const openBracket = '{'.charCodeAt(0); const closeBracket = '}'.charCodeAt(0); const openParen = '('.charCodeAt(0); const closeParen = ')'.charCodeAt(0); const singleQuote = "'".charCodeAt(0); const doubleQuote = '"'.charCodeAt(0); const backslash = '\\'.charCodeAt(0); const slash = '/'.charCodeAt(0); const period = '.'.charCodeAt(0); const comma = ','.charCodeAt(0); const colon = ':'.charCodeAt(0); const asterisk = '*'.charCodeAt(0); const minus = '-'.charCodeAt(0); const plus = '+'.charCodeAt(0); const pound = '#'.charCodeAt(0); const newline = '\n'.charCodeAt(0); const space = ' '.charCodeAt(0); const feed = '\f'.charCodeAt(0); const tab = '\t'.charCodeAt(0); const cr = '\r'.charCodeAt(0); const at = '@'.charCodeAt(0); const lowerE = 'e'.charCodeAt(0); const upperE = 'E'.charCodeAt(0); const digit0 = '0'.charCodeAt(0); const digit9 = '9'.charCodeAt(0); const lowerU = 'u'.charCodeAt(0); const upperU = 'U'.charCodeAt(0); const atEnd = /[ \n\t\r\{\(\)'"\\;,/]/g; const wordEnd = /[ \n\t\r\(\)\{\}\*:;@!&'"\+\|~>,\[\]\\]|\/(?=\*)/g; const wordEndNum = /[ \n\t\r\(\)\{\}\*:;@!&'"\-\+\|~>,\[\]\\]|\//g; const alphaNum = /^[a-z0-9]/i; const unicodeRange = /^[a-f0-9?\-]/i;
const util = require('util');
const TokenizeError = require('./errors/TokenizeError');
module.exports = function tokenize(input, options) { options = options || {};
const tokens = [];
const css = input.valueOf();
const length = css.length;
let offset = -1;
let line = 1;
let pos = 0;
let parentCount = 0;
let isURLArg = null;
let code; let next; let quote; let lines; let last; let content; let escape; let nextLine; let nextOffset;
let escaped; let escapePos; let nextChar;
function unclosed(what) { const message = util.format( 'Unclosed %s at line: %d, column: %d, token: %d', what, line, pos - offset, pos ); throw new TokenizeError(message); }
function tokenizeError() { const message = util.format( 'Syntax error at line: %d, column: %d, token: %d', line, pos - offset, pos ); throw new TokenizeError(message); }
while (pos < length) { code = css.charCodeAt(pos);
if (code === newline) { offset = pos; line += 1; }
switch (code) { case newline: case space: case tab: case cr: case feed: next = pos; do { next += 1; code = css.charCodeAt(next); if (code === newline) { offset = next; line += 1; } } while ( code === space || code === newline || code === tab || code === cr || code === feed );
tokens.push(['space', css.slice(pos, next), line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos]);
pos = next - 1; break;
case colon: next = pos + 1; tokens.push(['colon', css.slice(pos, next), line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos]);
pos = next - 1; break;
case comma: next = pos + 1; tokens.push(['comma', css.slice(pos, next), line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos]);
pos = next - 1; break;
case openBracket: tokens.push(['{', '{', line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos]); break;
case closeBracket: tokens.push(['}', '}', line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos]); break;
case openParen: parentCount++; isURLArg = !isURLArg && parentCount === 1 && tokens.length > 0 && tokens[tokens.length - 1][0] === 'word' && tokens[tokens.length - 1][1] === 'url'; tokens.push(['(', '(', line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos]); break;
case closeParen: parentCount--; isURLArg = !isURLArg && parentCount === 1; tokens.push([')', ')', line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos]); break;
case singleQuote: case doubleQuote: quote = code === singleQuote ? "'" : '"'; next = pos; do { escaped = false; next = css.indexOf(quote, next + 1); if (next === -1) { unclosed('quote', quote); } escapePos = next; while (css.charCodeAt(escapePos - 1) === backslash) { escapePos -= 1; escaped = !escaped; } } while (escaped);
tokens.push([ 'string', css.slice(pos, next + 1), line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos ]); pos = next; break;
case at: atEnd.lastIndex = pos + 1; atEnd.test(css);
if (atEnd.lastIndex === 0) { next = css.length - 1; } else { next = atEnd.lastIndex - 2; }
tokens.push([ 'atword', css.slice(pos, next + 1), line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos ]); pos = next; break;
case backslash: next = pos; code = css.charCodeAt(next + 1);
if ( escape && (code !== slash && code !== space && code !== newline && code !== tab && code !== cr && code !== feed) ) { next += 1; }
tokens.push([ 'word', css.slice(pos, next + 1), line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos ]);
pos = next; break;
case plus: case minus: case asterisk: next = pos + 1; nextChar = css.slice(pos + 1, next + 1);
const prevChar = css.slice(pos - 1, pos);
// if the operator is immediately followed by a word character, then we
// have a prefix of some kind, and should fall-through. eg. -webkit
// look for --* for custom variables
if (code === minus && nextChar.charCodeAt(0) === minus) { next++;
tokens.push(['word', css.slice(pos, next), line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos]);
pos = next - 1; break; }
tokens.push([ 'operator', css.slice(pos, next), line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos ]);
pos = next - 1; break;
default: if ( code === slash && (css.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === asterisk || (options.loose && !isURLArg && css.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === slash)) ) { const isStandardComment = css.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === asterisk;
if (isStandardComment) { next = css.indexOf('*/', pos + 2) + 1; if (next === 0) { unclosed('comment', '*/'); } } else { const newlinePos = css.indexOf('\n', pos + 2);
next = newlinePos !== -1 ? newlinePos - 1 : length; }
content = css.slice(pos, next + 1); lines = content.split('\n'); last = lines.length - 1;
if (last > 0) { nextLine = line + last; nextOffset = next - lines[last].length; } else { nextLine = line; nextOffset = offset; }
tokens.push(['comment', content, line, pos - offset, nextLine, next - nextOffset, pos]);
offset = nextOffset; line = nextLine; pos = next; } else if (code === pound && !alphaNum.test(css.slice(pos + 1, pos + 2))) { next = pos + 1;
tokens.push(['#', css.slice(pos, next), line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos]);
pos = next - 1; } else if ((code === lowerU || code === upperU) && css.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === plus) { next = pos + 2;
do { next += 1; code = css.charCodeAt(next); } while (next < length && unicodeRange.test(css.slice(next, next + 1)));
tokens.push([ 'unicoderange', css.slice(pos, next), line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos ]); pos = next - 1; } // catch a regular slash, that isn't a comment
else if (code === slash) { next = pos + 1;
tokens.push([ 'operator', css.slice(pos, next), line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos ]);
pos = next - 1; } else { let regex = wordEnd;
// we're dealing with a word that starts with a number
// those get treated differently
if (code >= digit0 && code <= digit9) { regex = wordEndNum; }
regex.lastIndex = pos + 1; regex.test(css);
if (regex.lastIndex === 0) { next = css.length - 1; } else { next = regex.lastIndex - 2; }
// Exponential number notation with minus or plus: 1e-10, 1e+10
if (regex === wordEndNum || code === period) { const ncode = css.charCodeAt(next);
const ncode1 = css.charCodeAt(next + 1);
const ncode2 = css.charCodeAt(next + 2);
if ( (ncode === lowerE || ncode === upperE) && (ncode1 === minus || ncode1 === plus) && (ncode2 >= digit0 && ncode2 <= digit9) ) { wordEndNum.lastIndex = next + 2; wordEndNum.test(css);
if (wordEndNum.lastIndex === 0) { next = css.length - 1; } else { next = wordEndNum.lastIndex - 2; } } }
tokens.push([ 'word', css.slice(pos, next + 1), line, pos - offset, line, next - offset, pos ]); pos = next; } break; }
pos++; }
return tokens; };