'use strict'
var test = require('tape') var txtStr = require('./')() var txtBin = require('./')({ binary: true })
var obj = { String: 'foo', number: 42, empty: '', null: null, bool: true, buffer: new Buffer('bar') }
test('encodingLength', function (t) { var len = txtBin.encodingLength(obj) t.equal(len, 54) t.end() })
test('encode', function (t) { var buf = txtBin.encode(obj) var expected = new Buffer('0a' + '537472696e67' + '3d' + '666f6f' + '09' + '6e756d626572' + '3d' + '3432' + '06' + '656d707479' + '3d' + '09' + '6e756c6c' + '3d' + '6e756c6c' + '04' + '626f6f6c' + '0a' + '627566666572' + '3d' + '626172', 'hex') t.deepEqual(buf, expected) t.equal(txtBin.encode.bytes, expected.length) t.end() })
test('encode - empty', function (t) { var buf = txtBin.encode({}) var expected = new Buffer('00', 'hex') t.deepEqual(buf, expected) t.equal(txtBin.encode.bytes, expected.length) t.end() })
test('encode - undefined', function (t) { var buf = txtBin.encode() var expected = new Buffer('00', 'hex') t.deepEqual(buf, expected) t.equal(txtBin.encode.bytes, expected.length) t.end() })
test('encode - with buffer', function (t) { var buf = new Buffer(3) buf.fill(255) txtBin.encode({}, buf) var expected = new Buffer('00ffff', 'hex') t.deepEqual(buf, expected) t.equal(txtBin.encode.bytes, 1) t.end() })
test('encode - with buffer and offset', function (t) { var buf = new Buffer(3) buf.fill(255) txtBin.encode({}, buf, 1) var expected = new Buffer('ff00ff', 'hex') t.deepEqual(buf, expected) t.equal(txtBin.encode.bytes, 1) t.end() })
test('decode', function (t) { var encoded = txtBin.encode(obj) var result = txtBin.decode(encoded) var expected = { string: new Buffer('foo'), number: new Buffer('42'), empty: new Buffer(0), null: new Buffer('null'), bool: true, buffer: new Buffer('bar') } t.deepEqual(result, expected) t.equal(txtBin.decode.bytes, encoded.length) t.end() })
test('decode - strings', function (t) { var encoded = txtStr.encode(obj) var result = txtStr.decode(encoded) var expected = { string: 'foo', number: '42', empty: '', null: 'null', bool: true, buffer: 'bar' } t.deepEqual(result, expected) t.equal(txtStr.decode.bytes, encoded.length) t.end() })
test('decode - duplicate', function (t) { var orig = { Foo: 'bar', foo: 'ignore this' } var expected = { foo: new Buffer('bar') } var encoded = txtBin.encode(orig) var result = txtBin.decode(encoded) t.deepEqual(result, expected) t.equal(txtBin.decode.bytes, encoded.length) t.end() })
test('decode - single zero bype', function (t) { var encoded = new Buffer('00', 'hex') var result = txtBin.decode(encoded) t.deepEqual(result, {}) t.equal(txtBin.decode.bytes, encoded.length) t.end() })
test('decode - with offset', function (t) { var encoded = new Buffer('012300', 'hex') var result = txtBin.decode(encoded, 2) t.deepEqual(result, {}) t.equal(txtBin.decode.bytes, 1) t.end() })
test('decode - exactly 256 bytes', function (t) { var expected = { foo: '' } var maxLength = Object.keys(expected).reduce(function (total, key) { return total - key.length - 1 // - 1 for the equal sign used to separate the key and the value
}, 255)
for (var n = 0; n < maxLength; n++) { expected.foo += 'x' }
// the max case:
var encoded = txtStr.encode(expected) t.equal(txtStr.encode.bytes, 256) var result = txtStr.decode(encoded) t.deepEqual(result, expected) t.equal(txtStr.decode.bytes, encoded.length)
// go beound the max:
expected.foo += 'x' encoded = txtStr.encode(expected) t.equal(txtStr.encode.bytes, 257) result = txtStr.decode(encoded) t.notDeepEqual(result, expected) t.ok(txtStr.decode.bytes > encoded.length)
t.end() })