/********************************************************************* * These are commonly used parsers for CSS Values they take a string * * to parse and return a string after it's been converted, if needed * ********************************************************************/ 'use strict';
const namedColors = require('./named_colors.json'); const { hslToRgb } = require('./utils/colorSpace');
exports.TYPES = { INTEGER: 1, NUMBER: 2, LENGTH: 3, PERCENT: 4, URL: 5, COLOR: 6, STRING: 7, ANGLE: 8, KEYWORD: 9, NULL_OR_EMPTY_STR: 10, CALC: 11, };
// rough regular expressions
var integerRegEx = /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/; var numberRegEx = /^[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$/; var lengthRegEx = /^(0|[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(in|cm|em|mm|pt|pc|px|ex|rem|vh|vw|ch))$/; var percentRegEx = /^[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+%$/; var urlRegEx = /^url\(\s*([^)]*)\s*\)$/; var stringRegEx = /^("[^"]*"|'[^']*')$/; var colorRegEx1 = /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{3,4}){1,2}$/; var colorRegEx2 = /^rgb\(([^)]*)\)$/; var colorRegEx3 = /^rgba\(([^)]*)\)$/; var calcRegEx = /^calc\(([^)]*)\)$/; var colorRegEx4 = /^hsla?\(\s*(-?\d+|-?\d*.\d+)\s*,\s*(-?\d+|-?\d*.\d+)%\s*,\s*(-?\d+|-?\d*.\d+)%\s*(,\s*(-?\d+|-?\d*.\d+)\s*)?\)/; var angleRegEx = /^([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)(deg|grad|rad)$/;
// This will return one of the above types based on the passed in string
exports.valueType = function valueType(val) { if (val === '' || val === null) { return exports.TYPES.NULL_OR_EMPTY_STR; } if (typeof val === 'number') { val = val.toString(); }
if (typeof val !== 'string') { return undefined; }
if (integerRegEx.test(val)) { return exports.TYPES.INTEGER; } if (numberRegEx.test(val)) { return exports.TYPES.NUMBER; } if (lengthRegEx.test(val)) { return exports.TYPES.LENGTH; } if (percentRegEx.test(val)) { return exports.TYPES.PERCENT; } if (urlRegEx.test(val)) { return exports.TYPES.URL; } if (calcRegEx.test(val)) { return exports.TYPES.CALC; } if (stringRegEx.test(val)) { return exports.TYPES.STRING; } if (angleRegEx.test(val)) { return exports.TYPES.ANGLE; } if (colorRegEx1.test(val)) { return exports.TYPES.COLOR; }
var res = colorRegEx2.exec(val); var parts; if (res !== null) { parts = res[1].split(/\s*,\s*/); if (parts.length !== 3) { return undefined; } if ( parts.every(percentRegEx.test.bind(percentRegEx)) || parts.every(integerRegEx.test.bind(integerRegEx)) ) { return exports.TYPES.COLOR; } return undefined; } res = colorRegEx3.exec(val); if (res !== null) { parts = res[1].split(/\s*,\s*/); if (parts.length !== 4) { return undefined; } if ( parts.slice(0, 3).every(percentRegEx.test.bind(percentRegEx)) || parts.slice(0, 3).every(integerRegEx.test.bind(integerRegEx)) ) { if (numberRegEx.test(parts[3])) { return exports.TYPES.COLOR; } } return undefined; }
if (colorRegEx4.test(val)) { return exports.TYPES.COLOR; }
// could still be a color, one of the standard keyword colors
val = val.toLowerCase();
if (namedColors.includes(val)) { return exports.TYPES.COLOR; }
switch (val) { // the following are deprecated in CSS3
case 'activeborder': case 'activecaption': case 'appworkspace': case 'background': case 'buttonface': case 'buttonhighlight': case 'buttonshadow': case 'buttontext': case 'captiontext': case 'graytext': case 'highlight': case 'highlighttext': case 'inactiveborder': case 'inactivecaption': case 'inactivecaptiontext': case 'infobackground': case 'infotext': case 'menu': case 'menutext': case 'scrollbar': case 'threeddarkshadow': case 'threedface': case 'threedhighlight': case 'threedlightshadow': case 'threedshadow': case 'window': case 'windowframe': case 'windowtext': return exports.TYPES.COLOR; default: return exports.TYPES.KEYWORD; } };
exports.parseInteger = function parseInteger(val) { var type = exports.valueType(val); if (type === exports.TYPES.NULL_OR_EMPTY_STR) { return val; } if (type !== exports.TYPES.INTEGER) { return undefined; } return String(parseInt(val, 10)); };
exports.parseNumber = function parseNumber(val) { var type = exports.valueType(val); if (type === exports.TYPES.NULL_OR_EMPTY_STR) { return val; } if (type !== exports.TYPES.NUMBER && type !== exports.TYPES.INTEGER) { return undefined; } return String(parseFloat(val)); };
exports.parseLength = function parseLength(val) { if (val === 0 || val === '0') { return '0px'; } var type = exports.valueType(val); if (type === exports.TYPES.NULL_OR_EMPTY_STR) { return val; } if (type !== exports.TYPES.LENGTH) { return undefined; } return val; };
exports.parsePercent = function parsePercent(val) { if (val === 0 || val === '0') { return '0%'; } var type = exports.valueType(val); if (type === exports.TYPES.NULL_OR_EMPTY_STR) { return val; } if (type !== exports.TYPES.PERCENT) { return undefined; } return val; };
// either a length or a percent
exports.parseMeasurement = function parseMeasurement(val) { var type = exports.valueType(val); if (type === exports.TYPES.CALC) { return val; }
var length = exports.parseLength(val); if (length !== undefined) { return length; } return exports.parsePercent(val); };
exports.parseUrl = function parseUrl(val) { var type = exports.valueType(val); if (type === exports.TYPES.NULL_OR_EMPTY_STR) { return val; } var res = urlRegEx.exec(val); // does it match the regex?
if (!res) { return undefined; } var str = res[1]; // if it starts with single or double quotes, does it end with the same?
if ((str[0] === '"' || str[0] === "'") && str[0] !== str[str.length - 1]) { return undefined; } if (str[0] === '"' || str[0] === "'") { str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2); }
var i; for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { switch (str[i]) { case '(': case ')': case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case "'": case '"': return undefined; case '\\': i++; break; } }
return 'url(' + str + ')'; };
exports.parseString = function parseString(val) { var type = exports.valueType(val); if (type === exports.TYPES.NULL_OR_EMPTY_STR) { return val; } if (type !== exports.TYPES.STRING) { return undefined; } var i; for (i = 1; i < val.length - 1; i++) { switch (val[i]) { case val[0]: return undefined; case '\\': i++; while (i < val.length - 1 && /[0-9A-Fa-f]/.test(val[i])) { i++; } break; } } if (i >= val.length) { return undefined; } return val; };
exports.parseColor = function parseColor(val) { var type = exports.valueType(val); if (type === exports.TYPES.NULL_OR_EMPTY_STR) { return val; } var red, green, blue, hue, saturation, lightness, alpha = 1; var parts; var res = colorRegEx1.exec(val); // is it #aaa, #ababab, #aaaa, #abababaa
if (res) { var defaultHex = val.substr(1); var hex = val.substr(1); if (hex.length === 3 || hex.length === 4) { hex = hex[0] + hex[0] + hex[1] + hex[1] + hex[2] + hex[2];
if (defaultHex.length === 4) { hex = hex + defaultHex[3] + defaultHex[3]; } } red = parseInt(hex.substr(0, 2), 16); green = parseInt(hex.substr(2, 2), 16); blue = parseInt(hex.substr(4, 2), 16); if (hex.length === 8) { var hexAlpha = hex.substr(6, 2); var hexAlphaToRgbaAlpha = Number((parseInt(hexAlpha, 16) / 255).toFixed(3));
return 'rgba(' + red + ', ' + green + ', ' + blue + ', ' + hexAlphaToRgbaAlpha + ')'; } return 'rgb(' + red + ', ' + green + ', ' + blue + ')'; }
res = colorRegEx2.exec(val); if (res) { parts = res[1].split(/\s*,\s*/); if (parts.length !== 3) { return undefined; } if (parts.every(percentRegEx.test.bind(percentRegEx))) { red = Math.floor((parseFloat(parts[0].slice(0, -1)) * 255) / 100); green = Math.floor((parseFloat(parts[1].slice(0, -1)) * 255) / 100); blue = Math.floor((parseFloat(parts[2].slice(0, -1)) * 255) / 100); } else if (parts.every(integerRegEx.test.bind(integerRegEx))) { red = parseInt(parts[0], 10); green = parseInt(parts[1], 10); blue = parseInt(parts[2], 10); } else { return undefined; } red = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, red)); green = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, green)); blue = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, blue)); return 'rgb(' + red + ', ' + green + ', ' + blue + ')'; }
res = colorRegEx3.exec(val); if (res) { parts = res[1].split(/\s*,\s*/); if (parts.length !== 4) { return undefined; } if (parts.slice(0, 3).every(percentRegEx.test.bind(percentRegEx))) { red = Math.floor((parseFloat(parts[0].slice(0, -1)) * 255) / 100); green = Math.floor((parseFloat(parts[1].slice(0, -1)) * 255) / 100); blue = Math.floor((parseFloat(parts[2].slice(0, -1)) * 255) / 100); alpha = parseFloat(parts[3]); } else if (parts.slice(0, 3).every(integerRegEx.test.bind(integerRegEx))) { red = parseInt(parts[0], 10); green = parseInt(parts[1], 10); blue = parseInt(parts[2], 10); alpha = parseFloat(parts[3]); } else { return undefined; } if (isNaN(alpha)) { alpha = 1; } red = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, red)); green = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, green)); blue = Math.min(255, Math.max(0, blue)); alpha = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, alpha)); if (alpha === 1) { return 'rgb(' + red + ', ' + green + ', ' + blue + ')'; } return 'rgba(' + red + ', ' + green + ', ' + blue + ', ' + alpha + ')'; }
res = colorRegEx4.exec(val); if (res) { const [, _hue, _saturation, _lightness, _alphaString = ''] = res; const _alpha = parseFloat(_alphaString.replace(',', '').trim()); if (!_hue || !_saturation || !_lightness) { return undefined; } hue = parseFloat(_hue); saturation = parseInt(_saturation, 10); lightness = parseInt(_lightness, 10); if (_alpha && numberRegEx.test(_alpha)) { alpha = parseFloat(_alpha); }
const [r, g, b] = hslToRgb(hue, saturation / 100, lightness / 100); if (!_alphaString || alpha === 1) { return 'rgb(' + r + ', ' + g + ', ' + b + ')'; } return 'rgba(' + r + ', ' + g + ', ' + b + ', ' + alpha + ')'; }
if (type === exports.TYPES.COLOR) { return val; } return undefined; };
exports.parseAngle = function parseAngle(val) { var type = exports.valueType(val); if (type === exports.TYPES.NULL_OR_EMPTY_STR) { return val; } if (type !== exports.TYPES.ANGLE) { return undefined; } var res = angleRegEx.exec(val); var flt = parseFloat(res[1]); if (res[2] === 'rad') { flt *= 180 / Math.PI; } else if (res[2] === 'grad') { flt *= 360 / 400; }
while (flt < 0) { flt += 360; } while (flt > 360) { flt -= 360; } return flt + 'deg'; };
exports.parseKeyword = function parseKeyword(val, valid_keywords) { var type = exports.valueType(val); if (type === exports.TYPES.NULL_OR_EMPTY_STR) { return val; } if (type !== exports.TYPES.KEYWORD) { return undefined; } val = val.toString().toLowerCase(); var i; for (i = 0; i < valid_keywords.length; i++) { if (valid_keywords[i].toLowerCase() === val) { return valid_keywords[i]; } } return undefined; };
// utility to translate from border-width to borderWidth
var dashedToCamelCase = function(dashed) { var i; var camel = ''; var nextCap = false; for (i = 0; i < dashed.length; i++) { if (dashed[i] !== '-') { camel += nextCap ? dashed[i].toUpperCase() : dashed[i]; nextCap = false; } else { nextCap = true; } } return camel; }; exports.dashedToCamelCase = dashedToCamelCase;
var is_space = /\s/; var opening_deliminators = ['"', "'", '(']; var closing_deliminators = ['"', "'", ')']; // this splits on whitespace, but keeps quoted and parened parts together
var getParts = function(str) { var deliminator_stack = []; var length = str.length; var i; var parts = []; var current_part = ''; var opening_index; var closing_index; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { opening_index = opening_deliminators.indexOf(str[i]); closing_index = closing_deliminators.indexOf(str[i]); if (is_space.test(str[i])) { if (deliminator_stack.length === 0) { if (current_part !== '') { parts.push(current_part); } current_part = ''; } else { current_part += str[i]; } } else { if (str[i] === '\\') { i++; current_part += str[i]; } else { current_part += str[i]; if ( closing_index !== -1 && closing_index === deliminator_stack[deliminator_stack.length - 1] ) { deliminator_stack.pop(); } else if (opening_index !== -1) { deliminator_stack.push(opening_index); } } } } if (current_part !== '') { parts.push(current_part); } return parts; };
/* * this either returns undefined meaning that it isn't valid * or returns an object where the keys are dashed short * hand properties and the values are the values to set * on them */ exports.shorthandParser = function parse(v, shorthand_for) { var obj = {}; var type = exports.valueType(v); if (type === exports.TYPES.NULL_OR_EMPTY_STR) { Object.keys(shorthand_for).forEach(function(property) { obj[property] = ''; }); return obj; }
if (typeof v === 'number') { v = v.toString(); }
if (typeof v !== 'string') { return undefined; }
if (v.toLowerCase() === 'inherit') { return {}; } var parts = getParts(v); var valid = true; parts.forEach(function(part, i) { var part_valid = false; Object.keys(shorthand_for).forEach(function(property) { if (shorthand_for[property].isValid(part, i)) { part_valid = true; obj[property] = part; } }); valid = valid && part_valid; }); if (!valid) { return undefined; } return obj; };
exports.shorthandSetter = function(property, shorthand_for) { return function(v) { var obj = exports.shorthandParser(v, shorthand_for); if (obj === undefined) { return; } //console.log('shorthandSetter for:', property, 'obj:', obj);
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(subprop) { // in case subprop is an implicit property, this will clear
// *its* subpropertiesX
var camel = dashedToCamelCase(subprop); this[camel] = obj[subprop]; // in case it gets translated into something else (0 -> 0px)
obj[subprop] = this[camel]; this.removeProperty(subprop); // don't add in empty properties
if (obj[subprop] !== '') { this._values[subprop] = obj[subprop]; } }, this); Object.keys(shorthand_for).forEach(function(subprop) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(subprop)) { this.removeProperty(subprop); delete this._values[subprop]; } }, this); // in case the value is something like 'none' that removes all values,
// check that the generated one is not empty, first remove the property
// if it already exists, then call the shorthandGetter, if it's an empty
// string, don't set the property
this.removeProperty(property); var calculated = exports.shorthandGetter(property, shorthand_for).call(this); if (calculated !== '') { this._setProperty(property, calculated); } }; };
exports.shorthandGetter = function(property, shorthand_for) { return function() { if (this._values[property] !== undefined) { return this.getPropertyValue(property); } return Object.keys(shorthand_for) .map(function(subprop) { return this.getPropertyValue(subprop); }, this) .filter(function(value) { return value !== ''; }) .join(' '); }; };
// isValid(){1,4} | inherit
// if one, it applies to all
// if two, the first applies to the top and bottom, and the second to left and right
// if three, the first applies to the top, the second to left and right, the third bottom
// if four, top, right, bottom, left
exports.implicitSetter = function(property_before, property_after, isValid, parser) { property_after = property_after || ''; if (property_after !== '') { property_after = '-' + property_after; } var part_names = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'];
return function(v) { if (typeof v === 'number') { v = v.toString(); } if (typeof v !== 'string') { return undefined; } var parts; if (v.toLowerCase() === 'inherit' || v === '') { parts = [v]; } else { parts = getParts(v); } if (parts.length < 1 || parts.length > 4) { return undefined; }
if (!parts.every(isValid)) { return undefined; }
parts = parts.map(function(part) { return parser(part); }); this._setProperty(property_before + property_after, parts.join(' ')); if (parts.length === 1) { parts[1] = parts[0]; } if (parts.length === 2) { parts[2] = parts[0]; } if (parts.length === 3) { parts[3] = parts[1]; }
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var property = property_before + '-' + part_names[i] + property_after; this.removeProperty(property); if (parts[i] !== '') { this._values[property] = parts[i]; } } return v; }; };
// Companion to implicitSetter, but for the individual parts.
// This sets the individual value, and checks to see if all four
// sub-parts are set. If so, it sets the shorthand version and removes
// the individual parts from the cssText.
exports.subImplicitSetter = function(prefix, part, isValid, parser) { var property = prefix + '-' + part; var subparts = [prefix + '-top', prefix + '-right', prefix + '-bottom', prefix + '-left'];
return function(v) { if (typeof v === 'number') { v = v.toString(); } if (typeof v !== 'string') { return undefined; } if (!isValid(v)) { return undefined; } v = parser(v); this._setProperty(property, v); var parts = []; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (this._values[subparts[i]] == null || this._values[subparts[i]] === '') { break; } parts.push(this._values[subparts[i]]); } if (parts.length === 4) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.removeProperty(subparts[i]); this._values[subparts[i]] = parts[i]; } this._setProperty(prefix, parts.join(' ')); } return v; }; };
var camel_to_dashed = /[A-Z]/g; var first_segment = /^\([^-]\)-/; var vendor_prefixes = ['o', 'moz', 'ms', 'webkit']; exports.camelToDashed = function(camel_case) { var match; var dashed = camel_case.replace(camel_to_dashed, '-$&').toLowerCase(); match = dashed.match(first_segment); if (match && vendor_prefixes.indexOf(match[1]) !== -1) { dashed = '-' + dashed; } return dashed; };