/** * @fileoverview Utility to get information about the execution environment. * @author Kai Cataldo */
"use strict";
// Requirements
const path = require("path"); const spawn = require("cross-spawn"); const os = require("os"); const log = require("../shared/logging"); const packageJson = require("../../package.json");
// Helpers
/** * Generates and returns execution environment information. * @returns {string} A string that contains execution environment information. */ function environment() { const cache = new Map();
/** * Checks if a path is a child of a directory. * @param {string} parentPath The parent path to check. * @param {string} childPath The path to check. * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the given path is a child of a directory. */ function isChildOfDirectory(parentPath, childPath) { return !path.relative(parentPath, childPath).startsWith(".."); }
/** * Synchronously executes a shell command and formats the result. * @param {string} cmd The command to execute. * @param {Array} args The arguments to be executed with the command. * @returns {string} The version returned by the command. */ function execCommand(cmd, args) { const key = [cmd, ...args].join(" ");
if (cache.has(key)) { return cache.get(key); }
const process = spawn.sync(cmd, args, { encoding: "utf8" });
if (process.error) { throw process.error; }
const result = process.stdout.trim();
cache.set(key, result); return result; }
/** * Normalizes a version number. * @param {string} versionStr The string to normalize. * @returns {string} The normalized version number. */ function normalizeVersionStr(versionStr) { return versionStr.startsWith("v") ? versionStr : `v${versionStr}`; }
/** * Gets bin version. * @param {string} bin The bin to check. * @returns {string} The normalized version returned by the command. */ function getBinVersion(bin) { const binArgs = ["--version"];
try { return normalizeVersionStr(execCommand(bin, binArgs)); } catch (e) { log.error(`Error finding ${bin} version running the command \`${bin} ${binArgs.join(" ")}\``); throw e; } }
/** * Gets installed npm package version. * @param {string} pkg The package to check. * @param {boolean} global Whether to check globally or not. * @returns {string} The normalized version returned by the command. */ function getNpmPackageVersion(pkg, { global = false } = {}) { const npmBinArgs = ["bin", "-g"]; const npmLsArgs = ["ls", "--depth=0", "--json", "eslint"];
if (global) { npmLsArgs.push("-g"); }
try { const parsedStdout = JSON.parse(execCommand("npm", npmLsArgs));
/* * Checking globally returns an empty JSON object, while local checks * include the name and version of the local project. */ if (Object.keys(parsedStdout).length === 0 || !(parsedStdout.dependencies && parsedStdout.dependencies.eslint)) { return "Not found"; }
const [, processBinPath] = process.argv; let npmBinPath;
try { npmBinPath = execCommand("npm", npmBinArgs); } catch (e) { log.error(`Error finding npm binary path when running command \`npm ${npmBinArgs.join(" ")}\``); throw e; }
const isGlobal = isChildOfDirectory(npmBinPath, processBinPath); let pkgVersion = parsedStdout.dependencies.eslint.version;
if ((global && isGlobal) || (!global && !isGlobal)) { pkgVersion += " (Currently used)"; }
return normalizeVersionStr(pkgVersion); } catch (e) { log.error(`Error finding ${pkg} version running the command \`npm ${npmLsArgs.join(" ")}\``); throw e; } }
return [ "Environment Info:", "", `Node version: ${getBinVersion("node")}`, `npm version: ${getBinVersion("npm")}`, `Local ESLint version: ${getNpmPackageVersion("eslint", { global: false })}`, `Global ESLint version: ${getNpmPackageVersion("eslint", { global: true })}`, `Operating System: ${os.platform()} ${os.release()}` ].join("\n"); }
/** * Returns version of currently executing ESLint. * @returns {string} The version from the currently executing ESLint's package.json. */ function version() { return `v${packageJson.version}`; }
// Public Interface
module.exports = { environment, version };