"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = linter;
var _path = require("path");
var _ESLintError = _interopRequireDefault(require("./ESLintError"));
var _getESLint = _interopRequireDefault(require("./getESLint"));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
/** @typedef {import('eslint').ESLint} ESLint */
/** @typedef {import('eslint').ESLint.Formatter} Formatter */
/** @typedef {import('eslint').ESLint.LintResult} LintResult */
/** @typedef {import('webpack').Compiler} Compiler */
/** @typedef {import('webpack').Compilation} Compilation */
/** @typedef {import('webpack-sources').Source} Source */
/** @typedef {import('./options').Options} Options */
/** @typedef {import('./options').FormatterFunction} FormatterFunction */
/** @typedef {(compilation: Compilation) => Promise<void>} GenerateReport */
/** @typedef {{errors?: ESLintError, warnings?: ESLintError, generateReportAsset?: GenerateReport}} Report */
/** @typedef {() => Promise<Report>} Reporter */
/** @typedef {(files: string|string[]) => void} Linter */
/** @typedef {{[files: string]: LintResult}} LintResultMap */
/** @type {WeakMap<Compiler, LintResultMap>} */ const resultStorage = new WeakMap(); /** * @param {string|undefined} key * @param {Options} options * @param {Compilation} compilation * @returns {{lint: Linter, report: Reporter}} */
function linter(key, options, compilation) { /** @type {ESLint} */ let eslint; /** @type {(files: string|string[]) => Promise<LintResult[]>} */
let lintFiles; /** @type {() => Promise<void>} */
let cleanup; /** @type {Promise<LintResult[]>[]} */
const rawResults = []; const crossRunResultStorage = getResultStorage(compilation);
try { ({ eslint, lintFiles, cleanup } = (0, _getESLint.default)(key, options)); } catch (e) { throw new _ESLintError.default(e.message); }
return { lint, report }; /** * @param {string | string[]} files */
function lint(files) { for (const file of asList(files)) { delete crossRunResultStorage[file]; }
rawResults.push(lintFiles(files).catch(e => { compilation.errors.push(e); return []; })); }
async function report() { // Filter out ignored files.
let results = await removeIgnoredWarnings(eslint, // Get the current results, resetting the rawResults to empty
await flatten(rawResults.splice(0, rawResults.length))); await cleanup();
for (const result of results) { crossRunResultStorage[result.filePath] = result; }
results = Object.values(crossRunResultStorage); // do not analyze if there are no results or eslint config
if (!results || results.length < 1) { return {}; }
const formatter = await loadFormatter(eslint, options.formatter); const { errors, warnings } = formatResults(formatter, parseResults(options, results)); return { errors, warnings, generateReportAsset }; /** * @param {Compilation} compilation * @returns {Promise<void>} */
async function generateReportAsset({ compiler }) { const { outputReport } = options; /** * @param {string} name * @param {string | Buffer} content */
const save = (name, content) => /** @type {Promise<void>} */ new Promise((finish, bail) => { const { mkdir, writeFile } = compiler.outputFileSystem; // ensure directory exists
// @ts-ignore - the types for `outputFileSystem` are missing the 3 arg overload
mkdir((0, _path.dirname)(name), { recursive: true }, err => { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (err) bail(err);else writeFile(name, content, err2 => { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (err2) bail(err2);else finish(); }); }); });
if (!outputReport || !outputReport.filePath) { return; }
const content = outputReport.formatter ? (await loadFormatter(eslint, outputReport.formatter)).format(results) : formatter.format(results); let { filePath } = outputReport;
if (!(0, _path.isAbsolute)(filePath)) { filePath = (0, _path.join)(compiler.outputPath, filePath); }
await save(filePath, content); } } } /** * @param {Formatter} formatter * @param {{ errors: LintResult[]; warnings: LintResult[]; }} results * @returns {{errors?: ESLintError, warnings?: ESLintError}} */
function formatResults(formatter, results) { let errors; let warnings;
if (results.warnings.length > 0) { warnings = new _ESLintError.default(formatter.format(results.warnings)); }
if (results.errors.length > 0) { errors = new _ESLintError.default(formatter.format(results.errors)); }
return { errors, warnings }; } /** * @param {Options} options * @param {LintResult[]} results * @returns {{errors: LintResult[], warnings: LintResult[]}} */
function parseResults(options, results) { /** @type {LintResult[]} */ const errors = []; /** @type {LintResult[]} */
const warnings = []; results.forEach(file => { if (fileHasErrors(file)) { const messages = file.messages.filter(message => options.emitError && message.severity === 2);
if (messages.length > 0) { errors.push({ ...file, messages }); } }
if (fileHasWarnings(file)) { const messages = file.messages.filter(message => options.emitWarning && message.severity === 1);
if (messages.length > 0) { warnings.push({ ...file, messages }); } } }); return { errors, warnings }; } /** * @param {LintResult} file * @returns {boolean} */
function fileHasErrors(file) { return file.errorCount > 0; } /** * @param {LintResult} file * @returns {boolean} */
function fileHasWarnings(file) { return file.warningCount > 0; } /** * @param {ESLint} eslint * @param {string|FormatterFunction=} formatter * @returns {Promise<Formatter>} */
async function loadFormatter(eslint, formatter) { if (typeof formatter === 'function') { return { format: formatter }; }
if (typeof formatter === 'string') { try { return eslint.loadFormatter(formatter); } catch (_) {// Load the default formatter.
} }
return eslint.loadFormatter(); } /** * @param {ESLint} eslint * @param {LintResult[]} results * @returns {Promise<LintResult[]>} */
async function removeIgnoredWarnings(eslint, results) { const filterPromises = results.map(async result => { // Short circuit the call to isPathIgnored.
// fatal is false for ignored file warnings.
// ruleId is unset for internal ESLint errors.
// line is unset for warnings not involving file contents.
const ignored = result.messages.length === 0 || result.warningCount === 1 && result.errorCount === 0 && !result.messages[0].fatal && !result.messages[0].ruleId && !result.messages[0].line && (await eslint.isPathIgnored(result.filePath)); return ignored ? false : result; }); // @ts-ignore
return (await Promise.all(filterPromises)).filter(result => !!result); } /** * @param {Promise<LintResult[]>[]} results * @returns {Promise<LintResult[]>} */
async function flatten(results) { /** * @param {LintResult[]} acc * @param {LintResult[]} list */ const flat = (acc, list) => [...acc, ...list];
return (await Promise.all(results)).reduce(flat, []); } /** * @param {Compilation} compilation * @returns {LintResultMap} */
function getResultStorage({ compiler }) { let storage = resultStorage.get(compiler);
if (!storage) { resultStorage.set(compiler, storage = {}); }
return storage; } /** * @param {string | string[]} x */
function asList(x) { /* istanbul ignore next */ return Array.isArray(x) ? x : [x]; }