var prr = require('prr')
function init (type, message, cause) { if (!!message && typeof message != 'string') { message = message.message || message.name } prr(this, { type : type , name : type // can be passed just a 'cause'
, cause : typeof message != 'string' ? message : cause , message : message }, 'ewr') }
// generic prototype, not intended to be actually used - helpful for `instanceof`
function CustomError (message, cause) { Error.call(this) if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) init.call(this, 'CustomError', message, cause) }
CustomError.prototype = new Error()
function createError (errno, type, proto) { var err = function (message, cause) { init.call(this, type, message, cause) //TODO: the specificity here is stupid, errno should be available everywhere
if (type == 'FilesystemError') { this.code = this.cause.code this.path = this.cause.path this.errno = this.cause.errno this.message = (errno.errno[this.cause.errno] ? errno.errno[this.cause.errno].description : this.cause.message) + (this.cause.path ? ' [' + this.cause.path + ']' : '') } Error.call(this) if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, err) } err.prototype = !!proto ? new proto() : new CustomError() return err }
module.exports = function (errno) { var ce = function (type, proto) { return createError(errno, type, proto) } return { CustomError : CustomError , FilesystemError : ce('FilesystemError') , createError : ce } }