'use strict'; /* Copyright 2012-2015, Yahoo Inc. Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ const { ReportBase } = require('istanbul-lib-report');
class CloverReport extends ReportBase { constructor(opts) { super();
this.cw = null; this.xml = null; this.projectRoot = opts.projectRoot || process.cwd(); this.file = opts.file || 'clover.xml'; }
onStart(root, context) { this.cw = context.writer.writeFile(this.file); this.xml = context.getXMLWriter(this.cw); this.writeRootStats(root, context); }
onEnd() { this.xml.closeAll(); this.cw.close(); }
getTreeStats(node, context) { const state = { packages: 0, files: 0, classes: 0 }; const visitor = { onSummary(node, state) { const metrics = node.getCoverageSummary(true); if (metrics) { state.packages += 1; } }, onDetail(node, state) { state.classes += 1; state.files += 1; } }; node.visit(context.getVisitor(visitor), state); return state; }
writeRootStats(node, context) { this.cw.println('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'); this.xml.openTag('coverage', { generated: Date.now().toString(), clover: '3.2.0' });
this.xml.openTag('project', { timestamp: Date.now().toString(), name: 'All files' });
const metrics = node.getCoverageSummary(); this.xml.inlineTag('metrics', { statements: metrics.lines.total, coveredstatements: metrics.lines.covered, conditionals: metrics.branches.total, coveredconditionals: metrics.branches.covered, methods: metrics.functions.total, coveredmethods: metrics.functions.covered, elements: metrics.lines.total + metrics.branches.total + metrics.functions.total, coveredelements: metrics.lines.covered + metrics.branches.covered + metrics.functions.covered, complexity: 0, loc: metrics.lines.total, ncloc: metrics.lines.total, // what? copied as-is from old report
...this.getTreeStats(node, context) }); }
writeMetrics(metrics) { this.xml.inlineTag('metrics', { statements: metrics.lines.total, coveredstatements: metrics.lines.covered, conditionals: metrics.branches.total, coveredconditionals: metrics.branches.covered, methods: metrics.functions.total, coveredmethods: metrics.functions.covered }); }
onSummary(node) { if (node.isRoot()) { return; } const metrics = node.getCoverageSummary(true); if (!metrics) { return; }
this.xml.openTag('package', { name: asJavaPackage(node) }); this.writeMetrics(metrics); }
onSummaryEnd(node) { if (node.isRoot()) { return; } this.xml.closeTag('package'); }
onDetail(node) { const fileCoverage = node.getFileCoverage(); const metrics = node.getCoverageSummary(); const branchByLine = fileCoverage.getBranchCoverageByLine();
this.xml.openTag('file', { name: asClassName(node), path: fileCoverage.path });
const lines = fileCoverage.getLineCoverage(); Object.entries(lines).forEach(([k, count]) => { const attrs = { num: k, count, type: 'stmt' }; const branchDetail = branchByLine[k];
if (branchDetail) { attrs.type = 'cond'; attrs.truecount = branchDetail.covered; attrs.falsecount = branchDetail.total - branchDetail.covered; } this.xml.inlineTag('line', attrs); });
this.xml.closeTag('file'); } }
function asJavaPackage(node) { return node .getRelativeName() .replace(/\//g, '.') .replace(/\\/g, '.') .replace(/\.$/, ''); }
function asClassName(node) { return node.getRelativeName().replace(/.*[\\/]/, ''); }
module.exports = CloverReport;