'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.invariant = invariant; exports.parseSingleTestResult = exports.addErrorToEachTestUnderDescribe = exports.getTestID = exports.makeSingleTestResult = exports.makeRunResult = exports.getTestDuration = exports.callAsyncCircusFn = exports.describeBlockHasTests = exports.getEachHooksForTest = exports.getAllHooksForDescribe = exports.makeTest = exports.makeDescribe = void 0;
var path = _interopRequireWildcard(require('path'));
var _jestUtil = require('jest-util');
var _isGeneratorFn = _interopRequireDefault(require('is-generator-fn'));
var _co = _interopRequireDefault(require('co'));
var _dedent = _interopRequireDefault(require('dedent'));
var _stackUtils = _interopRequireDefault(require('stack-utils'));
var _prettyFormat = _interopRequireDefault(require('pretty-format'));
var _state = require('./state');
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; }
function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== 'function') return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function () { return cache; }; return cache; }
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function')) { return {default: obj}; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol; var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol; var jestNow = global[Symbol.for('jest-native-now')] || global.Date.now; var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol; var Promise = global[Symbol.for('jest-native-promise')] || global.Promise; const stackUtils = new _stackUtils.default({ cwd: 'A path that does not exist' }); const jestEachBuildDir = path.dirname(require.resolve('jest-each'));
const makeDescribe = (name, parent, mode) => { let _mode = mode;
if (parent && !mode) { // If not set explicitly, inherit from the parent describe.
_mode = parent.mode; }
return { type: 'describeBlock', // eslint-disable-next-line sort-keys
children: [], hooks: [], mode: _mode, name: (0, _jestUtil.convertDescriptorToString)(name), parent, tests: [] }; };
exports.makeDescribe = makeDescribe;
const makeTest = (fn, mode, name, parent, timeout, asyncError) => ({ type: 'test', // eslint-disable-next-line sort-keys
asyncError, duration: null, errors: [], fn, invocations: 0, mode, name: (0, _jestUtil.convertDescriptorToString)(name), parent, startedAt: null, status: null, timeout }); // Traverse the tree of describe blocks and return true if at least one describe
// block has an enabled test.
exports.makeTest = makeTest;
const hasEnabledTest = describeBlock => { const {hasFocusedTests, testNamePattern} = (0, _state.getState)(); return describeBlock.children.some(child => child.type === 'describeBlock' ? hasEnabledTest(child) : !( child.mode === 'skip' || (hasFocusedTests && child.mode !== 'only') || (testNamePattern && !testNamePattern.test(getTestID(child))) ) ); };
const getAllHooksForDescribe = describe => { const result = { afterAll: [], beforeAll: [] };
if (hasEnabledTest(describe)) { for (const hook of describe.hooks) { switch (hook.type) { case 'beforeAll': result.beforeAll.push(hook); break;
case 'afterAll': result.afterAll.push(hook); break; } } }
return result; };
exports.getAllHooksForDescribe = getAllHooksForDescribe;
const getEachHooksForTest = test => { const result = { afterEach: [], beforeEach: [] }; let block = test.parent;
do { const beforeEachForCurrentBlock = []; // TODO: inline after https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/34840 is released
let hook;
for (hook of block.hooks) { switch (hook.type) { case 'beforeEach': beforeEachForCurrentBlock.push(hook); break;
case 'afterEach': result.afterEach.push(hook); break; } } // 'beforeEach' hooks are executed from top to bottom, the opposite of the
// way we traversed it.
result.beforeEach = [...beforeEachForCurrentBlock, ...result.beforeEach]; } while ((block = block.parent));
return result; };
exports.getEachHooksForTest = getEachHooksForTest;
const describeBlockHasTests = describe => describe.children.some( child => child.type === 'test' || describeBlockHasTests(child) );
exports.describeBlockHasTests = describeBlockHasTests;
const _makeTimeoutMessage = (timeout, isHook) => `Exceeded timeout of ${(0, _jestUtil.formatTime)(timeout)} for a ${ isHook ? 'hook' : 'test' }.\nUse jest.setTimeout(newTimeout) to increase the timeout value, if this is a long-running test.`; // Global values can be overwritten by mocks or tests. We'll capture
// the original values in the variables before we require any files.
const {setTimeout, clearTimeout} = global;
function checkIsError(error) { return !!(error && error.message && error.stack); }
const callAsyncCircusFn = (testOrHook, testContext, {isHook, timeout}) => { let timeoutID; let completed = false; const {fn, asyncError} = testOrHook; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { timeoutID = setTimeout( () => reject(_makeTimeoutMessage(timeout, isHook)), timeout ); // If this fn accepts `done` callback we return a promise that fulfills as
// soon as `done` called.
if (fn.length) { let returnedValue = undefined;
const done = reason => { // We need to keep a stack here before the promise tick
const errorAtDone = new _jestUtil.ErrorWithStack(undefined, done); // Use `Promise.resolve` to allow the event loop to go a single tick in case `done` is called synchronously
Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (returnedValue !== undefined) { asyncError.message = (0, _dedent.default)`
Test functions cannot both take a 'done' callback and return something. Either use a 'done' callback, or return a promise. Returned value: ${(0, _prettyFormat.default)(returnedValue, { maxDepth: 3 })} `;
return reject(asyncError); }
let errorAsErrorObject;
if (checkIsError(reason)) { errorAsErrorObject = reason; } else { errorAsErrorObject = errorAtDone; errorAtDone.message = `Failed: ${(0, _prettyFormat.default)( reason, { maxDepth: 3 } )}`;
} // Consider always throwing, regardless if `reason` is set or not
if (completed && reason) { errorAsErrorObject.message = 'Caught error after test environment was torn down\n\n' + errorAsErrorObject.message; throw errorAsErrorObject; }
return reason ? reject(errorAsErrorObject) : resolve(); }); };
returnedValue = fn.call(testContext, done); return; }
let returnedValue;
if ((0, _isGeneratorFn.default)(fn)) { returnedValue = _co.default.wrap(fn).call({}); } else { try { returnedValue = fn.call(testContext); } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } } // If it's a Promise, return it. Test for an object with a `then` function
// to support custom Promise implementations.
if ( typeof returnedValue === 'object' && returnedValue !== null && typeof returnedValue.then === 'function' ) { returnedValue.then(resolve, reject); return; }
if (!isHook && returnedValue !== undefined) { reject( new Error((0, _dedent.default)`
test functions can only return Promise or undefined. Returned value: ${(0, _prettyFormat.default)(returnedValue, { maxDepth: 3 })} `)
); return; } // Otherwise this test is synchronous, and if it didn't throw it means
// it passed.
resolve(); }) .then(() => { completed = true; // If timeout is not cleared/unrefed the node process won't exit until
// it's resolved.
timeoutID.unref && timeoutID.unref(); clearTimeout(timeoutID); }) .catch(error => { completed = true; timeoutID.unref && timeoutID.unref(); clearTimeout(timeoutID); throw error; }); };
exports.callAsyncCircusFn = callAsyncCircusFn;
const getTestDuration = test => { const {startedAt} = test; return typeof startedAt === 'number' ? jestNow() - startedAt : null; };
exports.getTestDuration = getTestDuration;
const makeRunResult = (describeBlock, unhandledErrors) => ({ testResults: makeTestResults(describeBlock), unhandledErrors: unhandledErrors.map(_getError).map(getErrorStack) });
exports.makeRunResult = makeRunResult;
const makeSingleTestResult = test => { const {includeTestLocationInResult} = (0, _state.getState)(); const testPath = []; let parent = test; const {status} = test; invariant(status, 'Status should be present after tests are run.');
do { testPath.unshift(parent.name); } while ((parent = parent.parent));
let location = null;
if (includeTestLocationInResult) { var _parsedLine, _parsedLine$file;
const stackLines = test.asyncError.stack.split('\n'); const stackLine = stackLines[1]; let parsedLine = stackUtils.parseLine(stackLine);
if ( (_parsedLine = parsedLine) === null || _parsedLine === void 0 ? void 0 : (_parsedLine$file = _parsedLine.file) === null || _parsedLine$file === void 0 ? void 0 : _parsedLine$file.startsWith(jestEachBuildDir) ) { const stackLine = stackLines[4]; parsedLine = stackUtils.parseLine(stackLine); }
if ( parsedLine && typeof parsedLine.column === 'number' && typeof parsedLine.line === 'number' ) { location = { column: parsedLine.column, line: parsedLine.line }; } }
const errorsDetailed = test.errors.map(_getError); return { duration: test.duration, errors: errorsDetailed.map(getErrorStack), errorsDetailed, invocations: test.invocations, location, status, testPath: Array.from(testPath) }; };
exports.makeSingleTestResult = makeSingleTestResult;
const makeTestResults = describeBlock => { const testResults = [];
for (const child of describeBlock.children) { switch (child.type) { case 'describeBlock': { testResults.push(...makeTestResults(child)); break; }
case 'test': { testResults.push(makeSingleTestResult(child)); break; } } }
return testResults; }; // Return a string that identifies the test (concat of parent describe block
// names + test title)
const getTestID = test => { const titles = []; let parent = test;
do { titles.unshift(parent.name); } while ((parent = parent.parent));
titles.shift(); // remove TOP_DESCRIBE_BLOCK_NAME
return titles.join(' '); };
exports.getTestID = getTestID;
const _getError = errors => { let error; let asyncError;
if (Array.isArray(errors)) { error = errors[0]; asyncError = errors[1]; } else { error = errors; asyncError = new Error(); }
if (error && (error.stack || error.message)) { return error; }
asyncError.message = `thrown: ${(0, _prettyFormat.default)(error, { maxDepth: 3 })}`;
return asyncError; };
const getErrorStack = error => error.stack || error.message;
const addErrorToEachTestUnderDescribe = (describeBlock, error, asyncError) => { for (const child of describeBlock.children) { switch (child.type) { case 'describeBlock': addErrorToEachTestUnderDescribe(child, error, asyncError); break;
case 'test': child.errors.push([error, asyncError]); break; } } };
exports.addErrorToEachTestUnderDescribe = addErrorToEachTestUnderDescribe;
function invariant(condition, message) { if (!condition) { throw new Error(message); } }
const parseSingleTestResult = testResult => { let status;
if (testResult.status === 'skip') { status = 'pending'; } else if (testResult.status === 'todo') { status = 'todo'; } else if (testResult.errors.length > 0) { status = 'failed'; } else { status = 'passed'; }
const ancestorTitles = testResult.testPath.filter( name => name !== _state.ROOT_DESCRIBE_BLOCK_NAME ); const title = ancestorTitles.pop(); return { ancestorTitles, duration: testResult.duration, failureDetails: testResult.errorsDetailed, failureMessages: Array.from(testResult.errors), fullName: title ? ancestorTitles.concat(title).join(' ') : ancestorTitles.join(' '), invocations: testResult.invocations, location: testResult.location, numPassingAsserts: 0, status, title: testResult.testPath[testResult.testPath.length - 1] }; };
exports.parseSingleTestResult = parseSingleTestResult;