'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.default = void 0;
var _types = require('./types');
var _state = require('./state');
var _utils = require('./utils');
/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ const run = async () => { const {rootDescribeBlock} = (0, _state.getState)(); await (0, _state.dispatch)({ name: 'run_start' }); await _runTestsForDescribeBlock(rootDescribeBlock); await (0, _state.dispatch)({ name: 'run_finish' }); return (0, _utils.makeRunResult)( (0, _state.getState)().rootDescribeBlock, (0, _state.getState)().unhandledErrors ); };
const _runTestsForDescribeBlock = async describeBlock => { await (0, _state.dispatch)({ describeBlock, name: 'run_describe_start' }); const {beforeAll, afterAll} = (0, _utils.getAllHooksForDescribe)( describeBlock );
for (const hook of beforeAll) { await _callCircusHook({ describeBlock, hook }); } // Tests that fail and are retried we run after other tests
const retryTimes = parseInt(global[_types.RETRY_TIMES], 10) || 0; const deferredRetryTests = [];
for (const child of describeBlock.children) { switch (child.type) { case 'describeBlock': { await _runTestsForDescribeBlock(child); break; }
case 'test': { const hasErrorsBeforeTestRun = child.errors.length > 0; await _runTest(child);
if ( hasErrorsBeforeTestRun === false && retryTimes > 0 && child.errors.length > 0 ) { deferredRetryTests.push(child); }
break; } } } // Re-run failed tests n-times if configured
for (const test of deferredRetryTests) { let numRetriesAvailable = retryTimes;
while (numRetriesAvailable > 0 && test.errors.length > 0) { // Clear errors so retries occur
await (0, _state.dispatch)({ name: 'test_retry', test }); await _runTest(test); numRetriesAvailable--; } }
for (const hook of afterAll) { await _callCircusHook({ describeBlock, hook }); }
await (0, _state.dispatch)({ describeBlock, name: 'run_describe_finish' }); };
const _runTest = async test => { await (0, _state.dispatch)({ name: 'test_start', test }); const testContext = Object.create(null); const {hasFocusedTests, testNamePattern} = (0, _state.getState)(); const isSkipped = test.mode === 'skip' || (hasFocusedTests && test.mode !== 'only') || (testNamePattern && !testNamePattern.test((0, _utils.getTestID)(test)));
if (isSkipped) { await (0, _state.dispatch)({ name: 'test_skip', test }); return; }
if (test.mode === 'todo') { await (0, _state.dispatch)({ name: 'test_todo', test }); return; }
const {afterEach, beforeEach} = (0, _utils.getEachHooksForTest)(test);
for (const hook of beforeEach) { if (test.errors.length) { // If any of the before hooks failed already, we don't run any
// hooks after that.
break; }
await _callCircusHook({ hook, test, testContext }); }
await _callCircusTest(test, testContext);
for (const hook of afterEach) { await _callCircusHook({ hook, test, testContext }); } // `afterAll` hooks should not affect test status (pass or fail), because if
// we had a global `afterAll` hook it would block all existing tests until
// this hook is executed. So we dispatch `test_done` right away.
await (0, _state.dispatch)({ name: 'test_done', test }); };
const _callCircusHook = async ({hook, test, describeBlock, testContext}) => { await (0, _state.dispatch)({ hook, name: 'hook_start' }); const timeout = hook.timeout || (0, _state.getState)().testTimeout;
try { await (0, _utils.callAsyncCircusFn)(hook, testContext, { isHook: true, timeout }); await (0, _state.dispatch)({ describeBlock, hook, name: 'hook_success', test }); } catch (error) { await (0, _state.dispatch)({ describeBlock, error, hook, name: 'hook_failure', test }); } };
const _callCircusTest = async (test, testContext) => { await (0, _state.dispatch)({ name: 'test_fn_start', test }); const timeout = test.timeout || (0, _state.getState)().testTimeout; (0, _utils.invariant)( test.fn, `Tests with no 'fn' should have 'mode' set to 'skipped'` );
if (test.errors.length) { return; // We don't run the test if there's already an error in before hooks.
try { await (0, _utils.callAsyncCircusFn)(test, testContext, { isHook: false, timeout }); await (0, _state.dispatch)({ name: 'test_fn_success', test }); } catch (error) { await (0, _state.dispatch)({ error, name: 'test_fn_failure', test }); } };
var _default = run; exports.default = _default;