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  1. # es-abstract <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup>
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  4. [![License][license-image]][license-url]
  5. [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
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  7. ECMAScript spec abstract operations.
  8. When different versions of the spec conflict, the default export will be the latest version of the abstract operation.
  9. All abstract operations will also be available under an `es5`/`es2015`/`es2016`/`es2017`/`es2018`/`es2019` entry point, and exported property, if you require a specific version.
  10. ## Example
  11. ```js
  12. var ES = require('es-abstract');
  13. var assert = require('assert');
  14. assert(ES.isCallable(function () {}));
  15. assert(!ES.isCallable(/a/g));
  16. ```
  17. ## Tests
  18. Simply clone the repo, `npm install`, and run `npm test`
  19. ## Security
  20. Please email [@ljharb](https://github.com/ljharb) or see https://tidelift.com/security if you have a potential security vulnerability to report.
  21. [package-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/es-abstract
  22. [npm-version-svg]: https://versionbadg.es/ljharb/es-abstract.svg
  23. [deps-svg]: https://david-dm.org/ljharb/es-abstract.svg
  24. [deps-url]: https://david-dm.org/ljharb/es-abstract
  25. [dev-deps-svg]: https://david-dm.org/ljharb/es-abstract/dev-status.svg
  26. [dev-deps-url]: https://david-dm.org/ljharb/es-abstract#info=devDependencies
  27. [npm-badge-png]: https://nodei.co/npm/es-abstract.png?downloads=true&stars=true
  28. [license-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/l/es-abstract.svg
  29. [license-url]: LICENSE
  30. [downloads-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/es-abstract.svg
  31. [downloads-url]: https://npm-stat.com/charts.html?package=es-abstract