'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.default = void 0;
var _types = require('./types');
var _utils = require('./utils');
var _globalErrorHandlers = require('./globalErrorHandlers');
var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol; var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol; var jestNow = global[Symbol.for('jest-native-now')] || global.Date.now;
// TODO: investigate why a shorter (event, state) signature results into TS7006 compiler error
const eventHandler = (event, state) => { switch (event.name) { case 'include_test_location_in_result': { state.includeTestLocationInResult = true; break; }
case 'hook_start': { break; }
case 'start_describe_definition': { const {blockName, mode} = event; const {currentDescribeBlock, currentlyRunningTest} = state;
if (currentlyRunningTest) { currentlyRunningTest.errors.push( new Error( `Cannot nest a describe inside a test. Describe block "${blockName}" cannot run because it is nested within "${currentlyRunningTest.name}".` ) ); break; }
const describeBlock = (0, _utils.makeDescribe)( blockName, currentDescribeBlock, mode ); currentDescribeBlock.children.push(describeBlock); state.currentDescribeBlock = describeBlock; break; }
case 'finish_describe_definition': { const {currentDescribeBlock} = state; (0, _utils.invariant)( currentDescribeBlock, `currentDescribeBlock must be there` );
if (!(0, _utils.describeBlockHasTests)(currentDescribeBlock)) { currentDescribeBlock.hooks.forEach(hook => { hook.asyncError.message = `Invalid: ${hook.type}() may not be used in a describe block containing no tests.`; state.unhandledErrors.push(hook.asyncError); }); } // pass mode of currentDescribeBlock to tests
// but do not when there is already a single test with "only" mode
const shouldPassMode = !( currentDescribeBlock.mode === 'only' && currentDescribeBlock.children.some( child => child.type === 'test' && child.mode === 'only' ) );
if (shouldPassMode) { currentDescribeBlock.children.forEach(child => { if (child.type === 'test' && !child.mode) { child.mode = currentDescribeBlock.mode; } }); }
if ( !state.hasFocusedTests && currentDescribeBlock.children.some( child => child.type === 'test' && child.mode === 'only' ) ) { state.hasFocusedTests = true; }
if (currentDescribeBlock.parent) { state.currentDescribeBlock = currentDescribeBlock.parent; }
break; }
case 'add_hook': { const {currentDescribeBlock, currentlyRunningTest, hasStarted} = state; const {asyncError, fn, hookType: type, timeout} = event;
if (currentlyRunningTest) { currentlyRunningTest.errors.push( new Error( `Hooks cannot be defined inside tests. Hook of type "${type}" is nested within "${currentlyRunningTest.name}".` ) ); break; } else if (hasStarted) { state.unhandledErrors.push( new Error( 'Cannot add a hook after tests have started running. Hooks must be defined synchronously.' ) ); break; }
const parent = currentDescribeBlock; currentDescribeBlock.hooks.push({ asyncError, fn, parent, timeout, type }); break; }
case 'add_test': { const {currentDescribeBlock, currentlyRunningTest, hasStarted} = state; const {asyncError, fn, mode, testName: name, timeout} = event;
if (currentlyRunningTest) { currentlyRunningTest.errors.push( new Error( `Tests cannot be nested. Test "${name}" cannot run because it is nested within "${currentlyRunningTest.name}".` ) ); break; } else if (hasStarted) { state.unhandledErrors.push( new Error( 'Cannot add a test after tests have started running. Tests must be defined synchronously.' ) ); break; }
const test = (0, _utils.makeTest)( fn, mode, name, currentDescribeBlock, timeout, asyncError );
if (test.mode === 'only') { state.hasFocusedTests = true; }
currentDescribeBlock.children.push(test); currentDescribeBlock.tests.push(test); break; }
case 'hook_failure': { const {test, describeBlock, error, hook} = event; const {asyncError, type} = hook;
if (type === 'beforeAll') { (0, _utils.invariant)(describeBlock, 'always present for `*All` hooks'); (0, _utils.addErrorToEachTestUnderDescribe)( describeBlock, error, asyncError ); } else if (type === 'afterAll') { // Attaching `afterAll` errors to each test makes execution flow
// too complicated, so we'll consider them to be global.
state.unhandledErrors.push([error, asyncError]); } else { (0, _utils.invariant)(test, 'always present for `*Each` hooks'); test.errors.push([error, asyncError]); }
break; }
case 'test_skip': { event.test.status = 'skip'; break; }
case 'test_todo': { event.test.status = 'todo'; break; }
case 'test_done': { event.test.duration = (0, _utils.getTestDuration)(event.test); event.test.status = 'done'; state.currentlyRunningTest = null; break; }
case 'test_start': { state.currentlyRunningTest = event.test; event.test.startedAt = jestNow(); event.test.invocations += 1; break; }
case 'test_fn_failure': { const { error, test: {asyncError} } = event; event.test.errors.push([error, asyncError]); break; }
case 'test_retry': { event.test.errors = []; break; }
case 'run_start': { state.hasStarted = true; global[_types.TEST_TIMEOUT_SYMBOL] && (state.testTimeout = global[_types.TEST_TIMEOUT_SYMBOL]); break; }
case 'run_finish': { break; }
case 'setup': { // Uncaught exception handlers should be defined on the parent process
// object. If defined on the VM's process object they just no op and let
// the parent process crash. It might make sense to return a `dispatch`
// function to the parent process and register handlers there instead, but
// i'm not sure if this is works. For now i just replicated whatever
// jasmine was doing -- dabramov
state.parentProcess = event.parentProcess; (0, _utils.invariant)(state.parentProcess); state.originalGlobalErrorHandlers = (0, _globalErrorHandlers.injectGlobalErrorHandlers)(state.parentProcess);
if (event.testNamePattern) { state.testNamePattern = new RegExp(event.testNamePattern, 'i'); }
break; }
case 'teardown': { (0, _utils.invariant)(state.originalGlobalErrorHandlers); (0, _utils.invariant)(state.parentProcess); (0, _globalErrorHandlers.restoreGlobalErrorHandlers)( state.parentProcess, state.originalGlobalErrorHandlers ); break; }
case 'error': { // It's very likely for long-running async tests to throw errors. In this
// case we want to catch them and fail the current test. At the same time
// there's a possibility that one test sets a long timeout, that will
// eventually throw after this test finishes but during some other test
// execution, which will result in one test's error failing another test.
// In any way, it should be possible to track where the error was thrown
// from.
state.currentlyRunningTest ? state.currentlyRunningTest.errors.push(event.error) : state.unhandledErrors.push(event.error); break; } } };
var _default = eventHandler; exports.default = _default;