You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.dedentLines = void 0;
/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ const getIndentationLength = line => { const result = /^( {2})+/.exec(line); return result === null ? 0 : result[0].length; };
const dedentLine = line => line.slice(getIndentationLength(line)); // Return true if:
// "key": "value has multiple lines\n…
// "key has multiple lines\n…
const hasUnmatchedDoubleQuoteMarks = string => { let n = 0; let i = string.indexOf('"', 0);
while (i !== -1) { if (i === 0 || string[i - 1] !== '\\') { n += 1; }
i = string.indexOf('"', i + 1); }
return n % 2 !== 0; };
const isFirstLineOfTag = line => /^( {2})*\</.test(line); // The length of the output array is the index of the next input line. // Push dedented lines of start tag onto output and return true;
// otherwise return false because:
// * props include a multiline string (or text node, if props have markup)
// * start tag does not close
const dedentStartTag = (input, output) => { let line = input[output.length]; output.push(dedentLine(line));
if (line.includes('>')) { return true; }
while (output.length < input.length) { line = input[output.length];
if (hasUnmatchedDoubleQuoteMarks(line)) { return false; // because props include a multiline string
} else if (isFirstLineOfTag(line)) { // Recursion only if props have markup.
if (!dedentMarkup(input, output)) { return false; } } else { output.push(dedentLine(line));
if (line.includes('>')) { return true; } } }
return false; }; // Push dedented lines of markup onto output and return true;
// otherwise return false because:
// * props include a multiline string
// * text has more than one adjacent line
// * markup does not close
const dedentMarkup = (input, output) => { let line = input[output.length];
if (!dedentStartTag(input, output)) { return false; }
if (input[output.length - 1].includes('/>')) { return true; }
let isText = false; const stack = []; stack.push(getIndentationLength(line));
while (stack.length > 0 && output.length < input.length) { line = input[output.length];
if (isFirstLineOfTag(line)) { if (line.includes('</')) { output.push(dedentLine(line)); stack.pop(); } else { if (!dedentStartTag(input, output)) { return false; }
if (!input[output.length - 1].includes('/>')) { stack.push(getIndentationLength(line)); } }
isText = false; } else { if (isText) { return false; // because text has more than one adjacent line
const indentationLengthOfTag = stack[stack.length - 1]; output.push(line.slice(indentationLengthOfTag + 2)); isText = true; } }
return stack.length === 0; }; // Return lines unindented by heuristic;
// otherwise return null because:
// * props include a multiline string
// * text has more than one adjacent line
// * markup does not close
const dedentLines = input => { const output = [];
while (output.length < input.length) { const line = input[output.length];
if (hasUnmatchedDoubleQuoteMarks(line)) { return null; } else if (isFirstLineOfTag(line)) { if (!dedentMarkup(input, output)) { return null; } } else { output.push(dedentLine(line)); } }
return output; };
exports.dedentLines = dedentLines;