'use strict';
var _ExportMap = require('../ExportMap');var _ExportMap2 = _interopRequireDefault(_ExportMap); var _ignore = require('eslint-module-utils/ignore'); var _resolve = require('eslint-module-utils/resolve');var _resolve2 = _interopRequireDefault(_resolve); var _docsUrl = require('../docsUrl');var _docsUrl2 = _interopRequireDefault(_docsUrl); var _path = require('path'); var _readPkgUp = require('read-pkg-up');var _readPkgUp2 = _interopRequireDefault(_readPkgUp); var _object = require('object.values');var _object2 = _interopRequireDefault(_object); var _arrayIncludes = require('array-includes');var _arrayIncludes2 = _interopRequireDefault(_arrayIncludes);function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };}function _toConsumableArray(arr) {if (Array.isArray(arr)) {for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];return arr2;} else {return Array.from(arr);}} /** * @fileOverview Ensures that modules contain exports and/or all * modules are consumed within other modules. * @author René Fermann */ // eslint/lib/util/glob-util has been moved to eslint/lib/util/glob-utils with version 5.3 // and has been moved to eslint/lib/cli-engine/file-enumerator in version 6
let listFilesToProcess;try {const FileEnumerator = require('eslint/lib/cli-engine/file-enumerator').FileEnumerator; listFilesToProcess = function (src, extensions) { const e = new FileEnumerator({ extensions: extensions });
return Array.from(e.iterateFiles(src), (_ref) => {let filePath = _ref.filePath,ignored = _ref.ignored;return { ignored, filename: filePath };});
}; } catch (e1) { // Prevent passing invalid options (extensions array) to old versions of the function.
// https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v5.16.0/lib/util/glob-utils.js#L178-L280
// https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/v5.2.0/lib/util/glob-util.js#L174-L269
let originalListFilesToProcess; try { originalListFilesToProcess = require('eslint/lib/util/glob-utils').listFilesToProcess; listFilesToProcess = function (src, extensions) { return originalListFilesToProcess(src, { extensions: extensions });
}; } catch (e2) { originalListFilesToProcess = require('eslint/lib/util/glob-util').listFilesToProcess;
listFilesToProcess = function (src, extensions) { const patterns = src.reduce((carry, pattern) => { return carry.concat(extensions.map(extension => { return (/\*\*|\*\./.test(pattern) ? pattern : `${pattern}/**/*${extension}`); })); }, src.slice());
return originalListFilesToProcess(patterns); }; } }
const EXPORT_DEFAULT_DECLARATION = 'ExportDefaultDeclaration'; const EXPORT_NAMED_DECLARATION = 'ExportNamedDeclaration'; const EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION = 'ExportAllDeclaration'; const IMPORT_DECLARATION = 'ImportDeclaration'; const IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER = 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier'; const IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER = 'ImportDefaultSpecifier'; const VARIABLE_DECLARATION = 'VariableDeclaration'; const FUNCTION_DECLARATION = 'FunctionDeclaration'; const CLASS_DECLARATION = 'ClassDeclaration'; const INTERFACE_DECLARATION = 'InterfaceDeclaration'; const TYPE_ALIAS = 'TypeAlias'; const TS_INTERFACE_DECLARATION = 'TSInterfaceDeclaration'; const TS_TYPE_ALIAS_DECLARATION = 'TSTypeAliasDeclaration'; const TS_ENUM_DECLARATION = 'TSEnumDeclaration'; const DEFAULT = 'default';
function forEachDeclarationIdentifier(declaration, cb) { if (declaration) { if ( declaration.type === FUNCTION_DECLARATION || declaration.type === CLASS_DECLARATION || declaration.type === INTERFACE_DECLARATION || declaration.type === TYPE_ALIAS || declaration.type === TS_INTERFACE_DECLARATION || declaration.type === TS_TYPE_ALIAS_DECLARATION || declaration.type === TS_ENUM_DECLARATION) { cb(declaration.id.name); } else if (declaration.type === VARIABLE_DECLARATION) { declaration.declarations.forEach((_ref2) => {let id = _ref2.id; cb(id.name); }); } } }
/** * List of imports per file. * * Represented by a two-level Map to a Set of identifiers. The upper-level Map * keys are the paths to the modules containing the imports, while the * lower-level Map keys are the paths to the files which are being imported * from. Lastly, the Set of identifiers contains either names being imported * or a special AST node name listed above (e.g ImportDefaultSpecifier). * * For example, if we have a file named foo.js containing: * * import { o2 } from './bar.js'; * * Then we will have a structure that looks like: * * Map { 'foo.js' => Map { 'bar.js' => Set { 'o2' } } } * * @type {Map<string, Map<string, Set<string>>>} */ const importList = new Map();
/** * List of exports per file. * * Represented by a two-level Map to an object of metadata. The upper-level Map * keys are the paths to the modules containing the exports, while the * lower-level Map keys are the specific identifiers or special AST node names * being exported. The leaf-level metadata object at the moment only contains a * `whereUsed` propoerty, which contains a Set of paths to modules that import * the name. * * For example, if we have a file named bar.js containing the following exports: * * const o2 = 'bar'; * export { o2 }; * * And a file named foo.js containing the following import: * * import { o2 } from './bar.js'; * * Then we will have a structure that looks like: * * Map { 'bar.js' => Map { 'o2' => { whereUsed: Set { 'foo.js' } } } } * * @type {Map<string, Map<string, object>>} */ const exportList = new Map();
const ignoredFiles = new Set(); const filesOutsideSrc = new Set();
const isNodeModule = path => { return (/\/(node_modules)\//.test(path)); };
/** * read all files matching the patterns in src and ignoreExports * * return all files matching src pattern, which are not matching the ignoreExports pattern */ const resolveFiles = (src, ignoreExports, context) => { const extensions = Array.from((0, _ignore.getFileExtensions)(context.settings));
const srcFiles = new Set(); const srcFileList = listFilesToProcess(src, extensions);
// prepare list of ignored files
const ignoredFilesList = listFilesToProcess(ignoreExports, extensions); ignoredFilesList.forEach((_ref3) => {let filename = _ref3.filename;return ignoredFiles.add(filename);});
// prepare list of source files, don't consider files from node_modules
srcFileList.filter((_ref4) => {let filename = _ref4.filename;return !isNodeModule(filename);}).forEach((_ref5) => {let filename = _ref5.filename; srcFiles.add(filename); }); return srcFiles; };
/** * parse all source files and build up 2 maps containing the existing imports and exports */ const prepareImportsAndExports = (srcFiles, context) => { const exportAll = new Map(); srcFiles.forEach(file => { const exports = new Map(); const imports = new Map(); const currentExports = _ExportMap2.default.get(file, context); if (currentExports) {const dependencies = currentExports.dependencies,reexports = currentExports.reexports,localImportList = currentExports.imports,namespace = currentExports.namespace;
// dependencies === export * from
const currentExportAll = new Set(); dependencies.forEach(getDependency => { const dependency = getDependency(); if (dependency === null) { return; }
currentExportAll.add(dependency.path); }); exportAll.set(file, currentExportAll);
reexports.forEach((value, key) => { if (key === DEFAULT) { exports.set(IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER, { whereUsed: new Set() }); } else { exports.set(key, { whereUsed: new Set() }); } const reexport = value.getImport(); if (!reexport) { return; } let localImport = imports.get(reexport.path); let currentValue; if (value.local === DEFAULT) { currentValue = IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER; } else { currentValue = value.local; } if (typeof localImport !== 'undefined') { localImport = new Set([].concat(_toConsumableArray(localImport), [currentValue])); } else { localImport = new Set([currentValue]); } imports.set(reexport.path, localImport); });
localImportList.forEach((value, key) => { if (isNodeModule(key)) { return; } let localImport = imports.get(key); if (typeof localImport !== 'undefined') { localImport = new Set([].concat(_toConsumableArray(localImport), _toConsumableArray(value.importedSpecifiers))); } else { localImport = value.importedSpecifiers; } imports.set(key, localImport); }); importList.set(file, imports);
// build up export list only, if file is not ignored
if (ignoredFiles.has(file)) { return; } namespace.forEach((value, key) => { if (key === DEFAULT) { exports.set(IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER, { whereUsed: new Set() }); } else { exports.set(key, { whereUsed: new Set() }); } }); } exports.set(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION, { whereUsed: new Set() }); exports.set(IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER, { whereUsed: new Set() }); exportList.set(file, exports); }); exportAll.forEach((value, key) => { value.forEach(val => { const currentExports = exportList.get(val); const currentExport = currentExports.get(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION); currentExport.whereUsed.add(key); }); }); };
/** * traverse through all imports and add the respective path to the whereUsed-list * of the corresponding export */ const determineUsage = () => { importList.forEach((listValue, listKey) => { listValue.forEach((value, key) => { const exports = exportList.get(key); if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { value.forEach(currentImport => { let specifier; if (currentImport === IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER) { specifier = IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER; } else if (currentImport === IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER) { specifier = IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER; } else { specifier = currentImport; } if (typeof specifier !== 'undefined') { const exportStatement = exports.get(specifier); if (typeof exportStatement !== 'undefined') {const whereUsed = exportStatement.whereUsed; whereUsed.add(listKey); exports.set(specifier, { whereUsed }); } } }); } }); }); };
const getSrc = src => { if (src) { return src; } return [process.cwd()]; };
/** * prepare the lists of existing imports and exports - should only be executed once at * the start of a new eslint run */ let srcFiles; let lastPrepareKey; const doPreparation = (src, ignoreExports, context) => { const prepareKey = JSON.stringify({ src: (src || []).sort(), ignoreExports: (ignoreExports || []).sort(), extensions: Array.from((0, _ignore.getFileExtensions)(context.settings)).sort() });
if (prepareKey === lastPrepareKey) { return; }
importList.clear(); exportList.clear(); ignoredFiles.clear(); filesOutsideSrc.clear();
srcFiles = resolveFiles(getSrc(src), ignoreExports, context); prepareImportsAndExports(srcFiles, context); determineUsage(); lastPrepareKey = prepareKey; };
const newNamespaceImportExists = specifiers => specifiers.some((_ref6) => {let type = _ref6.type;return type === IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER;});
const newDefaultImportExists = specifiers => specifiers.some((_ref7) => {let type = _ref7.type;return type === IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER;});
const fileIsInPkg = file => {var _readPkgUp$sync = _readPkgUp2.default.sync({ cwd: file, normalize: false });const path = _readPkgUp$sync.path,pkg = _readPkgUp$sync.pkg; const basePath = (0, _path.dirname)(path);
const checkPkgFieldString = pkgField => { if ((0, _path.join)(basePath, pkgField) === file) { return true; } };
const checkPkgFieldObject = pkgField => { const pkgFieldFiles = (0, _object2.default)(pkgField).map(value => (0, _path.join)(basePath, value)); if ((0, _arrayIncludes2.default)(pkgFieldFiles, file)) { return true; } };
const checkPkgField = pkgField => { if (typeof pkgField === 'string') { return checkPkgFieldString(pkgField); }
if (typeof pkgField === 'object') { return checkPkgFieldObject(pkgField); } };
if (pkg.private === true) { return false; }
if (pkg.bin) { if (checkPkgField(pkg.bin)) { return true; } }
if (pkg.browser) { if (checkPkgField(pkg.browser)) { return true; } }
if (pkg.main) { if (checkPkgFieldString(pkg.main)) { return true; } }
return false; };
module.exports = { meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { url: (0, _docsUrl2.default)('no-unused-modules') }, schema: [{ properties: { src: { description: 'files/paths to be analyzed (only for unused exports)', type: 'array', minItems: 1, items: { type: 'string', minLength: 1 } },
ignoreExports: { description: 'files/paths for which unused exports will not be reported (e.g module entry points)', type: 'array', minItems: 1, items: { type: 'string', minLength: 1 } },
missingExports: { description: 'report modules without any exports', type: 'boolean' },
unusedExports: { description: 'report exports without any usage', type: 'boolean' } },
not: { properties: { unusedExports: { enum: [false] }, missingExports: { enum: [false] } } },
anyOf: [{ not: { properties: { unusedExports: { enum: [true] } } },
required: ['missingExports'] }, { not: { properties: { missingExports: { enum: [true] } } },
required: ['unusedExports'] }, { properties: { unusedExports: { enum: [true] } },
required: ['unusedExports'] }, { properties: { missingExports: { enum: [true] } },
required: ['missingExports'] }] }] },
create: context => {var _ref8 =
context.options[0] || {};const src = _ref8.src;var _ref8$ignoreExports = _ref8.ignoreExports;const ignoreExports = _ref8$ignoreExports === undefined ? [] : _ref8$ignoreExports,missingExports = _ref8.missingExports,unusedExports = _ref8.unusedExports;
if (unusedExports) { doPreparation(src, ignoreExports, context); }
const file = context.getFilename();
const checkExportPresence = node => { if (!missingExports) { return; }
if (ignoredFiles.has(file)) { return; }
const exportCount = exportList.get(file); const exportAll = exportCount.get(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION); const namespaceImports = exportCount.get(IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER);
exportCount.delete(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION); exportCount.delete(IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER); if (exportCount.size < 1) { // node.body[0] === 'undefined' only happens, if everything is commented out in the file
// being linted
context.report(node.body[0] ? node.body[0] : node, 'No exports found'); } exportCount.set(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION, exportAll); exportCount.set(IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER, namespaceImports); };
const checkUsage = (node, exportedValue) => { if (!unusedExports) { return; }
if (ignoredFiles.has(file)) { return; }
if (fileIsInPkg(file)) { return; }
if (filesOutsideSrc.has(file)) { return; }
// make sure file to be linted is included in source files
if (!srcFiles.has(file)) { srcFiles = resolveFiles(getSrc(src), ignoreExports, context); if (!srcFiles.has(file)) { filesOutsideSrc.add(file); return; } }
exports = exportList.get(file);
// special case: export * from
const exportAll = exports.get(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION); if (typeof exportAll !== 'undefined' && exportedValue !== IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER) { if (exportAll.whereUsed.size > 0) { return; } }
// special case: namespace import
const namespaceImports = exports.get(IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER); if (typeof namespaceImports !== 'undefined') { if (namespaceImports.whereUsed.size > 0) { return; } }
// exportsList will always map any imported value of 'default' to 'ImportDefaultSpecifier'
const exportsKey = exportedValue === DEFAULT ? IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER : exportedValue;
const exportStatement = exports.get(exportsKey);
const value = exportsKey === IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER ? DEFAULT : exportsKey;
if (typeof exportStatement !== 'undefined') { if (exportStatement.whereUsed.size < 1) { context.report( node, `exported declaration '${value}' not used within other modules`);
} } else { context.report( node, `exported declaration '${value}' not used within other modules`);
} };
/** * only useful for tools like vscode-eslint * * update lists of existing exports during runtime */ const updateExportUsage = node => { if (ignoredFiles.has(file)) { return; }
let exports = exportList.get(file);
// new module has been created during runtime
// include it in further processing
if (typeof exports === 'undefined') { exports = new Map(); }
const newExports = new Map(); const newExportIdentifiers = new Set();
node.body.forEach((_ref9) => {let type = _ref9.type,declaration = _ref9.declaration,specifiers = _ref9.specifiers; if (type === EXPORT_DEFAULT_DECLARATION) { newExportIdentifiers.add(IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER); } if (type === EXPORT_NAMED_DECLARATION) { if (specifiers.length > 0) { specifiers.forEach(specifier => { if (specifier.exported) { newExportIdentifiers.add(specifier.exported.name); } }); } forEachDeclarationIdentifier(declaration, name => { newExportIdentifiers.add(name); }); } });
// old exports exist within list of new exports identifiers: add to map of new exports
exports.forEach((value, key) => { if (newExportIdentifiers.has(key)) { newExports.set(key, value); } });
// new export identifiers added: add to map of new exports
newExportIdentifiers.forEach(key => { if (!exports.has(key)) { newExports.set(key, { whereUsed: new Set() }); } });
// preserve information about namespace imports
let exportAll = exports.get(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION); let namespaceImports = exports.get(IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER);
if (typeof namespaceImports === 'undefined') { namespaceImports = { whereUsed: new Set() }; }
newExports.set(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION, exportAll); newExports.set(IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER, namespaceImports); exportList.set(file, newExports); };
/** * only useful for tools like vscode-eslint * * update lists of existing imports during runtime */ const updateImportUsage = node => { if (!unusedExports) { return; }
let oldImportPaths = importList.get(file); if (typeof oldImportPaths === 'undefined') { oldImportPaths = new Map(); }
const oldNamespaceImports = new Set(); const newNamespaceImports = new Set();
const oldExportAll = new Set(); const newExportAll = new Set();
const oldDefaultImports = new Set(); const newDefaultImports = new Set();
const oldImports = new Map(); const newImports = new Map(); oldImportPaths.forEach((value, key) => { if (value.has(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION)) { oldExportAll.add(key); } if (value.has(IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER)) { oldNamespaceImports.add(key); } if (value.has(IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER)) { oldDefaultImports.add(key); } value.forEach(val => { if (val !== IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER && val !== IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER) { oldImports.set(val, key); } }); });
node.body.forEach(astNode => { let resolvedPath;
// support for export { value } from 'module'
if (astNode.type === EXPORT_NAMED_DECLARATION) { if (astNode.source) { resolvedPath = (0, _resolve2.default)(astNode.source.raw.replace(/('|")/g, ''), context); astNode.specifiers.forEach(specifier => { const name = specifier.local.name; if (specifier.local.name === DEFAULT) { newDefaultImports.add(resolvedPath); } else { newImports.set(name, resolvedPath); } }); } }
if (astNode.type === EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION) { resolvedPath = (0, _resolve2.default)(astNode.source.raw.replace(/('|")/g, ''), context); newExportAll.add(resolvedPath); }
if (astNode.type === IMPORT_DECLARATION) { resolvedPath = (0, _resolve2.default)(astNode.source.raw.replace(/('|")/g, ''), context); if (!resolvedPath) { return; }
if (isNodeModule(resolvedPath)) { return; }
if (newNamespaceImportExists(astNode.specifiers)) { newNamespaceImports.add(resolvedPath); }
if (newDefaultImportExists(astNode.specifiers)) { newDefaultImports.add(resolvedPath); }
astNode.specifiers.forEach(specifier => { if (specifier.type === IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER || specifier.type === IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER) { return; } newImports.set(specifier.imported.name, resolvedPath); }); } });
newExportAll.forEach(value => { if (!oldExportAll.has(value)) { let imports = oldImportPaths.get(value); if (typeof imports === 'undefined') { imports = new Set(); } imports.add(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION); oldImportPaths.set(value, imports);
let exports = exportList.get(value); let currentExport; if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { currentExport = exports.get(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION); } else { exports = new Map(); exportList.set(value, exports); }
if (typeof currentExport !== 'undefined') { currentExport.whereUsed.add(file); } else { const whereUsed = new Set(); whereUsed.add(file); exports.set(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION, { whereUsed }); } } });
oldExportAll.forEach(value => { if (!newExportAll.has(value)) { const imports = oldImportPaths.get(value); imports.delete(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION);
const exports = exportList.get(value); if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { const currentExport = exports.get(EXPORT_ALL_DECLARATION); if (typeof currentExport !== 'undefined') { currentExport.whereUsed.delete(file); } } } });
newDefaultImports.forEach(value => { if (!oldDefaultImports.has(value)) { let imports = oldImportPaths.get(value); if (typeof imports === 'undefined') { imports = new Set(); } imports.add(IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER); oldImportPaths.set(value, imports);
let exports = exportList.get(value); let currentExport; if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { currentExport = exports.get(IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER); } else { exports = new Map(); exportList.set(value, exports); }
if (typeof currentExport !== 'undefined') { currentExport.whereUsed.add(file); } else { const whereUsed = new Set(); whereUsed.add(file); exports.set(IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER, { whereUsed }); } } });
oldDefaultImports.forEach(value => { if (!newDefaultImports.has(value)) { const imports = oldImportPaths.get(value); imports.delete(IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER);
const exports = exportList.get(value); if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { const currentExport = exports.get(IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER); if (typeof currentExport !== 'undefined') { currentExport.whereUsed.delete(file); } } } });
newNamespaceImports.forEach(value => { if (!oldNamespaceImports.has(value)) { let imports = oldImportPaths.get(value); if (typeof imports === 'undefined') { imports = new Set(); } imports.add(IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER); oldImportPaths.set(value, imports);
let exports = exportList.get(value); let currentExport; if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { currentExport = exports.get(IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER); } else { exports = new Map(); exportList.set(value, exports); }
if (typeof currentExport !== 'undefined') { currentExport.whereUsed.add(file); } else { const whereUsed = new Set(); whereUsed.add(file); exports.set(IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER, { whereUsed }); } } });
oldNamespaceImports.forEach(value => { if (!newNamespaceImports.has(value)) { const imports = oldImportPaths.get(value); imports.delete(IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER);
const exports = exportList.get(value); if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { const currentExport = exports.get(IMPORT_NAMESPACE_SPECIFIER); if (typeof currentExport !== 'undefined') { currentExport.whereUsed.delete(file); } } } });
newImports.forEach((value, key) => { if (!oldImports.has(key)) { let imports = oldImportPaths.get(value); if (typeof imports === 'undefined') { imports = new Set(); } imports.add(key); oldImportPaths.set(value, imports);
let exports = exportList.get(value); let currentExport; if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { currentExport = exports.get(key); } else { exports = new Map(); exportList.set(value, exports); }
if (typeof currentExport !== 'undefined') { currentExport.whereUsed.add(file); } else { const whereUsed = new Set(); whereUsed.add(file); exports.set(key, { whereUsed }); } } });
oldImports.forEach((value, key) => { if (!newImports.has(key)) { const imports = oldImportPaths.get(value); imports.delete(key);
const exports = exportList.get(value); if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { const currentExport = exports.get(key); if (typeof currentExport !== 'undefined') { currentExport.whereUsed.delete(file); } } } }); };
return { 'Program:exit': node => { updateExportUsage(node); updateImportUsage(node); checkExportPresence(node); }, 'ExportDefaultDeclaration': node => { checkUsage(node, IMPORT_DEFAULT_SPECIFIER); }, 'ExportNamedDeclaration': node => { node.specifiers.forEach(specifier => { checkUsage(node, specifier.exported.name); }); forEachDeclarationIdentifier(node.declaration, name => { checkUsage(node, name); }); } };