"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = _default; var order = { "*": 0, "/": 0, "+": 1, "-": 1 };
function round(value, prec) { if (prec !== false) { var precision = Math.pow(10, prec); return Math.round(value * precision) / precision; }
return value; }
function stringify(node, prec) { switch (node.type) { case "MathExpression": { var left = node.left, right = node.right, op = node.operator; var str = "";
if (left.type === 'MathExpression' && order[op] < order[left.operator]) { str += `(${stringify(left, prec)})`; } else { str += stringify(left, prec); }
str += order[op] ? ` ${node.operator} ` : node.operator;
if (right.type === 'MathExpression' && order[op] < order[right.operator]) { str += `(${stringify(right, prec)})`; } else { str += stringify(right, prec); }
return str; }
case 'Number': return round(node.value, prec);
case 'Function': return node.value;
default: return round(node.value, prec) + node.unit; } }
function _default(calc, node, originalValue, options, result, item) { var str = stringify(node, options.precision); var shouldPrintCalc = node.type === "MathExpression" || node.type === "Function";
if (shouldPrintCalc) { // if calc expression couldn't be resolved to a single value, re-wrap it as
// a calc()
str = `${calc}(${str})`; // if the warnWhenCannotResolve option is on, inform the user that the calc
// expression could not be resolved to a single value
if (options.warnWhenCannotResolve) { result.warn("Could not reduce expression: " + originalValue, { plugin: 'postcss-calc', node: item }); } }
return str; }
module.exports = exports.default;