// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Software Languages Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
// This code is dual-licensed under both the Apache License and the MPL
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
/* Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is a shim for the ES-Harmony reflection module * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Tom Van Cutsem, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011-2012 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * */
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is a polyfill for the upcoming ECMAScript Reflect API,
// including support for Proxies. See the draft specification at:
// http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:reflect_api
// http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:direct_proxies
// For an implementation of the Handler API, see handlers.js, which implements:
// http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:virtual_object_api
// This implementation supersedes the earlier polyfill at:
// code.google.com/p/es-lab/source/browse/trunk/src/proxies/DirectProxies.js
// This code was tested on tracemonkey / Firefox 12
// (and should run fine on older Firefox versions starting with FF4)
// The code also works correctly on
// v8 --harmony_proxies --harmony_weakmaps (v3.6.5.1)
// Language Dependencies:
// - ECMAScript 5/strict
// - "old" (i.e. non-direct) Harmony Proxies
// - Harmony WeakMaps
// Patches:
// - Object.{freeze,seal,preventExtensions}
// - Object.{isFrozen,isSealed,isExtensible}
// - Object.getPrototypeOf
// - Object.keys
// - Object.prototype.valueOf
// - Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf
// - Object.prototype.toString
// - Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
// - Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
// - Object.defineProperty
// - Object.defineProperties
// - Object.getOwnPropertyNames
// - Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
// - Object.getPrototypeOf
// - Object.setPrototypeOf
// - Object.assign
// - Function.prototype.toString
// - Date.prototype.toString
// - Array.isArray
// - Array.prototype.concat
// - Proxy
// Adds new globals:
// - Reflect
// Direct proxies can be created via Proxy(target, handler)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(function(global){ // function-as-module pattern
"use strict";
// === Direct Proxies: Invariant Enforcement ===
// Direct proxies build on non-direct proxies by automatically wrapping
// all user-defined proxy handlers in a Validator handler that checks and
// enforces ES5 invariants.
// A direct proxy is a proxy for an existing object called the target object.
// A Validator handler is a wrapper for a target proxy handler H.
// The Validator forwards all operations to H, but additionally
// performs a number of integrity checks on the results of some traps,
// to make sure H does not violate the ES5 invariants w.r.t. non-configurable
// properties and non-extensible, sealed or frozen objects.
// For each property that H exposes as own, non-configurable
// (e.g. by returning a descriptor from a call to getOwnPropertyDescriptor)
// the Validator handler defines those properties on the target object.
// When the proxy becomes non-extensible, also configurable own properties
// are checked against the target.
// We will call properties that are defined on the target object
// "fixed properties".
// We will name fixed non-configurable properties "sealed properties".
// We will name fixed non-configurable non-writable properties "frozen
// properties".
// The Validator handler upholds the following invariants w.r.t. non-configurability:
// - getOwnPropertyDescriptor cannot report sealed properties as non-existent
// - getOwnPropertyDescriptor cannot report incompatible changes to the
// attributes of a sealed property (e.g. reporting a non-configurable
// property as configurable, or reporting a non-configurable, non-writable
// property as writable)
// - getPropertyDescriptor cannot report sealed properties as non-existent
// - getPropertyDescriptor cannot report incompatible changes to the
// attributes of a sealed property. It _can_ report incompatible changes
// to the attributes of non-own, inherited properties.
// - defineProperty cannot make incompatible changes to the attributes of
// sealed properties
// - deleteProperty cannot report a successful deletion of a sealed property
// - hasOwn cannot report a sealed property as non-existent
// - has cannot report a sealed property as non-existent
// - get cannot report inconsistent values for frozen data
// properties, and must report undefined for sealed accessors with an
// undefined getter
// - set cannot report a successful assignment for frozen data
// properties or sealed accessors with an undefined setter.
// - get{Own}PropertyNames lists all sealed properties of the target.
// - keys lists all enumerable sealed properties of the target.
// - enumerate lists all enumerable sealed properties of the target.
// - if a property of a non-extensible proxy is reported as non-existent,
// then it must forever be reported as non-existent. This applies to
// own and inherited properties and is enforced in the
// deleteProperty, get{Own}PropertyDescriptor, has{Own},
// get{Own}PropertyNames, keys and enumerate traps
// Violation of any of these invariants by H will result in TypeError being
// thrown.
// Additionally, once Object.preventExtensions, Object.seal or Object.freeze
// is invoked on the proxy, the set of own property names for the proxy is
// fixed. Any property name that is not fixed is called a 'new' property.
// The Validator upholds the following invariants regarding extensibility:
// - getOwnPropertyDescriptor cannot report new properties as existent
// (it must report them as non-existent by returning undefined)
// - defineProperty cannot successfully add a new property (it must reject)
// - getOwnPropertyNames cannot list new properties
// - hasOwn cannot report true for new properties (it must report false)
// - keys cannot list new properties
// Invariants currently not enforced:
// - getOwnPropertyNames lists only own property names
// - keys lists only enumerable own property names
// Both traps may list more property names than are actually defined on the
// target.
// Invariants with regard to inheritance are currently not enforced.
// - a non-configurable potentially inherited property on a proxy with
// non-mutable ancestry cannot be reported as non-existent
// (An object with non-mutable ancestry is a non-extensible object whose
// [[Prototype]] is either null or an object with non-mutable ancestry.)
// Changes in Handler API compared to previous harmony:proxies, see:
// http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:direct_proxies
// http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:direct_proxies
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---- WeakMap polyfill ----
// TODO: find a proper WeakMap polyfill
// define an empty WeakMap so that at least the Reflect module code
// will work in the absence of WeakMaps. Proxy emulation depends on
// actual WeakMaps, so will not work with this little shim.
if (typeof WeakMap === "undefined") { global.WeakMap = function(){}; global.WeakMap.prototype = { get: function(k) { return undefined; }, set: function(k,v) { throw new Error("WeakMap not supported"); } }; }
// ---- Normalization functions for property descriptors ----
function isStandardAttribute(name) { return /^(get|set|value|writable|enumerable|configurable)$/.test(name); }
// Adapted from ES5 section 8.10.5
function toPropertyDescriptor(obj) { if (Object(obj) !== obj) { throw new TypeError("property descriptor should be an Object, given: "+ obj); } var desc = {}; if ('enumerable' in obj) { desc.enumerable = !!obj.enumerable; } if ('configurable' in obj) { desc.configurable = !!obj.configurable; } if ('value' in obj) { desc.value = obj.value; } if ('writable' in obj) { desc.writable = !!obj.writable; } if ('get' in obj) { var getter = obj.get; if (getter !== undefined && typeof getter !== "function") { throw new TypeError("property descriptor 'get' attribute must be "+ "callable or undefined, given: "+getter); } desc.get = getter; } if ('set' in obj) { var setter = obj.set; if (setter !== undefined && typeof setter !== "function") { throw new TypeError("property descriptor 'set' attribute must be "+ "callable or undefined, given: "+setter); } desc.set = setter; } if ('get' in desc || 'set' in desc) { if ('value' in desc || 'writable' in desc) { throw new TypeError("property descriptor cannot be both a data and an "+ "accessor descriptor: "+obj); } } return desc; }
function isAccessorDescriptor(desc) { if (desc === undefined) return false; return ('get' in desc || 'set' in desc); } function isDataDescriptor(desc) { if (desc === undefined) return false; return ('value' in desc || 'writable' in desc); } function isGenericDescriptor(desc) { if (desc === undefined) return false; return !isAccessorDescriptor(desc) && !isDataDescriptor(desc); }
function toCompletePropertyDescriptor(desc) { var internalDesc = toPropertyDescriptor(desc); if (isGenericDescriptor(internalDesc) || isDataDescriptor(internalDesc)) { if (!('value' in internalDesc)) { internalDesc.value = undefined; } if (!('writable' in internalDesc)) { internalDesc.writable = false; } } else { if (!('get' in internalDesc)) { internalDesc.get = undefined; } if (!('set' in internalDesc)) { internalDesc.set = undefined; } } if (!('enumerable' in internalDesc)) { internalDesc.enumerable = false; } if (!('configurable' in internalDesc)) { internalDesc.configurable = false; } return internalDesc; }
function isEmptyDescriptor(desc) { return !('get' in desc) && !('set' in desc) && !('value' in desc) && !('writable' in desc) && !('enumerable' in desc) && !('configurable' in desc); }
function isEquivalentDescriptor(desc1, desc2) { return sameValue(desc1.get, desc2.get) && sameValue(desc1.set, desc2.set) && sameValue(desc1.value, desc2.value) && sameValue(desc1.writable, desc2.writable) && sameValue(desc1.enumerable, desc2.enumerable) && sameValue(desc1.configurable, desc2.configurable); }
// copied from http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:egal
function sameValue(x, y) { if (x === y) { // 0 === -0, but they are not identical
return x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y; }
// NaN !== NaN, but they are identical.
// NaNs are the only non-reflexive value, i.e., if x !== x,
// then x is a NaN.
// isNaN is broken: it converts its argument to number, so
// isNaN("foo") => true
return x !== x && y !== y; }
/** * Returns a fresh property descriptor that is guaranteed * to be complete (i.e. contain all the standard attributes). * Additionally, any non-standard enumerable properties of * attributes are copied over to the fresh descriptor. * * If attributes is undefined, returns undefined. * * See also: http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:proxies_semantics
*/ function normalizeAndCompletePropertyDescriptor(attributes) { if (attributes === undefined) { return undefined; } var desc = toCompletePropertyDescriptor(attributes); // Note: no need to call FromPropertyDescriptor(desc), as we represent
// "internal" property descriptors as proper Objects from the start
for (var name in attributes) { if (!isStandardAttribute(name)) { Object.defineProperty(desc, name, { value: attributes[name], writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } } return desc; }
/** * Returns a fresh property descriptor whose standard * attributes are guaranteed to be data properties of the right type. * Additionally, any non-standard enumerable properties of * attributes are copied over to the fresh descriptor. * * If attributes is undefined, will throw a TypeError. * * See also: http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:proxies_semantics
*/ function normalizePropertyDescriptor(attributes) { var desc = toPropertyDescriptor(attributes); // Note: no need to call FromGenericPropertyDescriptor(desc), as we represent
// "internal" property descriptors as proper Objects from the start
for (var name in attributes) { if (!isStandardAttribute(name)) { Object.defineProperty(desc, name, { value: attributes[name], writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } } return desc; }
// store a reference to the real ES5 primitives before patching them later
var prim_preventExtensions = Object.preventExtensions, prim_seal = Object.seal, prim_freeze = Object.freeze, prim_isExtensible = Object.isExtensible, prim_isSealed = Object.isSealed, prim_isFrozen = Object.isFrozen, prim_getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf, prim_getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, prim_defineProperty = Object.defineProperty, prim_defineProperties = Object.defineProperties, prim_keys = Object.keys, prim_getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, prim_getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, prim_assign = Object.assign, prim_isArray = Array.isArray, prim_concat = Array.prototype.concat, prim_isPrototypeOf = Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf, prim_hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
// these will point to the patched versions of the respective methods on
// Object. They are used within this module as the "intrinsic" bindings
// of these methods (i.e. the "original" bindings as defined in the spec)
var Object_isFrozen, Object_isSealed, Object_isExtensible, Object_getPrototypeOf, Object_getOwnPropertyNames;
/** * A property 'name' is fixed if it is an own property of the target. */ function isFixed(name, target) { return ({}).hasOwnProperty.call(target, name); } function isSealed(name, target) { var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, name); if (desc === undefined) { return false; } return desc.configurable === false; } function isSealedDesc(desc) { return desc !== undefined && desc.configurable === false; }
/** * Performs all validation that Object.defineProperty performs, * without actually defining the property. Returns a boolean * indicating whether validation succeeded. * * Implementation transliterated from ES5.1 section 8.12.9 */ function isCompatibleDescriptor(extensible, current, desc) { if (current === undefined && extensible === false) { return false; } if (current === undefined && extensible === true) { return true; } if (isEmptyDescriptor(desc)) { return true; } if (isEquivalentDescriptor(current, desc)) { return true; } if (current.configurable === false) { if (desc.configurable === true) { return false; } if ('enumerable' in desc && desc.enumerable !== current.enumerable) { return false; } } if (isGenericDescriptor(desc)) { return true; } if (isDataDescriptor(current) !== isDataDescriptor(desc)) { if (current.configurable === false) { return false; } return true; } if (isDataDescriptor(current) && isDataDescriptor(desc)) { if (current.configurable === false) { if (current.writable === false && desc.writable === true) { return false; } if (current.writable === false) { if ('value' in desc && !sameValue(desc.value, current.value)) { return false; } } } return true; } if (isAccessorDescriptor(current) && isAccessorDescriptor(desc)) { if (current.configurable === false) { if ('set' in desc && !sameValue(desc.set, current.set)) { return false; } if ('get' in desc && !sameValue(desc.get, current.get)) { return false; } } } return true; }
// ES6 7.3.11 SetIntegrityLevel
// level is one of "sealed" or "frozen"
function setIntegrityLevel(target, level) { var ownProps = Object_getOwnPropertyNames(target); var pendingException = undefined; if (level === "sealed") { var l = +ownProps.length; var k; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { k = String(ownProps[i]); try { Object.defineProperty(target, k, { configurable: false }); } catch (e) { if (pendingException === undefined) { pendingException = e; } } } } else { // level === "frozen"
var l = +ownProps.length; var k; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { k = String(ownProps[i]); try { var currentDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, k); if (currentDesc !== undefined) { var desc; if (isAccessorDescriptor(currentDesc)) { desc = { configurable: false } } else { desc = { configurable: false, writable: false } } Object.defineProperty(target, k, desc); } } catch (e) { if (pendingException === undefined) { pendingException = e; } } } } if (pendingException !== undefined) { throw pendingException; } return Reflect.preventExtensions(target); }
// ES6 7.3.12 TestIntegrityLevel
// level is one of "sealed" or "frozen"
function testIntegrityLevel(target, level) { var isExtensible = Object_isExtensible(target); if (isExtensible) return false; var ownProps = Object_getOwnPropertyNames(target); var pendingException = undefined; var configurable = false; var writable = false; var l = +ownProps.length; var k; var currentDesc; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { k = String(ownProps[i]); try { currentDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, k); configurable = configurable || currentDesc.configurable; if (isDataDescriptor(currentDesc)) { writable = writable || currentDesc.writable; } } catch (e) { if (pendingException === undefined) { pendingException = e; configurable = true; } } } if (pendingException !== undefined) { throw pendingException; } if (level === "frozen" && writable === true) { return false; } if (configurable === true) { return false; } return true; }
// ---- The Validator handler wrapper around user handlers ----
/** * @param target the object wrapped by this proxy. * As long as the proxy is extensible, only non-configurable properties * are checked against the target. Once the proxy becomes non-extensible, * invariants w.r.t. non-extensibility are also enforced. * * @param handler the handler of the direct proxy. The object emulated by * this handler is validated against the target object of the direct proxy. * Any violations that the handler makes against the invariants * of the target will cause a TypeError to be thrown. * * Both target and handler must be proper Objects at initialization time. */ function Validator(target, handler) { // for non-revokable proxies, these are const references
// for revokable proxies, on revocation:
// - this.target is set to null
// - this.handler is set to a handler that throws on all traps
this.target = target; this.handler = handler; }
Validator.prototype = {
/** * If getTrap returns undefined, the caller should perform the * default forwarding behavior. * If getTrap returns normally otherwise, the return value * will be a callable trap function. When calling the trap function, * the caller is responsible for binding its |this| to |this.handler|. */ getTrap: function(trapName) { var trap = this.handler[trapName]; if (trap === undefined) { // the trap was not defined,
// perform the default forwarding behavior
return undefined; }
if (typeof trap !== "function") { throw new TypeError(trapName + " trap is not callable: "+trap); }
return trap; },
// === fundamental traps ===
/** * If name denotes a fixed property, check: * - whether targetHandler reports it as existent * - whether the returned descriptor is compatible with the fixed property * If the proxy is non-extensible, check: * - whether name is not a new property * Additionally, the returned descriptor is normalized and completed. */ getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(name) { "use strict";
var trap = this.getTrap("getOwnPropertyDescriptor"); if (trap === undefined) { return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.target, name); }
name = String(name); var desc = trap.call(this.handler, this.target, name); desc = normalizeAndCompletePropertyDescriptor(desc);
var targetDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.target, name); var extensible = Object.isExtensible(this.target);
if (desc === undefined) { if (isSealedDesc(targetDesc)) { throw new TypeError("cannot report non-configurable property '"+name+ "' as non-existent"); } if (!extensible && targetDesc !== undefined) { // if handler is allowed to return undefined, we cannot guarantee
// that it will not return a descriptor for this property later.
// Once a property has been reported as non-existent on a non-extensible
// object, it should forever be reported as non-existent
throw new TypeError("cannot report existing own property '"+name+ "' as non-existent on a non-extensible object"); } return undefined; }
// at this point, we know (desc !== undefined), i.e.
// targetHandler reports 'name' as an existing property
// Note: we could collapse the following two if-tests into a single
// test. Separating out the cases to improve error reporting.
if (!extensible) { if (targetDesc === undefined) { throw new TypeError("cannot report a new own property '"+ name + "' on a non-extensible object"); } }
if (name !== undefined) { if (!isCompatibleDescriptor(extensible, targetDesc, desc)) { throw new TypeError("cannot report incompatible property descriptor "+ "for property '"+name+"'"); } } if (desc.configurable === false) { if (targetDesc === undefined || targetDesc.configurable === true) { // if the property is configurable or non-existent on the target,
// but is reported as a non-configurable property, it may later be
// reported as configurable or non-existent, which violates the
// invariant that if the property might change or disappear, the
// configurable attribute must be true.
throw new TypeError( "cannot report a non-configurable descriptor " + "for configurable or non-existent property '" + name + "'"); } if ('writable' in desc && desc.writable === false) { if (targetDesc.writable === true) { // if the property is non-configurable, writable on the target,
// but is reported as non-configurable, non-writable, it may later
// be reported as non-configurable, writable again, which violates
// the invariant that a non-configurable, non-writable property
// may not change state.
throw new TypeError( "cannot report non-configurable, writable property '" + name + "' as non-configurable, non-writable"); } } }
return desc; },
/** * In the direct proxies design with refactored prototype climbing, * this trap is deprecated. For proxies-as-prototypes, instead * of calling this trap, the get, set, has or enumerate traps are * called instead. * * In this implementation, we "abuse" getPropertyDescriptor to * support trapping the get or set traps for proxies-as-prototypes. * We do this by returning a getter/setter pair that invokes * the corresponding traps. * * While this hack works for inherited property access, it has some * quirks: * * In Firefox, this trap is only called after a prior invocation * of the 'has' trap has returned true. Hence, expect the following * behavior: * <code> * var child = Object.create(Proxy(target, handler)); * child[name] // triggers handler.has(target, name)
* // if that returns true, triggers handler.get(target, name, child)
* </code> * * On v8, the 'in' operator, when applied to an object that inherits * from a proxy, will call getPropertyDescriptor and walk the proto-chain. * That calls the below getPropertyDescriptor trap on the proxy. The * result of the 'in'-operator is then determined by whether this trap * returns undefined or a property descriptor object. That is why * we first explicitly trigger the 'has' trap to determine whether * the property exists. * * This has the side-effect that when enumerating properties on * an object that inherits from a proxy in v8, only properties * for which 'has' returns true are returned: * * <code> * var child = Object.create(Proxy(target, handler)); * for (var prop in child) { * // only enumerates prop if (prop in child) returns true
* } * </code> */ getPropertyDescriptor: function(name) { var handler = this;
if (!handler.has(name)) return undefined;
return { get: function() { return handler.get(this, name); }, set: function(val) { if (handler.set(this, name, val)) { return val; } else { throw new TypeError("failed assignment to "+name); } }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }; },
/** * If name denotes a fixed property, check for incompatible changes. * If the proxy is non-extensible, check that new properties are rejected. */ defineProperty: function(name, desc) { // TODO(tvcutsem): the current tracemonkey implementation of proxies
// auto-completes 'desc', which is not correct. 'desc' should be
// normalized, but not completed. Consider:
// Object.defineProperty(proxy, 'foo', {enumerable:false})
// This trap will receive desc =
// {value:undefined,writable:false,enumerable:false,configurable:false}
// This will also set all other attributes to their default value,
// which is unexpected and different from [[DefineOwnProperty]].
// Bug filed: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=601329
var trap = this.getTrap("defineProperty"); if (trap === undefined) { // default forwarding behavior
return Reflect.defineProperty(this.target, name, desc); }
name = String(name); var descObj = normalizePropertyDescriptor(desc); var success = trap.call(this.handler, this.target, name, descObj); success = !!success; // coerce to Boolean
if (success === true) {
var targetDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.target, name); var extensible = Object.isExtensible(this.target);
// Note: we could collapse the following two if-tests into a single
// test. Separating out the cases to improve error reporting.
if (!extensible) { if (targetDesc === undefined) { throw new TypeError("cannot successfully add a new property '"+ name + "' to a non-extensible object"); } }
if (targetDesc !== undefined) { if (!isCompatibleDescriptor(extensible, targetDesc, desc)) { throw new TypeError("cannot define incompatible property "+ "descriptor for property '"+name+"'"); } if (isDataDescriptor(targetDesc) && targetDesc.configurable === false && targetDesc.writable === true) { if (desc.configurable === false && desc.writable === false) { // if the property is non-configurable, writable on the target
// but was successfully reported to be updated to
// non-configurable, non-writable, it can later be reported
// again as non-configurable, writable, which violates
// the invariant that non-configurable, non-writable properties
// cannot change state
throw new TypeError( "cannot successfully define non-configurable, writable " + " property '" + name + "' as non-configurable, non-writable"); } } }
if (desc.configurable === false && !isSealedDesc(targetDesc)) { // if the property is configurable or non-existent on the target,
// but is successfully being redefined as a non-configurable property,
// it may later be reported as configurable or non-existent, which violates
// the invariant that if the property might change or disappear, the
// configurable attribute must be true.
throw new TypeError( "cannot successfully define a non-configurable " + "descriptor for configurable or non-existent property '" + name + "'"); }
return success; },
/** * On success, check whether the target object is indeed non-extensible. */ preventExtensions: function() { var trap = this.getTrap("preventExtensions"); if (trap === undefined) { // default forwarding behavior
return Reflect.preventExtensions(this.target); }
var success = trap.call(this.handler, this.target); success = !!success; // coerce to Boolean
if (success) { if (Object_isExtensible(this.target)) { throw new TypeError("can't report extensible object as non-extensible: "+ this.target); } } return success; },
/** * If name denotes a sealed property, check whether handler rejects. */ delete: function(name) { "use strict"; var trap = this.getTrap("deleteProperty"); if (trap === undefined) { // default forwarding behavior
return Reflect.deleteProperty(this.target, name); }
name = String(name); var res = trap.call(this.handler, this.target, name); res = !!res; // coerce to Boolean
var targetDesc; if (res === true) { targetDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.target, name); if (targetDesc !== undefined && targetDesc.configurable === false) { throw new TypeError("property '" + name + "' is non-configurable "+ "and can't be deleted"); } if (targetDesc !== undefined && !Object_isExtensible(this.target)) { // if the property still exists on a non-extensible target but
// is reported as successfully deleted, it may later be reported
// as present, which violates the invariant that an own property,
// deleted from a non-extensible object cannot reappear.
throw new TypeError( "cannot successfully delete existing property '" + name + "' on a non-extensible object"); } }
return res; },
/** * The getOwnPropertyNames trap was replaced by the ownKeys trap, * which now also returns an array (of strings or symbols) and * which performs the same rigorous invariant checks as getOwnPropertyNames * * See issue #48 on how this trap can still get invoked by external libs * that don't use the patched Object.getOwnPropertyNames function. */ getOwnPropertyNames: function() { // Note: removed deprecation warning to avoid dependency on 'console'
// (and on node, should anyway use util.deprecate). Deprecation warnings
// can also be annoying when they are outside of the user's control, e.g.
// when an external library calls unpatched Object.getOwnPropertyNames.
// Since there is a clean fallback to `ownKeys`, the fact that the
// deprecated method is still called is mostly harmless anyway.
// See also issues #65 and #66.
// console.warn("getOwnPropertyNames trap is deprecated. Use ownKeys instead");
return this.ownKeys(); },
/** * Checks whether the trap result does not contain any new properties * if the proxy is non-extensible. * * Any own non-configurable properties of the target that are not included * in the trap result give rise to a TypeError. As such, we check whether the * returned result contains at least all sealed properties of the target * object. * * Additionally, the trap result is normalized. * Instead of returning the trap result directly: * - create and return a fresh Array, * - of which each element is coerced to a String * * This trap is called a.o. by Reflect.ownKeys, Object.getOwnPropertyNames * and Object.keys (the latter filters out only the enumerable own properties). */ ownKeys: function() { var trap = this.getTrap("ownKeys"); if (trap === undefined) { // default forwarding behavior
return Reflect.ownKeys(this.target); }
var trapResult = trap.call(this.handler, this.target);
// propNames is used as a set of strings
var propNames = Object.create(null); var numProps = +trapResult.length; var result = new Array(numProps);
for (var i = 0; i < numProps; i++) { var s = String(trapResult[i]); if (!Object.isExtensible(this.target) && !isFixed(s, this.target)) { // non-extensible proxies don't tolerate new own property names
throw new TypeError("ownKeys trap cannot list a new "+ "property '"+s+"' on a non-extensible object"); }
propNames[s] = true; result[i] = s; }
var ownProps = Object_getOwnPropertyNames(this.target); var target = this.target; ownProps.forEach(function (ownProp) { if (!propNames[ownProp]) { if (isSealed(ownProp, target)) { throw new TypeError("ownKeys trap failed to include "+ "non-configurable property '"+ownProp+"'"); } if (!Object.isExtensible(target) && isFixed(ownProp, target)) { // if handler is allowed to report ownProp as non-existent,
// we cannot guarantee that it will never later report it as
// existent. Once a property has been reported as non-existent
// on a non-extensible object, it should forever be reported as
// non-existent
throw new TypeError("ownKeys trap cannot report existing own property '"+ ownProp+"' as non-existent on a non-extensible object"); } } });
return result; },
/** * Checks whether the trap result is consistent with the state of the * wrapped target. */ isExtensible: function() { var trap = this.getTrap("isExtensible"); if (trap === undefined) { // default forwarding behavior
return Reflect.isExtensible(this.target); }
var result = trap.call(this.handler, this.target); result = !!result; // coerce to Boolean
var state = Object_isExtensible(this.target); if (result !== state) { if (result) { throw new TypeError("cannot report non-extensible object as extensible: "+ this.target); } else { throw new TypeError("cannot report extensible object as non-extensible: "+ this.target); } } return state; },
/** * Check whether the trap result corresponds to the target's [[Prototype]] */ getPrototypeOf: function() { var trap = this.getTrap("getPrototypeOf"); if (trap === undefined) { // default forwarding behavior
return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(this.target); }
var allegedProto = trap.call(this.handler, this.target);
if (!Object_isExtensible(this.target)) { var actualProto = Object_getPrototypeOf(this.target); if (!sameValue(allegedProto, actualProto)) { throw new TypeError("prototype value does not match: " + this.target); } }
return allegedProto; },
/** * If target is non-extensible and setPrototypeOf trap returns true, * check whether the trap result corresponds to the target's [[Prototype]] */ setPrototypeOf: function(newProto) { var trap = this.getTrap("setPrototypeOf"); if (trap === undefined) { // default forwarding behavior
return Reflect.setPrototypeOf(this.target, newProto); }
var success = trap.call(this.handler, this.target, newProto);
success = !!success; if (success && !Object_isExtensible(this.target)) { var actualProto = Object_getPrototypeOf(this.target); if (!sameValue(newProto, actualProto)) { throw new TypeError("prototype value does not match: " + this.target); } }
return success; },
/** * In the direct proxies design with refactored prototype climbing, * this trap is deprecated. For proxies-as-prototypes, for-in will * call the enumerate() trap. If that trap is not defined, the * operation is forwarded to the target, no more fallback on this * fundamental trap. */ getPropertyNames: function() { throw new TypeError("getPropertyNames trap is deprecated"); },
// === derived traps ===
/** * If name denotes a fixed property, check whether the trap returns true. */ has: function(name) { var trap = this.getTrap("has"); if (trap === undefined) { // default forwarding behavior
return Reflect.has(this.target, name); }
name = String(name); var res = trap.call(this.handler, this.target, name); res = !!res; // coerce to Boolean
if (res === false) { if (isSealed(name, this.target)) { throw new TypeError("cannot report existing non-configurable own "+ "property '"+ name + "' as a non-existent "+ "property"); } if (!Object.isExtensible(this.target) && isFixed(name, this.target)) { // if handler is allowed to return false, we cannot guarantee
// that it will not return true for this property later.
// Once a property has been reported as non-existent on a non-extensible
// object, it should forever be reported as non-existent
throw new TypeError("cannot report existing own property '"+name+ "' as non-existent on a non-extensible object"); } }
// if res === true, we don't need to check for extensibility
// even for a non-extensible proxy that has no own name property,
// the property may have been inherited
return res; },
/** * If name denotes a fixed non-configurable, non-writable data property, * check its return value against the previously asserted value of the * fixed property. */ get: function(receiver, name) {
// experimental support for invoke() trap on platforms that
// support __noSuchMethod__
/* if (name === '__noSuchMethod__') { var handler = this; return function(name, args) { return handler.invoke(receiver, name, args); } } */
var trap = this.getTrap("get"); if (trap === undefined) { // default forwarding behavior
return Reflect.get(this.target, name, receiver); }
name = String(name); var res = trap.call(this.handler, this.target, name, receiver);
var fixedDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.target, name); // check consistency of the returned value
if (fixedDesc !== undefined) { // getting an existing property
if (isDataDescriptor(fixedDesc) && fixedDesc.configurable === false && fixedDesc.writable === false) { // own frozen data property
if (!sameValue(res, fixedDesc.value)) { throw new TypeError("cannot report inconsistent value for "+ "non-writable, non-configurable property '"+ name+"'"); } } else { // it's an accessor property
if (isAccessorDescriptor(fixedDesc) && fixedDesc.configurable === false && fixedDesc.get === undefined) { if (res !== undefined) { throw new TypeError("must report undefined for non-configurable "+ "accessor property '"+name+"' without getter"); } } } }
return res; },
/** * If name denotes a fixed non-configurable, non-writable data property, * check that the trap rejects the assignment. */ set: function(receiver, name, val) { var trap = this.getTrap("set"); if (trap === undefined) { // default forwarding behavior
return Reflect.set(this.target, name, val, receiver); }
name = String(name); var res = trap.call(this.handler, this.target, name, val, receiver); res = !!res; // coerce to Boolean
// if success is reported, check whether property is truly assignable
if (res === true) { var fixedDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.target, name); if (fixedDesc !== undefined) { // setting an existing property
if (isDataDescriptor(fixedDesc) && fixedDesc.configurable === false && fixedDesc.writable === false) { if (!sameValue(val, fixedDesc.value)) { throw new TypeError("cannot successfully assign to a "+ "non-writable, non-configurable property '"+ name+"'"); } } else { if (isAccessorDescriptor(fixedDesc) && fixedDesc.configurable === false && // non-configurable
fixedDesc.set === undefined) { // accessor with undefined setter
throw new TypeError("setting a property '"+name+"' that has "+ " only a getter"); } } } }
return res; },
/** * Any own enumerable non-configurable properties of the target that are not * included in the trap result give rise to a TypeError. As such, we check * whether the returned result contains at least all sealed enumerable properties * of the target object. * * The trap should return an iterator. * * However, as implementations of pre-direct proxies still expect enumerate * to return an array of strings, we convert the iterator into an array. */ enumerate: function() { var trap = this.getTrap("enumerate"); if (trap === undefined) { // default forwarding behavior
var trapResult = Reflect.enumerate(this.target); var result = []; var nxt = trapResult.next(); while (!nxt.done) { result.push(String(nxt.value)); nxt = trapResult.next(); } return result; }
var trapResult = trap.call(this.handler, this.target); if (trapResult === null || trapResult === undefined || trapResult.next === undefined) { throw new TypeError("enumerate trap should return an iterator, got: "+ trapResult); } // propNames is used as a set of strings
var propNames = Object.create(null); // var numProps = +trapResult.length;
var result = []; // new Array(numProps);
// trapResult is supposed to be an iterator
// drain iterator to array as current implementations still expect
// enumerate to return an array of strings
var nxt = trapResult.next(); while (!nxt.done) { var s = String(nxt.value); if (propNames[s]) { throw new TypeError("enumerate trap cannot list a "+ "duplicate property '"+s+"'"); } propNames[s] = true; result.push(s); nxt = trapResult.next(); } /*for (var i = 0; i < numProps; i++) { var s = String(trapResult[i]); if (propNames[s]) { throw new TypeError("enumerate trap cannot list a "+ "duplicate property '"+s+"'"); }
propNames[s] = true; result[i] = s; } */
var ownEnumerableProps = Object.keys(this.target); var target = this.target; ownEnumerableProps.forEach(function (ownEnumerableProp) { if (!propNames[ownEnumerableProp]) { if (isSealed(ownEnumerableProp, target)) { throw new TypeError("enumerate trap failed to include "+ "non-configurable enumerable property '"+ ownEnumerableProp+"'"); } if (!Object.isExtensible(target) && isFixed(ownEnumerableProp, target)) { // if handler is allowed not to report ownEnumerableProp as an own
// property, we cannot guarantee that it will never report it as
// an own property later. Once a property has been reported as
// non-existent on a non-extensible object, it should forever be
// reported as non-existent
throw new TypeError("cannot report existing own property '"+ ownEnumerableProp+"' as non-existent on a "+ "non-extensible object"); } } });
return result; },
/** * The iterate trap is deprecated by the enumerate trap. */ iterate: Validator.prototype.enumerate,
/** * Any own non-configurable properties of the target that are not included * in the trap result give rise to a TypeError. As such, we check whether the * returned result contains at least all sealed properties of the target * object. * * The trap result is normalized. * The trap result is not returned directly. Instead: * - create and return a fresh Array, * - of which each element is coerced to String, * - which does not contain duplicates * * FIXME: keys trap is deprecated */ /* keys: function() { var trap = this.getTrap("keys"); if (trap === undefined) { // default forwarding behavior
return Reflect.keys(this.target); }
var trapResult = trap.call(this.handler, this.target);
// propNames is used as a set of strings
var propNames = Object.create(null); var numProps = +trapResult.length; var result = new Array(numProps);
for (var i = 0; i < numProps; i++) { var s = String(trapResult[i]); if (propNames[s]) { throw new TypeError("keys trap cannot list a "+ "duplicate property '"+s+"'"); } if (!Object.isExtensible(this.target) && !isFixed(s, this.target)) { // non-extensible proxies don't tolerate new own property names
throw new TypeError("keys trap cannot list a new "+ "property '"+s+"' on a non-extensible object"); }
propNames[s] = true; result[i] = s; }
var ownEnumerableProps = Object.keys(this.target); var target = this.target; ownEnumerableProps.forEach(function (ownEnumerableProp) { if (!propNames[ownEnumerableProp]) { if (isSealed(ownEnumerableProp, target)) { throw new TypeError("keys trap failed to include "+ "non-configurable enumerable property '"+ ownEnumerableProp+"'"); } if (!Object.isExtensible(target) && isFixed(ownEnumerableProp, target)) { // if handler is allowed not to report ownEnumerableProp as an own
// property, we cannot guarantee that it will never report it as
// an own property later. Once a property has been reported as
// non-existent on a non-extensible object, it should forever be
// reported as non-existent
throw new TypeError("cannot report existing own property '"+ ownEnumerableProp+"' as non-existent on a "+ "non-extensible object"); } } });
return result; }, */ /** * New trap that reifies [[Call]]. * If the target is a function, then a call to * proxy(...args) * Triggers this trap */ apply: function(target, thisBinding, args) { var trap = this.getTrap("apply"); if (trap === undefined) { return Reflect.apply(target, thisBinding, args); }
if (typeof this.target === "function") { return trap.call(this.handler, target, thisBinding, args); } else { throw new TypeError("apply: "+ target + " is not a function"); } },
/** * New trap that reifies [[Construct]]. * If the target is a function, then a call to * new proxy(...args) * Triggers this trap */ construct: function(target, args, newTarget) { var trap = this.getTrap("construct"); if (trap === undefined) { return Reflect.construct(target, args, newTarget); }
if (typeof target !== "function") { throw new TypeError("new: "+ target + " is not a function"); }
if (newTarget === undefined) { newTarget = target; } else { if (typeof newTarget !== "function") { throw new TypeError("new: "+ newTarget + " is not a function"); } } return trap.call(this.handler, target, args, newTarget); } };
// ---- end of the Validator handler wrapper handler ----
// In what follows, a 'direct proxy' is a proxy
// whose handler is a Validator. Such proxies can be made non-extensible,
// sealed or frozen without losing the ability to trap.
// maps direct proxies to their Validator handlers
var directProxies = new WeakMap();
// patch Object.{preventExtensions,seal,freeze} so that
// they recognize fixable proxies and act accordingly
Object.preventExtensions = function(subject) { var vhandler = directProxies.get(subject); if (vhandler !== undefined) { if (vhandler.preventExtensions()) { return subject; } else { throw new TypeError("preventExtensions on "+subject+" rejected"); } } else { return prim_preventExtensions(subject); } }; Object.seal = function(subject) { setIntegrityLevel(subject, "sealed"); return subject; }; Object.freeze = function(subject) { setIntegrityLevel(subject, "frozen"); return subject; }; Object.isExtensible = Object_isExtensible = function(subject) { var vHandler = directProxies.get(subject); if (vHandler !== undefined) { return vHandler.isExtensible(); } else { return prim_isExtensible(subject); } }; Object.isSealed = Object_isSealed = function(subject) { return testIntegrityLevel(subject, "sealed"); }; Object.isFrozen = Object_isFrozen = function(subject) { return testIntegrityLevel(subject, "frozen"); }; Object.getPrototypeOf = Object_getPrototypeOf = function(subject) { var vHandler = directProxies.get(subject); if (vHandler !== undefined) { return vHandler.getPrototypeOf(); } else { return prim_getPrototypeOf(subject); } };
// patch Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor to directly call
// the Validator.prototype.getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap
// This is to circumvent an assertion in the built-in Proxy
// trapping mechanism of v8, which disallows that trap to
// return non-configurable property descriptors (as per the
// old Proxy design)
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function(subject, name) { var vhandler = directProxies.get(subject); if (vhandler !== undefined) { return vhandler.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(name); } else { return prim_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(subject, name); } };
// patch Object.defineProperty to directly call
// the Validator.prototype.defineProperty trap
// This is to circumvent two issues with the built-in
// trap mechanism:
// 1) the current tracemonkey implementation of proxies
// auto-completes 'desc', which is not correct. 'desc' should be
// normalized, but not completed. Consider:
// Object.defineProperty(proxy, 'foo', {enumerable:false})
// This trap will receive desc =
// {value:undefined,writable:false,enumerable:false,configurable:false}
// This will also set all other attributes to their default value,
// which is unexpected and different from [[DefineOwnProperty]].
// Bug filed: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=601329
// 2) the current spidermonkey implementation does not
// throw an exception when this trap returns 'false', but instead silently
// ignores the operation (this is regardless of strict-mode)
// 2a) v8 does throw an exception for this case, but includes the rather
// unhelpful error message:
// 'Proxy handler #<Object> returned false from 'defineProperty' trap'
Object.defineProperty = function(subject, name, desc) { var vhandler = directProxies.get(subject); if (vhandler !== undefined) { var normalizedDesc = normalizePropertyDescriptor(desc); var success = vhandler.defineProperty(name, normalizedDesc); if (success === false) { throw new TypeError("can't redefine property '"+name+"'"); } return subject; } else { return prim_defineProperty(subject, name, desc); } };
Object.defineProperties = function(subject, descs) { var vhandler = directProxies.get(subject); if (vhandler !== undefined) { var names = Object.keys(descs); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { var name = names[i]; var normalizedDesc = normalizePropertyDescriptor(descs[name]); var success = vhandler.defineProperty(name, normalizedDesc); if (success === false) { throw new TypeError("can't redefine property '"+name+"'"); } } return subject; } else { return prim_defineProperties(subject, descs); } };
Object.keys = function(subject) { var vHandler = directProxies.get(subject); if (vHandler !== undefined) { var ownKeys = vHandler.ownKeys(); var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < ownKeys.length; i++) { var k = String(ownKeys[i]); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(subject, k); if (desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable === true) { result.push(k); } } return result; } else { return prim_keys(subject); } }
Object.getOwnPropertyNames = Object_getOwnPropertyNames = function(subject) { var vHandler = directProxies.get(subject); if (vHandler !== undefined) { return vHandler.ownKeys(); } else { return prim_getOwnPropertyNames(subject); } }
// fixes issue #71 (Calling Object.getOwnPropertySymbols() on a Proxy
// throws an error)
if (prim_getOwnPropertySymbols !== undefined) { Object.getOwnPropertySymbols = function(subject) { var vHandler = directProxies.get(subject); if (vHandler !== undefined) { // as this shim does not support symbols, a Proxy never advertises
// any symbol-valued own properties
return []; } else { return prim_getOwnPropertySymbols(subject); } }; }
// fixes issue #72 ('Illegal access' error when using Object.assign)
// Object.assign polyfill based on a polyfill posted on MDN:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/\
// Global_Objects/Object/assign
// Note that this polyfill does not support Symbols, but this Proxy Shim
// does not support Symbols anyway.
if (prim_assign !== undefined) { Object.assign = function (target) { // check if any argument is a proxy object
var noProxies = true; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var vHandler = directProxies.get(arguments[i]); if (vHandler !== undefined) { noProxies = false; break; } } if (noProxies) { // not a single argument is a proxy, perform built-in algorithm
return prim_assign.apply(Object, arguments); } // there is at least one proxy argument, use the polyfill
if (target === undefined || target === null) { throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object'); }
var output = Object(target); for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) { var source = arguments[index]; if (source !== undefined && source !== null) { for (var nextKey in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(nextKey)) { output[nextKey] = source[nextKey]; } } } } return output; }; }
// returns whether an argument is a reference to an object,
// which is legal as a WeakMap key.
function isObject(arg) { var type = typeof arg; return (type === 'object' && arg !== null) || (type === 'function'); };
// a wrapper for WeakMap.get which returns the undefined value
// for keys that are not objects (in which case the underlying
// WeakMap would have thrown a TypeError).
function safeWeakMapGet(map, key) { return isObject(key) ? map.get(key) : undefined; };
// returns a new function of zero arguments that recursively
// unwraps any proxies specified as the |this|-value.
// The primitive is assumed to be a zero-argument method
// that uses its |this|-binding.
function makeUnwrapping0ArgMethod(primitive) { return function builtin() { var vHandler = safeWeakMapGet(directProxies, this); if (vHandler !== undefined) { return builtin.call(vHandler.target); } else { return primitive.call(this); } } };
// returns a new function of 1 arguments that recursively
// unwraps any proxies specified as the |this|-value.
// The primitive is assumed to be a 1-argument method
// that uses its |this|-binding.
function makeUnwrapping1ArgMethod(primitive) { return function builtin(arg) { var vHandler = safeWeakMapGet(directProxies, this); if (vHandler !== undefined) { return builtin.call(vHandler.target, arg); } else { return primitive.call(this, arg); } } };
Object.prototype.valueOf = makeUnwrapping0ArgMethod(Object.prototype.valueOf); Object.prototype.toString = makeUnwrapping0ArgMethod(Object.prototype.toString); Function.prototype.toString = makeUnwrapping0ArgMethod(Function.prototype.toString); Date.prototype.toString = makeUnwrapping0ArgMethod(Date.prototype.toString);
Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf = function builtin(arg) { // bugfix thanks to Bill Mark:
// built-in isPrototypeOf does not unwrap proxies used
// as arguments. So, we implement the builtin ourselves,
// based on the ECMAScript 6 spec. Our encoding will
// make sure that if a proxy is used as an argument,
// its getPrototypeOf trap will be called.
while (true) { var vHandler2 = safeWeakMapGet(directProxies, arg); if (vHandler2 !== undefined) { arg = vHandler2.getPrototypeOf(); if (arg === null) { return false; } else if (sameValue(arg, this)) { return true; } } else { return prim_isPrototypeOf.call(this, arg); } } };
Array.isArray = function(subject) { var vHandler = safeWeakMapGet(directProxies, subject); if (vHandler !== undefined) { return Array.isArray(vHandler.target); } else { return prim_isArray(subject); } };
function isProxyArray(arg) { var vHandler = safeWeakMapGet(directProxies, arg); if (vHandler !== undefined) { return Array.isArray(vHandler.target); } return false; }
// Array.prototype.concat internally tests whether one of its
// arguments is an Array, by checking whether [[Class]] == "Array"
// As such, it will fail to recognize proxies-for-arrays as arrays.
// We patch Array.prototype.concat so that it "unwraps" proxies-for-arrays
// by making a copy. This will trigger the exact same sequence of
// traps on the proxy-for-array as if we would not have unwrapped it.
// See <https://github.com/tvcutsem/harmony-reflect/issues/19> for more.
Array.prototype.concat = function(/*...args*/) { var length; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (isProxyArray(arguments[i])) { length = arguments[i].length; arguments[i] = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments[i], 0, length); } } return prim_concat.apply(this, arguments); };
// setPrototypeOf support on platforms that support __proto__
var prim_setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf;
// patch and extract original __proto__ setter
var __proto__setter = (function() { var protoDesc = prim_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype,'__proto__'); if (protoDesc === undefined || typeof protoDesc.set !== "function") { return function() { throw new TypeError("setPrototypeOf not supported on this platform"); } }
// see if we can actually mutate a prototype with the generic setter
// (e.g. Chrome v28 doesn't allow setting __proto__ via the generic setter)
try { protoDesc.set.call({},{}); } catch (e) { return function() { throw new TypeError("setPrototypeOf not supported on this platform"); } }
prim_defineProperty(Object.prototype, '__proto__', { set: function(newProto) { return Object.setPrototypeOf(this, Object(newProto)); } });
return protoDesc.set; }());
Object.setPrototypeOf = function(target, newProto) { var handler = directProxies.get(target); if (handler !== undefined) { if (handler.setPrototypeOf(newProto)) { return target; } else { throw new TypeError("proxy rejected prototype mutation"); } } else { if (!Object_isExtensible(target)) { throw new TypeError("can't set prototype on non-extensible object: " + target); } if (prim_setPrototypeOf) return prim_setPrototypeOf(target, newProto);
if (Object(newProto) !== newProto || newProto === null) { throw new TypeError("Object prototype may only be an Object or null: " + newProto); // throw new TypeError("prototype must be an object or null")
} __proto__setter.call(target, newProto); return target; } }
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty = function(name) { var handler = safeWeakMapGet(directProxies, this); if (handler !== undefined) { var desc = handler.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(name); return desc !== undefined; } else { return prim_hasOwnProperty.call(this, name); } }
// ============= Reflection module =============
// see http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:reflect_api
var Reflect = { getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(target, name) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, name); }, defineProperty: function(target, name, desc) {
// if target is a proxy, invoke its "defineProperty" trap
var handler = directProxies.get(target); if (handler !== undefined) { return handler.defineProperty(target, name, desc); }
// Implementation transliterated from [[DefineOwnProperty]]
// see ES5.1 section 8.12.9
// this is the _exact same algorithm_ as the isCompatibleDescriptor
// algorithm defined above, except that at every place it
// returns true, this algorithm actually does define the property.
var current = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, name); var extensible = Object.isExtensible(target); if (current === undefined && extensible === false) { return false; } if (current === undefined && extensible === true) { Object.defineProperty(target, name, desc); // should never fail
return true; } if (isEmptyDescriptor(desc)) { return true; } if (isEquivalentDescriptor(current, desc)) { return true; } if (current.configurable === false) { if (desc.configurable === true) { return false; } if ('enumerable' in desc && desc.enumerable !== current.enumerable) { return false; } } if (isGenericDescriptor(desc)) { // no further validation necessary
} else if (isDataDescriptor(current) !== isDataDescriptor(desc)) { if (current.configurable === false) { return false; } } else if (isDataDescriptor(current) && isDataDescriptor(desc)) { if (current.configurable === false) { if (current.writable === false && desc.writable === true) { return false; } if (current.writable === false) { if ('value' in desc && !sameValue(desc.value, current.value)) { return false; } } } } else if (isAccessorDescriptor(current) && isAccessorDescriptor(desc)) { if (current.configurable === false) { if ('set' in desc && !sameValue(desc.set, current.set)) { return false; } if ('get' in desc && !sameValue(desc.get, current.get)) { return false; } } } Object.defineProperty(target, name, desc); // should never fail
return true; }, deleteProperty: function(target, name) { var handler = directProxies.get(target); if (handler !== undefined) { return handler.delete(name); } var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, name); if (desc === undefined) { return true; } if (desc.configurable === true) { delete target[name]; return true; } return false; }, getPrototypeOf: function(target) { return Object.getPrototypeOf(target); }, setPrototypeOf: function(target, newProto) { var handler = directProxies.get(target); if (handler !== undefined) { return handler.setPrototypeOf(newProto); } if (Object(newProto) !== newProto || newProto === null) { throw new TypeError("Object prototype may only be an Object or null: " + newProto); } if (!Object_isExtensible(target)) { return false; } var current = Object.getPrototypeOf(target); if (sameValue(current, newProto)) { return true; } if (prim_setPrototypeOf) { try { prim_setPrototypeOf(target, newProto); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }
__proto__setter.call(target, newProto); return true; }, preventExtensions: function(target) { var handler = directProxies.get(target); if (handler !== undefined) { return handler.preventExtensions(); } prim_preventExtensions(target); return true; }, isExtensible: function(target) { return Object.isExtensible(target); }, has: function(target, name) { return name in target; }, get: function(target, name, receiver) { receiver = receiver || target;
// if target is a proxy, invoke its "get" trap
var handler = directProxies.get(target); if (handler !== undefined) { return handler.get(receiver, name); }
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, name); if (desc === undefined) { var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(target); if (proto === null) { return undefined; } return Reflect.get(proto, name, receiver); } if (isDataDescriptor(desc)) { return desc.value; } var getter = desc.get; if (getter === undefined) { return undefined; } return desc.get.call(receiver); }, // Reflect.set implementation based on latest version of [[SetP]] at
// http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:proto_climbing_refactoring
set: function(target, name, value, receiver) { receiver = receiver || target;
// if target is a proxy, invoke its "set" trap
var handler = directProxies.get(target); if (handler !== undefined) { return handler.set(receiver, name, value); }
// first, check whether target has a non-writable property
// shadowing name on receiver
var ownDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, name);
if (ownDesc === undefined) { // name is not defined in target, search target's prototype
var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
if (proto !== null) { // continue the search in target's prototype
return Reflect.set(proto, name, value, receiver); }
// Rev16 change. Cf. https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1549
// target was the last prototype, now we know that 'name' is not shadowed
// by an existing (accessor or data) property, so we can add the property
// to the initial receiver object
// (this branch will intentionally fall through to the code below)
ownDesc = { value: undefined, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }; }
// we now know that ownDesc !== undefined
if (isAccessorDescriptor(ownDesc)) { var setter = ownDesc.set; if (setter === undefined) return false; setter.call(receiver, value); // assumes Function.prototype.call
return true; } // otherwise, isDataDescriptor(ownDesc) must be true
if (ownDesc.writable === false) return false; // we found an existing writable data property on the prototype chain.
// Now update or add the data property on the receiver, depending on
// whether the receiver already defines the property or not.
var existingDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(receiver, name); if (existingDesc !== undefined) { var updateDesc = { value: value, // FIXME: it should not be necessary to describe the following
// attributes. Added to circumvent a bug in tracemonkey:
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=601329
writable: existingDesc.writable, enumerable: existingDesc.enumerable, configurable: existingDesc.configurable }; Object.defineProperty(receiver, name, updateDesc); return true; } else { if (!Object.isExtensible(receiver)) return false; var newDesc = { value: value, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }; Object.defineProperty(receiver, name, newDesc); return true; } }, /*invoke: function(target, name, args, receiver) { receiver = receiver || target;
var handler = directProxies.get(target); if (handler !== undefined) { return handler.invoke(receiver, name, args); }
var fun = Reflect.get(target, name, receiver); return Function.prototype.apply.call(fun, receiver, args); },*/ enumerate: function(target) { var handler = directProxies.get(target); var result; if (handler !== undefined) { // handler.enumerate should return an iterator directly, but the
// iterator gets converted to an array for backward-compat reasons,
// so we must re-iterate over the array
result = handler.enumerate(handler.target); } else { result = []; for (var name in target) { result.push(name); }; } var l = +result.length; var idx = 0; return { next: function() { if (idx === l) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: result[idx++] }; } }; }, // imperfect ownKeys implementation: in ES6, should also include
// symbol-keyed properties.
ownKeys: function(target) { return Object_getOwnPropertyNames(target); }, apply: function(target, receiver, args) { // target.apply(receiver, args)
return Function.prototype.apply.call(target, receiver, args); }, construct: function(target, args, newTarget) { // return new target(...args);
// if target is a proxy, invoke its "construct" trap
var handler = directProxies.get(target); if (handler !== undefined) { return handler.construct(handler.target, args, newTarget); } if (typeof target !== "function") { throw new TypeError("target is not a function: " + target); } if (newTarget === undefined || newTarget === target) { // If newTarget is undefined, then newTarget is set to `target` and
// `Reflect.construct(target, ...args)` becomes equivalent to
// `new target(...args)`
// if `target` is an ES2015 Class constructor, it must be called using
// the `new` operator. Hence we use the new operator on a bound function
// to trigger the [[Construct]] internal method. This technique will work
// for both plain constructor functions and ES2015 classes
return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(target, [null].concat(args))); } else { if (typeof newTarget !== "function") { throw new TypeError("newTarget is not a function: " + target); } // if newTarget is a *different* constructor function, we need to
// emulate [[Construct]] by falling back to [[Call]] with a hand-crafted
// new instance inheriting from newTarget.prototype
// Unfortunately this won't work if target is an ES2015 Constructor
// function, whose [[Call]] method throws an error (it must be invoked
// using the `new` operator)
var proto = newTarget.prototype; var instance = (Object(proto) === proto) ? Object.create(proto) : {}; var result = Function.prototype.apply.call(target, instance, args); return Object(result) === result ? result : instance; } } };
// feature-test whether the Reflect global exists
if (global.Reflect !== undefined) { // Reflect exists, add/override the shimmed methods
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Reflect).forEach(function (key) { global.Reflect[key] = Reflect[key]; }); } else { // Reflect doesn't exist, define it as the shimmed Reflect object
global.Reflect = Reflect; }
// feature-test whether the Proxy global exists, with
// the harmony-era Proxy.create API
if (typeof Proxy !== "undefined" && typeof Proxy.create !== "undefined") {
var primCreate = Proxy.create, primCreateFunction = Proxy.createFunction;
var revokedHandler = primCreate({ get: function() { throw new TypeError("proxy is revoked"); } });
global.Proxy = function(target, handler) { // check that target is an Object
if (Object(target) !== target) { throw new TypeError("Proxy target must be an Object, given "+target); } // check that handler is an Object
if (Object(handler) !== handler) { throw new TypeError("Proxy handler must be an Object, given "+handler); }
var vHandler = new Validator(target, handler); var proxy; if (typeof target === "function") { proxy = primCreateFunction(vHandler, // call trap
function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return vHandler.apply(target, this, args); }, // construct trap
function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return vHandler.construct(target, args); }); } else { proxy = primCreate(vHandler, Object.getPrototypeOf(target)); } directProxies.set(proxy, vHandler); return proxy; };
global.Proxy.revocable = function(target, handler) { var proxy = new Proxy(target, handler); var revoke = function() { var vHandler = directProxies.get(proxy); if (vHandler !== null) { vHandler.target = null; vHandler.handler = revokedHandler; } return undefined; }; return {proxy: proxy, revoke: revoke}; } // add the old Proxy.create and Proxy.createFunction methods
// so old code that still depends on the harmony-era Proxy object
// is not broken. Also ensures that multiple versions of this
// library should load fine
global.Proxy.create = primCreate; global.Proxy.createFunction = primCreateFunction;
} else { // Proxy global not defined, or old API not available
if (typeof Proxy === "undefined") { // Proxy global not defined, add a Proxy function stub
global.Proxy = function(_target, _handler) { throw new Error("proxies not supported on this platform. On v8/node/iojs, make sure to pass the --harmony_proxies flag"); }; } // Proxy global defined but old API not available
// presumably Proxy global already supports new API, leave untouched
// for node.js modules, export every property in the Reflect object
// as part of the module interface
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { Object.keys(Reflect).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = Reflect[key]; }); }
// function-as-module pattern
}(typeof exports !== 'undefined' ? global : this));