) (2021-03-22)
  4. ### [15.0.5](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v15.0.4...v15.0.5) (2020-07-11)
  5. ### [15.0.4](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v15.0.3...v15.0.4) (2020-06-03)
  6. ### Bug Fixes
  7. * replace move-file dep with @npmcli/move-file ([bf88af0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/bf88af04e50cca9b54041151139ffc1fd415e2dc)), closes [#37](https://github.com/npm/cacache/issues/37)
  8. ### [15.0.3](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v15.0.2...v15.0.3) (2020-04-28)
  9. ### Bug Fixes
  10. * actually remove move-concurrently dep ([29e6eec](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/29e6eec9fee73444ee09daf1c1be06ddd5fe57f6))
  11. ### [15.0.2](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v15.0.1...v15.0.2) (2020-04-28)
  12. ### Bug Fixes
  13. * tacks should be a dev dependency ([93ec158](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/93ec15852f0fdf1753ea7f75b4b8926daf8a7565))
  14. ## [15.0.1](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v15.0.0...v15.0.1) (2020-04-27)
  15. * **deps:** Use move-file instead of move-file-concurrently. ([92b125](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/92b1251a11b9848878b6c0d101b18bd8845acaa6))
  16. ## [15.0.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v14.0.0...v15.0.0) (2020-02-18)
  18. * drop figgy-pudding and use canonical option names.
  19. ### Features
  20. * remove figgy-pudding ([57d11bc](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/57d11bce34f979247d1057d258acc204c4944491))
  21. ## [14.0.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v13.0.1...v14.0.0) (2020-01-28)
  23. * **deps:** bumps engines to >= 10
  24. * **deps:** tar v6 and mkdirp v1 ([5a66e7a](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/5a66e7a))
  25. ### [13.0.1](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v13.0.0...v13.0.1) (2019-09-30)
  26. ### Bug Fixes
  27. * **fix-owner:** chownr.sync quits on non-root uid ([08801be](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/08801be))
  28. ## [13.0.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v12.0.3...v13.0.0) (2019-09-25)
  30. * This subtly changes the streaming interface of
  31. everything in cacache that streams, which is, well, everything in
  32. cacache. Most users will probably not notice, but any code that
  33. depended on stream behavior always being deferred until next tick will
  34. need to adjust.
  35. The mississippi methods 'to', 'from', 'through', and so on, have been
  36. replaced with their Minipass counterparts, and streaming interaction
  37. with the file system is done via fs-minipass.
  38. The following modules are of interest here:
  39. - [minipass](http://npm.im/minipass) The core stream library.
  40. - [fs-minipass](http://npm.im/fs-minipass) Note that the 'WriteStream'
  41. class from fs-minipass is _not_ a Minipass stream, but rather a plain
  42. old EventEmitter that duck types as a Writable.
  43. - [minipass-collect](http://npm.im/minipass-collect) Gather up all the
  44. data from a stream. Cacache only uses Collect.PassThrough, which is a
  45. basic Minipass passthrough stream which emits a 'collect' event with
  46. the completed data just before the 'end' event.
  47. - [minipass-pipeline](http://npm.im/minipass-pipeline) Connect one or
  48. more streams into a pipe chain. Errors anywhere in the pipeline are
  49. proxied down the chain and then up to the Pipeline object itself.
  50. Writes go into the head, reads go to the tail. Used in place of
  51. pump() and pumpify().
  52. - [minipass-flush](http://npm.im/minipass-flush) A Minipass passthrough
  53. stream that defers its 'end' event until after a flush() method has
  54. completed (either calling the supplied callback, or returning a
  55. promise.) Use in place of flush-write-stream (aka mississippi.to).
  56. Streams from through2, concat-stream, and the behavior provided by
  57. end-of-stream are all implemented in Minipass itself.
  58. Features of interest to cacache, which make Minipass a particularly good
  59. fit:
  60. - All of the 'endish' events are normalized, so we can just listen on
  61. 'end' and know that finish, prefinish, and close will be handled as
  62. well.
  63. - Minipass doesn't waste time [containing
  64. zalgo](https://blog.izs.me/2013/08/designing-apis-for-asynchrony).
  65. - Minipass has built-in support for promises that indicate the end or
  66. error: stream.promise(), stream.collect(), and stream.concat().
  67. - With reliable and consistent timing guarantees, much less
  68. error-checking logic is required. We can be more confident that an
  69. error is being thrown or emitted in the correct place, rather than in
  70. a callback which is deferred, resulting in a hung promise or
  71. uncaughtException.
  72. The biggest downside of Minipass is that it lacks some of the internal
  73. characteristics of node-core streams, which many community modules use
  74. to identify streams. They have no _writableState or _readableState
  75. objects, or _read or _write methods. As a result, the is-stream module
  76. (at least, at the time of this commit) doesn't recognize Minipass
  77. streams as readable or writable streams.
  78. All in all, the changes required of downstream users should be minimal,
  79. but are unlikely to be zero. Hence the semver major change.
  80. ### Features
  81. * replace all streams with Minipass streams ([f4c0962](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/f4c0962))
  82. * **deps:** Add minipass and minipass-pipeline ([a6545a9](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/a6545a9))
  83. * **promise:** converted .resolve to native promise, converted .map and .reduce to native ([220c56d](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/220c56d))
  84. * **promise:** individually promisifing functions as needed ([74b939e](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/74b939e))
  85. * **promise:** moved .reject from bluebird to native promise ([1d56da1](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/1d56da1))
  86. * **promise:** removed .fromNode, removed .join ([9c457a0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/9c457a0))
  87. * **promise:** removed .map, replaced with p-map. removed .try ([cc3ee05](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/cc3ee05))
  88. * **promise:** removed .tap ([0260f12](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/0260f12))
  89. * **promise:** removed .using/.disposer ([5d832f3](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/5d832f3))
  90. * **promise:** removed bluebird ([c21298c](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/c21298c))
  91. * **promise:** removed bluebird specific .catch calls ([28aeeac](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/28aeeac))
  92. * **promise:** replaced .reduce and .mapSeries ([478f5cb](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/478f5cb))
  93. ### [12.0.3](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v12.0.2...v12.0.3) (2019-08-19)
  94. ### Bug Fixes
  95. * do not chown if not running as root ([2d80af9](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/2d80af9))
  96. ### [12.0.2](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v12.0.1...v12.0.2) (2019-07-19)
  97. ### [12.0.1](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v12.0.0...v12.0.1) (2019-07-19)
  98. * **deps** Abstracted out `lib/util/infer-owner.js` to
  99. [@npmcli/infer-owner](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@npmcli/infer-owner)
  100. so that it could be more easily used in other parts of the npm CLI.
  101. ## [12.0.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v11.3.3...v12.0.0) (2019-07-15)
  102. ### Features
  103. * infer uid/gid instead of accepting as options ([ac84d14](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/ac84d14))
  104. * **i18n:** add another error message ([676cb32](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/676cb32))
  106. * the uid gid options are no longer respected or
  107. necessary. As of this change, cacache will always match the cache
  108. contents to the ownership of the cache directory (or its parent
  109. directory), regardless of what the caller passes in.
  110. Reasoning:
  111. The number one reason to use a uid or gid option was to keep root-owned
  112. files from causing problems in the cache. In npm's case, this meant
  113. that CLI's ./lib/command.js had to work out the appropriate uid and gid,
  114. then pass it to the libnpmcommand module, which had to in turn pass the
  115. uid and gid to npm-registry-fetch, which then passed it to
  116. make-fetch-happen, which passed it to cacache. (For package fetching,
  117. pacote would be in that mix as well.)
  118. Added to that, `cacache.rm()` will actually _write_ a file into the
  119. cache index, but has no way to accept an option so that its call to
  120. entry-index.js will write the index with the appropriate uid/gid.
  121. Little ownership bugs were all over the place, and tricky to trace
  122. through. (Why should make-fetch-happen even care about accepting or
  123. passing uids and gids? It's an http library.)
  124. This change allows us to keep the cache from having mixed ownership in
  125. any situation.
  126. Of course, this _does_ mean that if you have a root-owned but
  127. user-writable folder (for example, `/tmp`), then the cache will try to
  128. chown everything to root.
  129. The solution is for the user to create a folder, make it user-owned, and
  130. use that, rather than relying on cacache to create the root cache folder.
  131. If we decide to restore the uid/gid opts, and use ownership inference
  132. only when uid/gid are unset, then take care to also make rm take an
  133. option object, and pass it through to entry-index.js.
  134. ### [11.3.3](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v11.3.2...v11.3.3) (2019-06-17)
  135. ### Bug Fixes
  136. * **audit:** npm audit fix ([200a6d5](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/200a6d5))
  137. * **config:** Add ssri config 'error' option ([#146](https://github.com/npm/cacache/issues/146)) ([47de8f5](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/47de8f5))
  138. * **deps:** npm audit fix ([481a7dc](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/481a7dc))
  139. * **standard:** standard --fix ([7799149](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/7799149))
  140. * **write:** avoid another cb never called situation ([5156561](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/5156561))
  141. <a name="11.3.2"></a>
  142. ## [11.3.2](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v11.3.1...v11.3.2) (2018-12-21)
  143. ### Bug Fixes
  144. * **get:** make sure to handle errors in the .then ([b10bcd0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/b10bcd0))
  145. <a name="11.3.1"></a>
  146. ## [11.3.1](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v11.3.0...v11.3.1) (2018-11-05)
  147. ### Bug Fixes
  148. * **get:** export hasContent.sync properly ([d76c920](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/d76c920))
  149. <a name="11.3.0"></a>
  150. # [11.3.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v11.2.0...v11.3.0) (2018-11-05)
  151. ### Features
  152. * **get:** add sync API for reading ([db1e094](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/db1e094))
  153. <a name="11.2.0"></a>
  154. # [11.2.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v11.1.0...v11.2.0) (2018-08-08)
  155. ### Features
  156. * **read:** add sync support to other internal read.js fns ([fe638b6](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/fe638b6))
  157. <a name="11.1.0"></a>
  158. # [11.1.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v11.0.3...v11.1.0) (2018-08-01)
  159. ### Features
  160. * **read:** add sync support for low-level content read ([b43af83](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/b43af83))
  161. <a name="11.0.3"></a>
  162. ## [11.0.3](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v11.0.2...v11.0.3) (2018-08-01)
  163. ### Bug Fixes
  164. * **config:** add ssri config options ([#136](https://github.com/npm/cacache/issues/136)) ([10d5d9a](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/10d5d9a))
  165. * **perf:** refactor content.read to avoid lstats ([c5ac10e](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/c5ac10e))
  166. * **test:** oops when removing safe-buffer ([1950490](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/1950490))
  167. <a name="11.0.2"></a>
  168. ## [11.0.2](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v11.0.1...v11.0.2) (2018-05-07)
  169. ### Bug Fixes
  170. * **verify:** size param no longer lost in a verify ([#131](https://github.com/npm/cacache/issues/131)) ([c614a19](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/c614a19)), closes [#130](https://github.com/npm/cacache/issues/130)
  171. <a name="11.0.1"></a>
  172. ## [11.0.1](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v11.0.0...v11.0.1) (2018-04-10)
  173. <a name="11.0.0"></a>
  174. # [11.0.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v10.0.4...v11.0.0) (2018-04-09)
  175. ### Features
  176. * **opts:** use figgy-pudding for opts ([#128](https://github.com/npm/cacache/issues/128)) ([33d4eed](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/33d4eed))
  177. ### meta
  178. * drop support for node@4 ([529f347](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/529f347))
  180. * node@4 is no longer supported
  181. <a name="10.0.4"></a>
  182. ## [10.0.4](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v10.0.3...v10.0.4) (2018-02-16)
  183. <a name="10.0.3"></a>
  184. ## [10.0.3](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v10.0.2...v10.0.3) (2018-02-16)
  185. ### Bug Fixes
  186. * **content:** rethrow aggregate errors as ENOENT ([fa918f5](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/fa918f5))
  187. <a name="10.0.2"></a>
  188. ## [10.0.2](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v10.0.1...v10.0.2) (2018-01-07)
  189. ### Bug Fixes
  190. * **ls:** deleted entries could cause a premature stream EOF ([347dc36](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/347dc36))
  191. <a name="10.0.1"></a>
  192. ## [10.0.1](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v10.0.0...v10.0.1) (2017-11-15)
  193. ### Bug Fixes
  194. * **move-file:** actually use the fallback to `move-concurrently` (#110) ([073fbe1](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/073fbe1))
  195. <a name="10.0.0"></a>
  196. # [10.0.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v9.3.0...v10.0.0) (2017-10-23)
  197. ### Features
  198. * **license:** relicense to ISC (#111) ([fdbb4e5](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/fdbb4e5))
  199. ### Performance Improvements
  200. * more copyFile benchmarks ([63787bb](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/63787bb))
  202. * **license:** the license has been changed from CC0-1.0 to ISC.
  203. <a name="9.3.0"></a>
  204. # [9.3.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v9.2.9...v9.3.0) (2017-10-07)
  205. ### Features
  206. * **copy:** added cacache.get.copy api for fast copies (#107) ([067b5f6](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/067b5f6))
  207. <a name="9.2.9"></a>
  208. ## [9.2.9](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v9.2.8...v9.2.9) (2017-06-17)
  209. <a name="9.2.8"></a>
  210. ## [9.2.8](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v9.2.7...v9.2.8) (2017-06-05)
  211. ### Bug Fixes
  212. * **ssri:** bump ssri for bugfix ([c3232ea](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/c3232ea))
  213. <a name="9.2.7"></a>
  214. ## [9.2.7](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v9.2.6...v9.2.7) (2017-06-05)
  215. ### Bug Fixes
  216. * **content:** make verified content completely read-only (#96) ([4131196](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/4131196))
  217. <a name="9.2.6"></a>
  218. ## [9.2.6](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v9.2.5...v9.2.6) (2017-05-31)
  219. ### Bug Fixes
  220. * **node:** update ssri to prevent old node 4 crash ([5209ffe](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/5209ffe))
  221. <a name="9.2.5"></a>
  222. ## [9.2.5](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v9.2.4...v9.2.5) (2017-05-25)
  223. ### Bug Fixes
  224. * **deps:** fix lockfile issues and bump ssri ([84e1d7e](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/84e1d7e))
  225. <a name="9.2.4"></a>
  226. ## [9.2.4](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v9.2.3...v9.2.4) (2017-05-24)
  227. ### Bug Fixes
  228. * **deps:** bumping deps ([bbccb12](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/bbccb12))
  229. <a name="9.2.3"></a>
  230. ## [9.2.3](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v9.2.2...v9.2.3) (2017-05-24)
  231. ### Bug Fixes
  232. * **rm:** stop crashing if content is missing on rm ([ac90bc0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/ac90bc0))
  233. <a name="9.2.2"></a>
  234. ## [9.2.2](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v9.2.1...v9.2.2) (2017-05-14)
  235. ### Bug Fixes
  236. * **i18n:** lets pretend this didn't happen ([519b4ee](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/519b4ee))
  237. <a name="9.2.1"></a>
  238. ## [9.2.1](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v9.2.0...v9.2.1) (2017-05-14)
  239. ### Bug Fixes
  240. * **docs:** fixing translation messup ([bb9e4f9](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/bb9e4f9))
  241. <a name="9.2.0"></a>
  242. # [9.2.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v9.1.0...v9.2.0) (2017-05-14)
  243. ### Features
  244. * **i18n:** add Spanish translation for API ([531f9a4](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/531f9a4))
  245. <a name="9.1.0"></a>
  246. # [9.1.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v9.0.0...v9.1.0) (2017-05-14)
  247. ### Features
  248. * **i18n:** Add Spanish translation and i18n setup (#91) ([323b90c](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/323b90c))
  249. <a name="9.0.0"></a>
  250. # [9.0.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v8.0.0...v9.0.0) (2017-04-28)
  251. ### Bug Fixes
  252. * **memoization:** actually use the LRU ([0e55dc9](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/0e55dc9))
  253. ### Features
  254. * **memoization:** memoizers can be injected through opts.memoize (#90) ([e5614c7](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/e5614c7))
  256. * **memoization:** If you were passing an object to opts.memoize, it will now be used as an injected memoization object. If you were only passing booleans and other non-objects through that option, no changes are needed.
  257. <a name="8.0.0"></a>
  258. # [8.0.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v7.1.0...v8.0.0) (2017-04-22)
  259. ### Features
  260. * **read:** change hasContent to return {sri, size} (#88) ([bad6c49](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/bad6c49)), closes [#87](https://github.com/npm/cacache/issues/87)
  262. * **read:** hasContent now returns an object with `{sri, size}` instead of `sri`. Use `result.sri` anywhere that needed the old return value.
  263. <a name="7.1.0"></a>
  264. # [7.1.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v7.0.5...v7.1.0) (2017-04-20)
  265. ### Features
  266. * **size:** handle content size info (#49) ([91230af](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/91230af))
  267. <a name="7.0.5"></a>
  268. ## [7.0.5](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v7.0.4...v7.0.5) (2017-04-18)
  269. ### Bug Fixes
  270. * **integrity:** new ssri with fixed integrity stream ([6d13e8e](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/6d13e8e))
  271. * **write:** wrap stuff in promises to improve errors ([3624fc5](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/3624fc5))
  272. <a name="7.0.4"></a>
  273. ## [7.0.4](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v7.0.3...v7.0.4) (2017-04-15)
  274. ### Bug Fixes
  275. * **fix-owner:** throw away ENOENTs on chownr ([d49bbcd](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/d49bbcd))
  276. <a name="7.0.3"></a>
  277. ## [7.0.3](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v7.0.2...v7.0.3) (2017-04-05)
  278. ### Bug Fixes
  279. * **read:** fixing error message for integrity verification failures ([9d4f0a5](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/9d4f0a5))
  280. <a name="7.0.2"></a>
  281. ## [7.0.2](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v7.0.1...v7.0.2) (2017-04-03)
  282. ### Bug Fixes
  283. * **integrity:** use EINTEGRITY error code and update ssri ([8dc2e62](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/8dc2e62))
  284. <a name="7.0.1"></a>
  285. ## [7.0.1](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v7.0.0...v7.0.1) (2017-04-03)
  286. ### Bug Fixes
  287. * **docs:** fix header name conflict in readme ([afcd456](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/afcd456))
  288. <a name="7.0.0"></a>
  289. # [7.0.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v6.3.0...v7.0.0) (2017-04-03)
  290. ### Bug Fixes
  291. * **test:** fix content.write tests when running in docker ([d2e9b6a](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/d2e9b6a))
  292. ### Features
  293. * **integrity:** subresource integrity support (#78) ([b1e731f](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/b1e731f))
  295. * **integrity:** The entire API has been overhauled to use SRI hashes instead of digest/hashAlgorithm pairs. SRI hashes follow the Subresource Integrity standard and support strings and objects compatible with [`ssri`](https://npm.im/ssri).
  296. * This change bumps the index version, which will invalidate all previous index entries. Content entries will remain intact, and existing caches will automatically reuse any content from before this breaking change.
  297. * `cacache.get.info()`, `cacache.ls()`, and `cacache.ls.stream()` will now return objects that looks like this:
  298. ```
  299. {
  300. key: String,
  301. integrity: '<algorithm>-<base64hash>',
  302. path: ContentPath,
  303. time: Date<ms>,
  304. metadata: Any
  305. }
  306. ```
  307. * `opts.digest` and `opts.hashAlgorithm` are obsolete for any API calls that used them.
  308. * Anywhere `opts.digest` was accepted, `opts.integrity` is now an option. Any valid SRI hash is accepted here -- multiple hash entries will be resolved according to the standard: first, the "strongest" hash algorithm will be picked, and then each of the entries for that algorithm will be matched against the content. Content will be validated if *any* of the entries match (so, a single integrity string can be used for multiple "versions" of the same document/data).
  309. * `put.byDigest()`, `put.stream.byDigest`, `get.byDigest()` and `get.stream.byDigest()` now expect an SRI instead of a `digest` + `opts.hashAlgorithm` pairing.
  310. * `get.hasContent()` now expects an integrity hash instead of a digest. If content exists, it will return the specific single integrity hash that was found in the cache.
  311. * `verify()` has learned to handle integrity-based caches, and forgotten how to handle old-style cache indices due to the format change.
  312. * `cacache.rm.content()` now expects an integrity hash instead of a hex digest.
  313. <a name="6.3.0"></a>
  314. # [6.3.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v6.2.0...v6.3.0) (2017-04-01)
  315. ### Bug Fixes
  316. * **fixOwner:** ignore EEXIST race condition from mkdirp ([4670e9b](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/4670e9b))
  317. * **index:** ignore index removal races when inserting ([b9d2fa2](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/b9d2fa2))
  318. * **memo:** use lru-cache for better mem management (#75) ([d8ac5aa](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/d8ac5aa))
  319. ### Features
  320. * **dependencies:** Switch to move-concurrently (#77) ([dc6482d](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/dc6482d))
  321. <a name="6.2.0"></a>
  322. # [6.2.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v6.1.2...v6.2.0) (2017-03-15)
  323. ### Bug Fixes
  324. * **index:** additional bucket entry verification with checksum (#72) ([f8e0f25](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/f8e0f25))
  325. * **verify:** return fixOwner.chownr promise ([6818521](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/6818521))
  326. ### Features
  327. * **tmp:** safe tmp dir creation/management util (#73) ([c42da71](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/c42da71))
  328. <a name="6.1.2"></a>
  329. ## [6.1.2](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v6.1.1...v6.1.2) (2017-03-13)
  330. ### Bug Fixes
  331. * **index:** set default hashAlgorithm ([d6eb2f0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/d6eb2f0))
  332. <a name="6.1.1"></a>
  333. ## [6.1.1](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v6.1.0...v6.1.1) (2017-03-13)
  334. ### Bug Fixes
  335. * **coverage:** bumping coverage for verify (#71) ([0b7faf6](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/0b7faf6))
  336. * **deps:** glob should have been a regular dep :< ([0640bc4](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/0640bc4))
  337. <a name="6.1.0"></a>
  338. # [6.1.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v6.0.2...v6.1.0) (2017-03-12)
  339. ### Bug Fixes
  340. * **coverage:** more coverage for content reads (#70) ([ef4f70a](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/ef4f70a))
  341. * **tests:** use safe-buffer because omfg (#69) ([6ab8132](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/6ab8132))
  342. ### Features
  343. * **rm:** limited rm.all and fixed bugs (#66) ([d5d25ba](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/d5d25ba)), closes [#66](https://github.com/npm/cacache/issues/66)
  344. * **verify:** tested, working cache verifier/gc (#68) ([45ad77a](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/45ad77a))
  345. <a name="6.0.2"></a>
  346. ## [6.0.2](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v6.0.1...v6.0.2) (2017-03-11)
  347. ### Bug Fixes
  348. * **index:** segment cache items with another subbucket (#64) ([c3644e5](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/c3644e5))
  349. <a name="6.0.1"></a>
  350. ## [6.0.1](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v6.0.0...v6.0.1) (2017-03-05)
  351. ### Bug Fixes
  352. * **docs:** Missed spots in README ([8ffb7fa](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/8ffb7fa))
  353. <a name="6.0.0"></a>
  354. # [6.0.0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/compare/v5.0.3...v6.0.0) (2017-03-05)
  355. ### Bug Fixes
  356. * **api:** keep memo cache mostly-internal ([2f72d0a](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/2f72d0a))
  357. * **content:** use the rest of the string, not the whole string ([fa8f3c3](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/fa8f3c3))
  358. * **deps:** removed `format-number@2.0.2` ([1187791](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/1187791))
  359. * **deps:** removed inflight@1.0.6 ([0d1819c](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/0d1819c))
  360. * **deps:** rimraf@2.6.1 ([9efab6b](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/9efab6b))
  361. * **deps:** standard@9.0.0 ([4202cba](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/4202cba))
  362. * **deps:** tap@10.3.0 ([aa03088](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/aa03088))
  363. * **deps:** weallcontribute@1.0.8 ([ad4f4dc](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/ad4f4dc))
  364. * **docs:** add security note to hashKey ([03f81ba](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/03f81ba))
  365. * **hashes:** change default hashAlgorithm to sha512 ([ea00ba6](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/ea00ba6))
  366. * **hashes:** missed a spot for hashAlgorithm defaults ([45997d8](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/45997d8))
  367. * **index:** add length header before JSON for verification ([fb8cb4d](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/fb8cb4d))
  368. * **index:** change index filenames to sha1s of keys ([bbc5fca](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/bbc5fca))
  369. * **index:** who cares about race conditions anyway ([b1d3888](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/b1d3888))
  370. * **perf:** bulk-read get+read for massive speed ([d26cdf9](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/d26cdf9))
  371. * **perf:** use bulk file reads for index reads ([79a8891](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/79a8891))
  372. * **put-stream:** remove tmp file on stream insert error ([65f6632](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/65f6632))
  373. * **put-stream:** robustified and predictibilized ([daf9e08](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/daf9e08))
  374. * **put-stream:** use new promise API for moves ([1d36013](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/1d36013))
  375. * **readme:** updated to reflect new default hashAlgo ([c60a2fa](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/c60a2fa))
  376. * **verify:** tiny typo fix ([db22d05](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/db22d05))
  377. ### Features
  378. * **api:** converted external api ([7bf032f](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/7bf032f))
  379. * **cacache:** exported clearMemoized() utility ([8d2c5b6](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/8d2c5b6))
  380. * **cache:** add versioning to content and index ([31bc549](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/31bc549))
  381. * **content:** collate content files into subdirs ([c094d9f](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/c094d9f))
  382. * **deps:** `@npmcorp/move@1.0.0` ([bdd00bf](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/bdd00bf))
  383. * **deps:** `bluebird@3.4.7` ([3a17aff](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/3a17aff))
  384. * **deps:** `promise-inflight@1.0.1` ([a004fe6](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/a004fe6))
  385. * **get:** added memoization support for get ([c77d794](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/c77d794))
  386. * **get:** export hasContent ([2956ec3](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/2956ec3))
  387. * **index:** add hashAlgorithm and format insert ret val ([b639746](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/b639746))
  388. * **index:** collate index files into subdirs ([e8402a5](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/e8402a5))
  389. * **index:** promisify entry index ([cda3335](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/cda3335))
  390. * **memo:** added memoization lib ([da07b92](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/da07b92))
  391. * **memo:** export memoization api ([954b1b3](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/954b1b3))
  392. * **move-file:** add move fallback for weird errors ([5cf4616](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/5cf4616))
  393. * **perf:** bulk content write api ([51b536e](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/51b536e))
  394. * **put:** added memoization support to put ([b613a70](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/b613a70))
  395. * **read:** switched to promises ([a869362](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/a869362))
  396. * **rm:** added memoization support to rm ([4205cf0](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/4205cf0))
  397. * **rm:** switched to promises ([a000d24](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/a000d24))
  398. * **util:** promise-inflight ownership fix requests ([9517cd7](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/9517cd7))
  399. * **util:** use promises for api ([ae204bb](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/ae204bb))
  400. * **verify:** converted to Promises ([f0b3974](https://github.com/npm/cacache/commit/f0b3974))
  402. * cache: index/content directories are now versioned. Previous caches are no longer compatible and cannot be migrated.
  403. * util: fix-owner now uses Promises instead of callbacks
  404. * index: Previously-generated index entries are no longer compatible and the index must be regenerated.
  405. * index: The index format has changed and previous caches are no longer compatible. Existing caches will need to be regenerated.
  406. * hashes: Default hashAlgorithm changed from sha1 to sha512. If you
  407. rely on the prior setting, pass `opts.hashAlgorithm` in explicitly.
  408. * content: Previously-generated content directories are no longer compatible
  409. and must be regenerated.
  410. * verify: API is now promise-based
  411. * read: Switches to a Promise-based API and removes callback stuff
  412. * rm: Switches to a Promise-based API and removes callback stuff
  413. * index: this changes the API to work off promises instead of callbacks
  414. * api: this means we are going all in on promises now