# control-has-associated-label
Enforce that a control (an interactive element) has a text label.
There are two supported ways to supply a control with a text label:
- Provide text content inside the element. - Use the `aria-label` attribute on the element, with a text value. - Use the `aria-labelledby` attribute on the element, and point the IDREF value to an element with an accessible label. - Alternatively, with an `img` tag, you may use the `alt` attribute to supply a text description of the image.
The rule is permissive in the sense that it will assume that expressions will eventually provide a label. So an element like this will pass.
```jsx <button type="button">{maybeSomethingThatContainsALabel}</button> ```
## How do I resolve this error?
### Case: I have a simple button that requires a label.
Provide text content in the `button` element.
```jsx <button type="button">Save</button> ```
### Case: I have an icon button and I don't want visible text.
Use the `aria-label` attribute and provide the text label as the value.
```jsx <button type="button" aria-label="Save" class="icon-save" /> ```
### Case: The label for my element is already located on the page and I don't want to repeat the text in my source code.
Use the `aria-labelledby` attribute and point the IDREF value to an element with an accessible label.
```jsx <div id="js_1">Comment</div> <textarea aria-labelledby="js_1"></textarea> ```
### Case: My label and input components are custom components, but I still want to require that they have an accessible text label.
You can configure the rule to be aware of your custom components. Refer to the Rule Details below.
```jsx <CustomInput label="Surname" type="text" value={value} /> ```
## Rule details
This rule takes one optional object argument of type object:
```json { "rules": { "jsx-a11y/control-has-associated-label": [ 2, { "labelAttributes": ["label"], "controlComponents": ["CustomComponent"], "ignoreElements": [ "audio", "canvas", "embed", "input", "textarea", "tr", "video", ], "ignoreRoles": [ "grid", "listbox", "menu", "menubar", "radiogroup", "row", "tablist", "toolbar", "tree", "treegrid", ], "depth": 3, }], } } ```
- `labelAttributes` is a list of attributes to check on the control component and its children for a label. Use this if you have a custom component that uses a string passed on a prop to render an HTML `label`, for example. - `controlComponents` is a list of custom React Components names that will render down to an interactive element. - `ignoreElements` is an array of elements that should not be considered control (interactive) elements and therefore they do not require a text label. - `ignoreRoles` is an array of ARIA roles that should not be considered control (interactive) roles and therefore they do not require a text label. - `depth` (default 2, max 25) is an integer that determines how deep within a `JSXElement` the rule should look for text content or an element with a label to determine if the interactive element will have an accessible label.
### Succeed
```jsx <button type="button" aria-label="Save" class="icon-save" /> ```
### Fail
```jsx <button type="button" class="icon-save" /> ```
## Accessibility guidelines
- [WCAG 1.3.1](https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/info-and-relationships) - [WCAG 3.3.2](https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/labels-or-instructions) - [WCAG 4.1.2](https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/name-role-value)