'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.emptyObject = emptyObject; exports.isOneline = exports.isError = exports.partition = exports.sparseArrayEquality = exports.typeEquality = exports.subsetEquality = exports.iterableEquality = exports.getObjectSubset = exports.getPath = void 0;
var _jestGetType = require('jest-get-type');
var _jasmineUtils = require('./jasmineUtils');
var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol;
/** * Checks if `hasOwnProperty(object, key)` up the prototype chain, stopping at `Object.prototype`. */ const hasPropertyInObject = (object, key) => { const shouldTerminate = !object || typeof object !== 'object' || object === Object.prototype;
if (shouldTerminate) { return false; }
return ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) || hasPropertyInObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(object), key) ); };
const getPath = (object, propertyPath) => { if (!Array.isArray(propertyPath)) { propertyPath = propertyPath.split('.'); }
if (propertyPath.length) { const lastProp = propertyPath.length === 1; const prop = propertyPath[0]; const newObject = object[prop];
if (!lastProp && (newObject === null || newObject === undefined)) { // This is not the last prop in the chain. If we keep recursing it will
// hit a `can't access property X of undefined | null`. At this point we
// know that the chain has broken and we can return right away.
return { hasEndProp: false, lastTraversedObject: object, traversedPath: [] }; }
const result = getPath(newObject, propertyPath.slice(1));
if (result.lastTraversedObject === null) { result.lastTraversedObject = object; }
if (lastProp) { // Does object have the property with an undefined value?
// Although primitive values support bracket notation (above)
// they would throw TypeError for in operator (below).
result.hasEndProp = newObject !== undefined || (!(0, _jestGetType.isPrimitive)(object) && prop in object);
if (!result.hasEndProp) { result.traversedPath.shift(); } }
return result; }
return { lastTraversedObject: null, traversedPath: [], value: object }; }; // Strip properties from object that are not present in the subset. Useful for
// printing the diff for toMatchObject() without adding unrelated noise.
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */
exports.getPath = getPath;
const getObjectSubset = (object, subset, seenReferences = new WeakMap()) => { /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */ if (Array.isArray(object)) { if (Array.isArray(subset) && subset.length === object.length) { // The map method returns correct subclass of subset.
return subset.map((sub, i) => getObjectSubset(object[i], sub)); } } else if (object instanceof Date) { return object; } else if (isObject(object) && isObject(subset)) { if ( (0, _jasmineUtils.equals)(object, subset, [ iterableEquality, subsetEquality ]) ) { // Avoid unnecessary copy which might return Object instead of subclass.
return subset; }
const trimmed = {}; seenReferences.set(object, trimmed); Object.keys(object) .filter(key => hasPropertyInObject(subset, key)) .forEach(key => { trimmed[key] = seenReferences.has(object[key]) ? seenReferences.get(object[key]) : getObjectSubset(object[key], subset[key], seenReferences); });
if (Object.keys(trimmed).length > 0) { return trimmed; } }
return object; };
exports.getObjectSubset = getObjectSubset; const IteratorSymbol = Symbol.iterator;
const hasIterator = object => !!(object != null && object[IteratorSymbol]); /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */
const iterableEquality = ( a, b, /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */ aStack = [], bStack = [] ) => { if ( typeof a !== 'object' || typeof b !== 'object' || Array.isArray(a) || Array.isArray(b) || !hasIterator(a) || !hasIterator(b) ) { return undefined; }
if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) { return false; }
let length = aStack.length;
while (length--) { // Linear search. Performance is inversely proportional to the number of
// unique nested structures.
// circular references at same depth are equal
// circular reference is not equal to non-circular one
if (aStack[length] === a) { return bStack[length] === b; } }
aStack.push(a); bStack.push(b);
const iterableEqualityWithStack = (a, b) => iterableEquality(a, b, [...aStack], [...bStack]);
if (a.size !== undefined) { if (a.size !== b.size) { return false; } else if ( (0, _jasmineUtils.isA)('Set', a) || (0, _jasmineUtils.isImmutableUnorderedSet)(a) ) { let allFound = true;
for (const aValue of a) { if (!b.has(aValue)) { let has = false;
for (const bValue of b) { const isEqual = (0, _jasmineUtils.equals)(aValue, bValue, [ iterableEqualityWithStack ]);
if (isEqual === true) { has = true; } }
if (has === false) { allFound = false; break; } } } // Remove the first value from the stack of traversed values.
aStack.pop(); bStack.pop(); return allFound; } else if ( (0, _jasmineUtils.isA)('Map', a) || (0, _jasmineUtils.isImmutableUnorderedKeyed)(a) ) { let allFound = true;
for (const aEntry of a) { if ( !b.has(aEntry[0]) || !(0, _jasmineUtils.equals)(aEntry[1], b.get(aEntry[0]), [ iterableEqualityWithStack ]) ) { let has = false;
for (const bEntry of b) { const matchedKey = (0, _jasmineUtils.equals)(aEntry[0], bEntry[0], [ iterableEqualityWithStack ]); let matchedValue = false;
if (matchedKey === true) { matchedValue = (0, _jasmineUtils.equals)(aEntry[1], bEntry[1], [ iterableEqualityWithStack ]); }
if (matchedValue === true) { has = true; } }
if (has === false) { allFound = false; break; } } } // Remove the first value from the stack of traversed values.
aStack.pop(); bStack.pop(); return allFound; } }
const bIterator = b[IteratorSymbol]();
for (const aValue of a) { const nextB = bIterator.next();
if ( nextB.done || !(0, _jasmineUtils.equals)(aValue, nextB.value, [ iterableEqualityWithStack ]) ) { return false; } }
if (!bIterator.next().done) { return false; } // Remove the first value from the stack of traversed values.
aStack.pop(); bStack.pop(); return true; };
exports.iterableEquality = iterableEquality;
const isObject = a => a !== null && typeof a === 'object';
const isObjectWithKeys = a => isObject(a) && !(a instanceof Error) && !(a instanceof Array) && !(a instanceof Date);
const subsetEquality = (object, subset) => { // subsetEquality needs to keep track of the references
// it has already visited to avoid infinite loops in case
// there are circular references in the subset passed to it.
const subsetEqualityWithContext = (seenReferences = new WeakMap()) => ( object, subset ) => { if (!isObjectWithKeys(subset)) { return undefined; }
return Object.keys(subset).every(key => { if (isObjectWithKeys(subset[key])) { if (seenReferences.has(subset[key])) { return (0, _jasmineUtils.equals)(object[key], subset[key], [ iterableEquality ]); }
seenReferences.set(subset[key], true); }
const result = object != null && hasPropertyInObject(object, key) && (0, _jasmineUtils.equals)(object[key], subset[key], [ iterableEquality, subsetEqualityWithContext(seenReferences) ]); // The main goal of using seenReference is to avoid circular node on tree.
// It will only happen within a parent and its child, not a node and nodes next to it (same level)
// We should keep the reference for a parent and its child only
// Thus we should delete the reference immediately so that it doesn't interfere
// other nodes within the same level on tree.
seenReferences.delete(subset[key]); return result; }); };
return subsetEqualityWithContext()(object, subset); }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
exports.subsetEquality = subsetEquality;
const typeEquality = (a, b) => { if (a == null || b == null || a.constructor === b.constructor) { return undefined; }
return false; };
exports.typeEquality = typeEquality;
const sparseArrayEquality = (a, b) => { if (!Array.isArray(a) || !Array.isArray(b)) { return undefined; } // A sparse array [, , 1] will have keys ["2"] whereas [undefined, undefined, 1] will have keys ["0", "1", "2"]
const aKeys = Object.keys(a); const bKeys = Object.keys(b); return ( (0, _jasmineUtils.equals)(a, b, [iterableEquality, typeEquality], true) && (0, _jasmineUtils.equals)(aKeys, bKeys) ); };
exports.sparseArrayEquality = sparseArrayEquality;
const partition = (items, predicate) => { const result = [[], []]; items.forEach(item => result[predicate(item) ? 0 : 1].push(item)); return result; }; // Copied from https://github.com/graingert/angular.js/blob/a43574052e9775cbc1d7dd8a086752c979b0f020/src/Angular.js#L685-L693
exports.partition = partition;
const isError = value => { switch (Object.prototype.toString.call(value)) { case '[object Error]': return true;
case '[object Exception]': return true;
case '[object DOMException]': return true;
default: return value instanceof Error; } };
exports.isError = isError;
function emptyObject(obj) { return obj && typeof obj === 'object' ? !Object.keys(obj).length : false; }
const MULTILINE_REGEXP = /[\r\n]/;
const isOneline = (expected, received) => typeof expected === 'string' && typeof received === 'string' && (!MULTILINE_REGEXP.test(expected) || !MULTILINE_REGEXP.test(received));
exports.isOneline = isOneline;