'use strict';
function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; }
var postcss = _interopDefault(require('postcss')); var valueParser = _interopDefault(require('postcss-values-parser')); var fs = _interopDefault(require('fs')); var path = _interopDefault(require('path'));
function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; }
if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }
function _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args);
function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value); }
function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err); }
_next(undefined); }); }; }
function parse(string) { return valueParser(string).parse(); }
function isBlockIgnored(ruleOrDeclaration) { var rule = ruleOrDeclaration.selector ? ruleOrDeclaration : ruleOrDeclaration.parent; return /(!\s*)?postcss-custom-properties:\s*off\b/i.test(rule.toString()); }
function isRuleIgnored(rule) { var previous = rule.prev(); return Boolean(isBlockIgnored(rule) || previous && previous.type === 'comment' && /(!\s*)?postcss-custom-properties:\s*ignore\s+next\b/i.test(previous.text)); }
function getCustomPropertiesFromRoot(root, opts) { // initialize custom selectors
const customPropertiesFromHtmlElement = {}; const customPropertiesFromRootPseudo = {}; // for each html or :root rule
root.nodes.slice().forEach(rule => { const customPropertiesObject = isHtmlRule(rule) ? customPropertiesFromHtmlElement : isRootRule(rule) ? customPropertiesFromRootPseudo : null; // for each custom property
if (customPropertiesObject) { rule.nodes.slice().forEach(decl => { if (isCustomDecl(decl) && !isBlockIgnored(decl)) { const prop = decl.prop; // write the parsed value to the custom property
customPropertiesObject[prop] = parse(decl.value).nodes; // conditionally remove the custom property declaration
if (!opts.preserve) { decl.remove(); } } }); // conditionally remove the empty html or :root rule
if (!opts.preserve && isEmptyParent(rule) && !isBlockIgnored(rule)) { rule.remove(); } } }); // return all custom properties, preferring :root properties over html properties
return Object.assign({}, customPropertiesFromHtmlElement, customPropertiesFromRootPseudo); } // match html and :root rules
const htmlSelectorRegExp = /^html$/i; const rootSelectorRegExp = /^:root$/i; const customPropertyRegExp = /^--[A-z][\w-]*$/; // whether the node is an html or :root rule
const isHtmlRule = node => node.type === 'rule' && htmlSelectorRegExp.test(node.selector) && Object(node.nodes).length;
const isRootRule = node => node.type === 'rule' && rootSelectorRegExp.test(node.selector) && Object(node.nodes).length; // whether the node is an custom property
const isCustomDecl = node => node.type === 'decl' && customPropertyRegExp.test(node.prop); // whether the node is a parent without children
const isEmptyParent = node => Object(node.nodes).length === 0;
/* Get Custom Properties from CSS File /* ========================================================================== */
function getCustomPropertiesFromCSSFile(_x) { return _getCustomPropertiesFromCSSFile.apply(this, arguments); } /* Get Custom Properties from Object /* ========================================================================== */
function _getCustomPropertiesFromCSSFile() { _getCustomPropertiesFromCSSFile = _asyncToGenerator(function* (from) { const css = yield readFile(from); const root = postcss.parse(css, { from }); return getCustomPropertiesFromRoot(root, { preserve: true }); }); return _getCustomPropertiesFromCSSFile.apply(this, arguments); }
function getCustomPropertiesFromObject(object) { const customProperties = Object.assign({}, Object(object).customProperties, Object(object)['custom-properties']);
for (const key in customProperties) { customProperties[key] = parse(String(customProperties[key])).nodes; }
return customProperties; } /* Get Custom Properties from JSON file /* ========================================================================== */
function getCustomPropertiesFromJSONFile(_x2) { return _getCustomPropertiesFromJSONFile.apply(this, arguments); } /* Get Custom Properties from JS file /* ========================================================================== */
function _getCustomPropertiesFromJSONFile() { _getCustomPropertiesFromJSONFile = _asyncToGenerator(function* (from) { const object = yield readJSON(from); return getCustomPropertiesFromObject(object); }); return _getCustomPropertiesFromJSONFile.apply(this, arguments); }
function getCustomPropertiesFromJSFile(_x3) { return _getCustomPropertiesFromJSFile.apply(this, arguments); } /* Get Custom Properties from Imports /* ========================================================================== */
function _getCustomPropertiesFromJSFile() { _getCustomPropertiesFromJSFile = _asyncToGenerator(function* (from) { const object = yield Promise.resolve(require(from)); return getCustomPropertiesFromObject(object); }); return _getCustomPropertiesFromJSFile.apply(this, arguments); }
function getCustomPropertiesFromImports(sources) { return sources.map(source => { if (source instanceof Promise) { return source; } else if (source instanceof Function) { return source(); } // read the source as an object
const opts = source === Object(source) ? source : { from: String(source) }; // skip objects with Custom Properties
if (opts.customProperties || opts['custom-properties']) { return opts; } // source pathname
const from = path.resolve(String(opts.from || '')); // type of file being read from
const type = (opts.type || path.extname(from).slice(1)).toLowerCase(); return { type, from }; }).reduce( /*#__PURE__*/ function () { var _ref = _asyncToGenerator(function* (customProperties, source) { const _ref2 = yield source, type = _ref2.type, from = _ref2.from;
if (type === 'css') { return Object.assign((yield customProperties), (yield getCustomPropertiesFromCSSFile(from))); }
if (type === 'js') { return Object.assign((yield customProperties), (yield getCustomPropertiesFromJSFile(from))); }
if (type === 'json') { return Object.assign((yield customProperties), (yield getCustomPropertiesFromJSONFile(from))); }
return Object.assign((yield customProperties), (yield getCustomPropertiesFromObject((yield source)))); });
return function (_x4, _x5) { return _ref.apply(this, arguments); }; }(), {}); } /* Helper utilities /* ========================================================================== */
const readFile = from => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readFile(from, 'utf8', (error, result) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(result); } }); });
const readJSON = /*#__PURE__*/ function () { var _ref3 = _asyncToGenerator(function* (from) { return JSON.parse((yield readFile(from))); });
return function readJSON(_x6) { return _ref3.apply(this, arguments); }; }();
function transformValueAST(root, customProperties) { if (root.nodes && root.nodes.length) { root.nodes.slice().forEach(child => { if (isVarFunction(child)) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const _child$nodes$slice = child.nodes.slice(1, -1), propertyNode = _child$nodes$slice[0], comma = _child$nodes$slice[1], fallbacks = _child$nodes$slice.slice(2);
const name = propertyNode.value;
if (name in Object(customProperties)) { // conditionally replace a known custom property
const nodes = asClonedArrayWithBeforeSpacing(customProperties[name], child.raws.before); child.replaceWith(...nodes); retransformValueAST({ nodes }, customProperties, name); } else if (fallbacks.length) { // conditionally replace a custom property with a fallback
const index = root.nodes.indexOf(child);
if (index !== -1) { root.nodes.splice(index, 1, ...asClonedArrayWithBeforeSpacing(fallbacks, child.raws.before)); }
transformValueAST(root, customProperties); } } else { transformValueAST(child, customProperties); } }); }
return root; } // retransform the current ast without a custom property (to prevent recursion)
function retransformValueAST(root, customProperties, withoutProperty) { const nextCustomProperties = Object.assign({}, customProperties); delete nextCustomProperties[withoutProperty]; return transformValueAST(root, nextCustomProperties); } // match var() functions
const varRegExp = /^var$/i; // whether the node is a var() function
const isVarFunction = node => node.type === 'func' && varRegExp.test(node.value) && Object(node.nodes).length > 0; // return an array with its nodes cloned, preserving the raw
const asClonedArrayWithBeforeSpacing = (array, beforeSpacing) => { const clonedArray = asClonedArray(array, null);
if (clonedArray[0]) { clonedArray[0].raws.before = beforeSpacing; }
return clonedArray; }; // return an array with its nodes cloned
const asClonedArray = (array, parent) => array.map(node => asClonedNode(node, parent)); // return a cloned node
const asClonedNode = (node, parent) => { const cloneNode = new node.constructor(node);
for (const key in node) { if (key === 'parent') { cloneNode.parent = parent; } else if (Object(node[key]).constructor === Array) { cloneNode[key] = asClonedArray(node.nodes, cloneNode); } else if (Object(node[key]).constructor === Object) { cloneNode[key] = Object.assign({}, node[key]); } }
return cloneNode; };
var transformProperties = ((root, customProperties, opts) => { // walk decls that can be transformed
root.walkDecls(decl => { if (isTransformableDecl(decl) && !isRuleIgnored(decl)) { const originalValue = decl.value; const valueAST = parse(originalValue); const value = String(transformValueAST(valueAST, customProperties)); // conditionally transform values that have changed
if (value !== originalValue) { if (opts.preserve) { decl.cloneBefore({ value }); } else { decl.value = value; } } } }); }); // match custom properties
const customPropertyRegExp$1 = /^--[A-z][\w-]*$/; // match custom property inclusions
const customPropertiesRegExp = /(^|[^\w-])var\([\W\w]+\)/; // whether the declaration should be potentially transformed
const isTransformableDecl = decl => !customPropertyRegExp$1.test(decl.prop) && customPropertiesRegExp.test(decl.value);
/* Write Custom Properties to CSS File /* ========================================================================== */
function writeCustomPropertiesToCssFile(_x, _x2) { return _writeCustomPropertiesToCssFile.apply(this, arguments); } /* Write Custom Properties to JSON file /* ========================================================================== */
function _writeCustomPropertiesToCssFile() { _writeCustomPropertiesToCssFile = _asyncToGenerator(function* (to, customProperties) { const cssContent = Object.keys(customProperties).reduce((cssLines, name) => { cssLines.push(`\t${name}: ${customProperties[name]};`); return cssLines; }, []).join('\n'); const css = `:root {\n${cssContent}\n}\n`; yield writeFile(to, css); }); return _writeCustomPropertiesToCssFile.apply(this, arguments); }
function writeCustomPropertiesToJsonFile(_x3, _x4) { return _writeCustomPropertiesToJsonFile.apply(this, arguments); } /* Write Custom Properties to Common JS file /* ========================================================================== */
function _writeCustomPropertiesToJsonFile() { _writeCustomPropertiesToJsonFile = _asyncToGenerator(function* (to, customProperties) { const jsonContent = JSON.stringify({ 'custom-properties': customProperties }, null, ' '); const json = `${jsonContent}\n`; yield writeFile(to, json); }); return _writeCustomPropertiesToJsonFile.apply(this, arguments); }
function writeCustomPropertiesToCjsFile(_x5, _x6) { return _writeCustomPropertiesToCjsFile.apply(this, arguments); } /* Write Custom Properties to Module JS file /* ========================================================================== */
function _writeCustomPropertiesToCjsFile() { _writeCustomPropertiesToCjsFile = _asyncToGenerator(function* (to, customProperties) { const jsContents = Object.keys(customProperties).reduce((jsLines, name) => { jsLines.push(`\t\t'${escapeForJS(name)}': '${escapeForJS(customProperties[name])}'`); return jsLines; }, []).join(',\n'); const js = `module.exports = {\n\tcustomProperties: {\n${jsContents}\n\t}\n};\n`; yield writeFile(to, js); }); return _writeCustomPropertiesToCjsFile.apply(this, arguments); }
function writeCustomPropertiesToMjsFile(_x7, _x8) { return _writeCustomPropertiesToMjsFile.apply(this, arguments); } /* Write Custom Properties to Exports /* ========================================================================== */
function _writeCustomPropertiesToMjsFile() { _writeCustomPropertiesToMjsFile = _asyncToGenerator(function* (to, customProperties) { const mjsContents = Object.keys(customProperties).reduce((mjsLines, name) => { mjsLines.push(`\t'${escapeForJS(name)}': '${escapeForJS(customProperties[name])}'`); return mjsLines; }, []).join(',\n'); const mjs = `export const customProperties = {\n${mjsContents}\n};\n`; yield writeFile(to, mjs); }); return _writeCustomPropertiesToMjsFile.apply(this, arguments); }
function writeCustomPropertiesToExports(customProperties, destinations) { return Promise.all(destinations.map( /*#__PURE__*/ function () { var _ref = _asyncToGenerator(function* (destination) { if (destination instanceof Function) { yield destination(defaultCustomPropertiesToJSON(customProperties)); } else { // read the destination as an object
const opts = destination === Object(destination) ? destination : { to: String(destination) }; // transformer for Custom Properties into a JSON-compatible object
const toJSON = opts.toJSON || defaultCustomPropertiesToJSON;
if ('customProperties' in opts) { // write directly to an object as customProperties
opts.customProperties = toJSON(customProperties); } else if ('custom-properties' in opts) { // write directly to an object as custom-properties
opts['custom-properties'] = toJSON(customProperties); } else { // destination pathname
const to = String(opts.to || ''); // type of file being written to
const type = (opts.type || path.extname(opts.to).slice(1)).toLowerCase(); // transformed Custom Properties
const customPropertiesJSON = toJSON(customProperties);
if (type === 'css') { yield writeCustomPropertiesToCssFile(to, customPropertiesJSON); }
if (type === 'js') { yield writeCustomPropertiesToCjsFile(to, customPropertiesJSON); }
if (type === 'json') { yield writeCustomPropertiesToJsonFile(to, customPropertiesJSON); }
if (type === 'mjs') { yield writeCustomPropertiesToMjsFile(to, customPropertiesJSON); } } } });
return function (_x9) { return _ref.apply(this, arguments); }; }())); } /* Helper utilities /* ========================================================================== */
const defaultCustomPropertiesToJSON = customProperties => { return Object.keys(customProperties).reduce((customPropertiesJSON, key) => { customPropertiesJSON[key] = String(customProperties[key]); return customPropertiesJSON; }, {}); };
const writeFile = (to, text) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.writeFile(to, text, error => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(); } }); });
const escapeForJS = string => string.replace(/\\([\s\S])|(')/g, '\\$1$2').replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\r/g, '\\r');
var index = postcss.plugin('postcss-custom-properties', opts => { // whether to preserve custom selectors and rules using them
const preserve = 'preserve' in Object(opts) ? Boolean(opts.preserve) : true; // sources to import custom selectors from
const importFrom = [].concat(Object(opts).importFrom || []); // destinations to export custom selectors to
const exportTo = [].concat(Object(opts).exportTo || []); // promise any custom selectors are imported
const customPropertiesPromise = getCustomPropertiesFromImports(importFrom); // synchronous transform
const syncTransform = root => { const customProperties = getCustomPropertiesFromRoot(root, { preserve }); transformProperties(root, customProperties, { preserve }); }; // asynchronous transform
const asyncTransform = /*#__PURE__*/ function () { var _ref = _asyncToGenerator(function* (root) { const customProperties = Object.assign({}, (yield customPropertiesPromise), getCustomPropertiesFromRoot(root, { preserve })); yield writeCustomPropertiesToExports(customProperties, exportTo); transformProperties(root, customProperties, { preserve }); });
return function asyncTransform(_x) { return _ref.apply(this, arguments); }; }(); // whether to return synchronous function if no asynchronous operations are requested
const canReturnSyncFunction = importFrom.length === 0 && exportTo.length === 0; return canReturnSyncFunction ? syncTransform : asyncTransform; });
module.exports = index; //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.js.map