web 3d图形渲染器
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2650 lines
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  1. {
  2. "SVGSymbolElement": {
  3. "inherits": "SVGElement",
  4. "implements": [
  5. "SVGFitToViewBox",
  6. "SVGTests"
  7. ]
  8. },
  9. "TVChannel": {
  10. "inherits": "EventTarget",
  11. "implements": []
  12. },
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  14. "inherits": "SVGGeometryElement",
  15. "implements": [
  16. "SVGAnimatedPoints"
  17. ]
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  21. "implements": []
  22. },
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  24. "inherits": "MozIccInfo",
  25. "implements": []
  26. },
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  28. "inherits": "BoxObject",
  29. "implements": []
  30. },
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  41. ]
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  46. "GlobalEventHandlers",
  47. "TouchEventHandlers",
  48. "MozFrameLoaderOwner",
  49. "OnErrorEventHandlerForNodes"
  50. ]
  51. },
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  55. "LegacyQueryInterface"
  56. ]
  57. },
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  61. },
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  65. "BrowserElementCommon",
  66. "BrowserElementPrivileged"
  67. ]
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  72. },
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  75. "implements": []
  76. },
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  79. "implements": []
  80. },
  81. "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs": {
  82. "inherits": "SVGPathSeg",
  83. "implements": []
  84. },
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  87. "implements": []
  88. },
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  92. "SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes"
  93. ]
  94. },
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  97. "implements": []
  98. },
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  101. "implements": []
  102. },
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  105. "implements": []
  106. },
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  109. "implements": []
  110. },
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  113. "implements": []
  114. },
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  117. "implements": []
  118. },
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  121. "implements": []
  122. },
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  135. "implements": []
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  141. ]
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  149. "implements": []
  150. },
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  153. "implements": []
  154. },
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  157. "implements": []
  158. },
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  163. ]
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  176. },
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  180. "LegacyQueryInterface"
  181. ]
  182. },
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  190. "GeometryUtils"
  191. ]
  192. },
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  195. "implements": []
  196. },
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  201. ]
  202. },
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  207. ]
  208. },
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  211. "implements": []
  212. },
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  218. ]
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  231. "LegacyQueryInterface"
  232. ]
  233. },
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  236. "implements": []
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  244. ]
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  250. ]
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  257. "OnErrorEventHandlerForNodes"
  258. ]
  259. },
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  262. "implements": []
  263. },
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  266. "implements": []
  267. },
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  270. "implements": []
  271. },
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  290. "GlobalEventHandlers",
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  306. },
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  309. "implements": []
  310. },
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  313. "implements": []
  314. },
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  318. "AudioNodePassThrough"
  319. ]
  320. },
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  323. "implements": []
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  338. "implements": []
  339. },
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  343. "LegacyQueryInterface"
  344. ]
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  362. "WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope"
  363. ]
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  367. "implements": []
  368. },
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  372. },
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  375. "implements": []
  376. },
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  378. "inherits": "SVGPathSeg",
  379. "implements": []
  380. },
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  383. "implements": []
  384. },
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  387. "implements": []
  388. },
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  390. "inherits": "MediaStream",
  391. "implements": []
  392. },
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  394. "inherits": "AudioNode",
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  396. "AudioNodePassThrough"
  397. ]
  398. },
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  403. "SVGZoomAndPan"
  404. ]
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  409. },
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  412. "implements": [
  413. "SVGTests"
  414. ]
  415. },
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  418. "implements": []
  419. },
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  422. "implements": []
  423. },
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  426. "implements": []
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  430. "implements": [
  431. "SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes"
  432. ]
  433. },
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  436. "implements": []
  437. },
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  441. "SVGURIReference",
  442. "SVGUnitTypes"
  443. ]
  444. },
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  447. "implements": []
  448. },
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  451. "implements": []
  452. },
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  456. "LegacyQueryInterface",
  457. "GeometryUtils"
  458. ]
  459. },
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  462. "implements": []
  463. },
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  465. "inherits": null,
  466. "implements": []
  467. },
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  470. "implements": []
  471. },
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  478. "implements": []
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  484. ]
  485. },
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  493. "LegacyQueryInterface"
  494. ]
  495. },
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  500. ]
  501. },
  502. "SVGPathSegMovetoAbs": {
  503. "inherits": "SVGPathSeg",
  504. "implements": []
  505. },
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  509. },
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  513. "LegacyQueryInterface"
  514. ]
  515. },
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  519. "Body"
  520. ]
  521. },
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  528. "implements": []
  529. },
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  536. "implements": []
  537. },
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  540. "implements": []
  541. },
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  545. },
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  550. ]
  551. },
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  554. "implements": []
  555. },
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  557. "inherits": "AudioNode",
  558. "implements": []
  559. },
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  562. "implements": []
  563. },
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  566. "implements": []
  567. },
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  570. "implements": []
  571. },
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  574. "implements": []
  575. },
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  577. "inherits": "EventTarget",
  578. "implements": []
  579. },
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  590. ]
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  596. ]
  597. },
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  600. "implements": []
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  604. "implements": [
  605. "SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes"
  606. ]
  607. },
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  609. "inherits": null,
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  611. "LegacyQueryInterface"
  612. ]
  613. },
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  620. "ParentNode",
  621. "OnErrorEventHandlerForNodes",
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  624. "LegacyQueryInterface"
  625. ]
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  628. "inherits": null,
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  630. "LegacyQueryInterface"
  631. ]
  632. },
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  640. },
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  644. "AbstractWorker"
  645. ]
  646. },
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  648. "inherits": "Event",
  649. "implements": []
  650. },
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  652. "inherits": "AudioNode",
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  654. "AudioNodePassThrough"
  655. ]
  656. },
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  658. "inherits": "SVGPathSeg",
  659. "implements": []
  660. },
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  662. "inherits": "EventTarget",
  663. "implements": []
  664. },
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  667. "implements": []
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  673. ]
  674. },
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  677. "implements": []
  678. },
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  680. "inherits": "Event",
  681. "implements": []
  682. },
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  686. "AbstractWorker"
  687. ]
  688. },
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  690. "inherits": "SVGPathSeg",
  691. "implements": []
  692. },
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  696. "ChildNode",
  697. "NonDocumentTypeChildNode"
  698. ]
  699. },
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  701. "inherits": "UIEvent",
  702. "implements": [
  703. "KeyEvent"
  704. ]
  705. },
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  707. "inherits": "EventTarget",
  708. "implements": []
  709. },
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  711. "inherits": null,
  712. "implements": [
  713. "NavigatorID",
  714. "NavigatorLanguage",
  715. "NavigatorOnLine",
  716. "NavigatorDataStore"
  717. ]
  718. },
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  720. "inherits": "Event",
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  722. },
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  724. "inherits": "AudioNode",
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  726. "AudioNodePassThrough"
  727. ]
  728. },
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  733. ]
  734. },
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  737. "implements": []
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  750. ]
  751. },
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  753. "inherits": "SVGGeometryElement",
  754. "implements": []
  755. },
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  757. "inherits": "Event",
  758. "implements": []
  759. },
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  761. "inherits": null,
  762. "implements": [
  763. "LegacyQueryInterface"
  764. ]
  765. },
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  770. ]
  771. },
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  775. },
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  778. "implements": []
  779. },
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  782. "implements": []
  783. },
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  787. },
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  790. "implements": []
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  795. },
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  799. "LegacyQueryInterface"
  800. ]
  801. },
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