"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.loadESLint = loadESLint; exports.loadESLintThreaded = loadESLintThreaded; exports.default = getESLint;
var _os = require("os");
var _jestWorker = _interopRequireDefault(require("jest-worker"));
var _options = require("./options");
var _utils = require("./utils");
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
/** @type {{[key: string]: any}} */ const cache = {}; /** @typedef {import('eslint').ESLint} ESLint */
/** @typedef {import('eslint').ESLint.LintResult} LintResult */
/** @typedef {import('./options').Options} Options */
/** @typedef {() => Promise<void>} AsyncTask */
/** @typedef {(files: string|string[]) => Promise<LintResult[]>} LintTask */
/** @typedef {JestWorker & {lintFiles: LintTask}} Worker */
/** @typedef {{threads: number, ESLint: ESLint, eslint: ESLint, lintFiles: LintTask, cleanup: AsyncTask}} Linter */
/** * @param {Options} options * @returns {Linter} */
function loadESLint(options) { const { eslintPath } = options;
const { ESLint } = require(eslintPath || 'eslint'); // Filter out loader options before passing the options to ESLint.
const eslint = new ESLint((0, _options.getESLintOptions)(options)); return { threads: 1, ESLint, eslint, lintFiles: async files => { const results = await eslint.lintFiles(files); // istanbul ignore else
if (options.fix) { await ESLint.outputFixes(results); }
return results; }, // no-op for non-threaded
cleanup: async () => {} }; } /** * @param {string|undefined} key * @param {number} poolSize * @param {Options} options * @returns {Linter} */
function loadESLintThreaded(key, poolSize, options) { const cacheKey = getCacheKey(key, options); const { eslintPath = 'eslint' } = options;
const source = require.resolve('./worker');
const workerOptions = { enableWorkerThreads: true, numWorkers: poolSize, setupArgs: [{ eslintPath, eslintOptions: (0, _options.getESLintOptions)(options) }] }; const local = loadESLint(options); /** @type {Worker?} */ // prettier-ignore
let worker = /** @type {Worker} */ new _jestWorker.default(source, workerOptions); /** @type {Linter} */
const context = { ...local, threads: poolSize, lintFiles: async (files) => worker && (await worker.lintFiles(files)) || /* istanbul ignore next */ [], cleanup: async () => { cache[cacheKey] = local;
context.lintFiles = files => local.lintFiles(files);
if (worker) { worker.end(); worker = null; } } }; return context; } /** * @param {string|undefined} key * @param {Options} options * @returns {Linter} */
function getESLint(key, { threads, ...options }) { const max = typeof threads !== 'number' ? threads ? (0, _os.cpus)().length - 1 : 1 : /* istanbul ignore next */ threads; const cacheKey = getCacheKey(key, { threads, ...options });
if (!cache[cacheKey]) { cache[cacheKey] = max > 1 ? loadESLintThreaded(key, max, options) : loadESLint(options); }
return cache[cacheKey]; } /** * @param {string|undefined} key * @param {Options} options * @returns {string} */
function getCacheKey(key, options) { return JSON.stringify({ key, options }, _utils.jsonStringifyReplacerSortKeys); }