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  1. {
  2. "name": "call-bind",
  3. "version": "1.0.2",
  4. "description": "Robustly `.call.bind()` a function",
  5. "main": "index.js",
  6. "exports": {
  7. ".": [
  8. {
  9. "default": "./index.js"
  10. },
  11. "./index.js"
  12. ],
  13. "./callBound": [
  14. {
  15. "default": "./callBound.js"
  16. },
  17. "./callBound.js"
  18. ],
  19. "./package.json": "./package.json"
  20. },
  21. "scripts": {
  22. "prepublish": "safe-publish-latest",
  23. "lint": "eslint --ext=.js,.mjs .",
  24. "pretest": "npm run lint",
  25. "tests-only": "nyc tape 'test/*'",
  26. "test": "npm run tests-only",
  27. "posttest": "aud --production",
  28. "version": "auto-changelog && git add CHANGELOG.md",
  29. "postversion": "auto-changelog && git add CHANGELOG.md && git commit --no-edit --amend && git tag -f \"v$(node -e \"console.log(require('./package.json').version)\")\""
  30. },
  31. "repository": {
  32. "type": "git",
  33. "url": "git+https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind.git"
  34. },
  35. "keywords": [
  36. "javascript",
  37. "ecmascript",
  38. "es",
  39. "js",
  40. "callbind",
  41. "callbound",
  42. "call",
  43. "bind",
  44. "bound",
  45. "call-bind",
  46. "call-bound",
  47. "function",
  48. "es-abstract"
  49. ],
  50. "author": "Jordan Harband <ljharb@gmail.com>",
  51. "funding": {
  52. "url": "https://github.com/sponsors/ljharb"
  53. },
  54. "license": "MIT",
  55. "bugs": {
  56. "url": "https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind/issues"
  57. },
  58. "homepage": "https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind#readme",
  59. "devDependencies": {
  60. "@ljharb/eslint-config": "^17.3.0",
  61. "aud": "^1.1.3",
  62. "auto-changelog": "^2.2.1",
  63. "eslint": "^7.17.0",
  64. "nyc": "^10.3.2",
  65. "safe-publish-latest": "^1.1.4",
  66. "tape": "^5.1.1"
  67. },
  68. "dependencies": {
  69. "function-bind": "^1.1.1",
  70. "get-intrinsic": "^1.0.2"
  71. },
  72. "auto-changelog": {
  73. "output": "CHANGELOG.md",
  74. "template": "keepachangelog",
  75. "unreleased": false,
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  77. "backfillLimit": false,
  78. "hideCredit": true
  79. }
  80. }