"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = void 0;
var _util = require("../util");
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
var cloneNode = function cloneNode(obj, parent) { if (typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) { return obj; }
var cloned = new obj.constructor();
for (var i in obj) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; }
var value = obj[i]; var type = typeof value;
if (i === 'parent' && type === 'object') { if (parent) { cloned[i] = parent; } } else if (value instanceof Array) { cloned[i] = value.map(function (j) { return cloneNode(j, cloned); }); } else { cloned[i] = cloneNode(value, cloned); } }
return cloned; };
var Node = /*#__PURE__*/ function () { function Node(opts) { if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; }
Object.assign(this, opts); this.spaces = this.spaces || {}; this.spaces.before = this.spaces.before || ''; this.spaces.after = this.spaces.after || ''; }
var _proto = Node.prototype;
_proto.remove = function remove() { if (this.parent) { this.parent.removeChild(this); }
this.parent = undefined; return this; };
_proto.replaceWith = function replaceWith() { if (this.parent) { for (var index in arguments) { this.parent.insertBefore(this, arguments[index]); }
this.remove(); }
return this; };
_proto.next = function next() { return this.parent.at(this.parent.index(this) + 1); };
_proto.prev = function prev() { return this.parent.at(this.parent.index(this) - 1); };
_proto.clone = function clone(overrides) { if (overrides === void 0) { overrides = {}; }
var cloned = cloneNode(this);
for (var name in overrides) { cloned[name] = overrides[name]; }
return cloned; } /** * Some non-standard syntax doesn't follow normal escaping rules for css. * This allows non standard syntax to be appended to an existing property * by specifying the escaped value. By specifying the escaped value, * illegal characters are allowed to be directly inserted into css output. * @param {string} name the property to set * @param {any} value the unescaped value of the property * @param {string} valueEscaped optional. the escaped value of the property. */ ;
_proto.appendToPropertyAndEscape = function appendToPropertyAndEscape(name, value, valueEscaped) { if (!this.raws) { this.raws = {}; }
var originalValue = this[name]; var originalEscaped = this.raws[name]; this[name] = originalValue + value; // this may trigger a setter that updates raws, so it has to be set first.
if (originalEscaped || valueEscaped !== value) { this.raws[name] = (originalEscaped || originalValue) + valueEscaped; } else { delete this.raws[name]; // delete any escaped value that was created by the setter.
} } /** * Some non-standard syntax doesn't follow normal escaping rules for css. * This allows the escaped value to be specified directly, allowing illegal * characters to be directly inserted into css output. * @param {string} name the property to set * @param {any} value the unescaped value of the property * @param {string} valueEscaped the escaped value of the property. */ ;
_proto.setPropertyAndEscape = function setPropertyAndEscape(name, value, valueEscaped) { if (!this.raws) { this.raws = {}; }
this[name] = value; // this may trigger a setter that updates raws, so it has to be set first.
this.raws[name] = valueEscaped; } /** * When you want a value to passed through to CSS directly. This method * deletes the corresponding raw value causing the stringifier to fallback * to the unescaped value. * @param {string} name the property to set. * @param {any} value The value that is both escaped and unescaped. */ ;
_proto.setPropertyWithoutEscape = function setPropertyWithoutEscape(name, value) { this[name] = value; // this may trigger a setter that updates raws, so it has to be set first.
if (this.raws) { delete this.raws[name]; } } /** * * @param {number} line The number (starting with 1) * @param {number} column The column number (starting with 1) */ ;
_proto.isAtPosition = function isAtPosition(line, column) { if (this.source && this.source.start && this.source.end) { if (this.source.start.line > line) { return false; }
if (this.source.end.line < line) { return false; }
if (this.source.start.line === line && this.source.start.column > column) { return false; }
if (this.source.end.line === line && this.source.end.column < column) { return false; }
return true; }
return undefined; };
_proto.stringifyProperty = function stringifyProperty(name) { return this.raws && this.raws[name] || this[name]; };
_proto.valueToString = function valueToString() { return String(this.stringifyProperty("value")); };
_proto.toString = function toString() { return [this.rawSpaceBefore, this.valueToString(), this.rawSpaceAfter].join(''); };
_createClass(Node, [{ key: "rawSpaceBefore", get: function get() { var rawSpace = this.raws && this.raws.spaces && this.raws.spaces.before;
if (rawSpace === undefined) { rawSpace = this.spaces && this.spaces.before; }
return rawSpace || ""; }, set: function set(raw) { (0, _util.ensureObject)(this, "raws", "spaces"); this.raws.spaces.before = raw; } }, { key: "rawSpaceAfter", get: function get() { var rawSpace = this.raws && this.raws.spaces && this.raws.spaces.after;
if (rawSpace === undefined) { rawSpace = this.spaces.after; }
return rawSpace || ""; }, set: function set(raw) { (0, _util.ensureObject)(this, "raws", "spaces"); this.raws.spaces.after = raw; } }]);
return Node; }();
exports.default = Node; module.exports = exports.default;