/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */
'use strict';
// This alternative WebpackDevServer combines the functionality of:
// https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-server/blob/webpack-1/client/index.js
// https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/webpack-1/hot/dev-server.js
// It only supports their simplest configuration (hot updates on same server).
// It makes some opinionated choices on top, like adding a syntax error overlay
// that looks similar to our console output. The error overlay is inspired by:
// https://github.com/glenjamin/webpack-hot-middleware
var stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi'); var url = require('url'); var launchEditorEndpoint = require('./launchEditorEndpoint'); var formatWebpackMessages = require('./formatWebpackMessages'); var ErrorOverlay = require('react-error-overlay');
ErrorOverlay.setEditorHandler(function editorHandler(errorLocation) { // Keep this sync with errorOverlayMiddleware.js
fetch( launchEditorEndpoint + '?fileName=' + window.encodeURIComponent(errorLocation.fileName) + '&lineNumber=' + window.encodeURIComponent(errorLocation.lineNumber || 1) + '&colNumber=' + window.encodeURIComponent(errorLocation.colNumber || 1) ); });
// We need to keep track of if there has been a runtime error.
// Essentially, we cannot guarantee application state was not corrupted by the
// runtime error. To prevent confusing behavior, we forcibly reload the entire
// application. This is handled below when we are notified of a compile (code
// change).
// See https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/3096
var hadRuntimeError = false; ErrorOverlay.startReportingRuntimeErrors({ onError: function () { hadRuntimeError = true; }, filename: '/static/js/bundle.js', });
if (module.hot && typeof module.hot.dispose === 'function') { module.hot.dispose(function () { // TODO: why do we need this?
ErrorOverlay.stopReportingRuntimeErrors(); }); }
// Connect to WebpackDevServer via a socket.
var connection = new WebSocket( url.format({ protocol: window.location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss' : 'ws', hostname: process.env.WDS_SOCKET_HOST || window.location.hostname, port: process.env.WDS_SOCKET_PORT || window.location.port, // Hardcoded in WebpackDevServer
pathname: process.env.WDS_SOCKET_PATH || '/sockjs-node', slashes: true, }) );
// Unlike WebpackDevServer client, we won't try to reconnect
// to avoid spamming the console. Disconnect usually happens
// when developer stops the server.
connection.onclose = function () { if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.info === 'function') { console.info( 'The development server has disconnected.\nRefresh the page if necessary.' ); } };
// Remember some state related to hot module replacement.
var isFirstCompilation = true; var mostRecentCompilationHash = null; var hasCompileErrors = false;
function clearOutdatedErrors() { // Clean up outdated compile errors, if any.
if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.clear === 'function') { if (hasCompileErrors) { console.clear(); } } }
// Successful compilation.
function handleSuccess() { clearOutdatedErrors();
var isHotUpdate = !isFirstCompilation; isFirstCompilation = false; hasCompileErrors = false;
// Attempt to apply hot updates or reload.
if (isHotUpdate) { tryApplyUpdates(function onHotUpdateSuccess() { // Only dismiss it when we're sure it's a hot update.
// Otherwise it would flicker right before the reload.
tryDismissErrorOverlay(); }); } }
// Compilation with warnings (e.g. ESLint).
function handleWarnings(warnings) { clearOutdatedErrors();
var isHotUpdate = !isFirstCompilation; isFirstCompilation = false; hasCompileErrors = false;
function printWarnings() { // Print warnings to the console.
var formatted = formatWebpackMessages({ warnings: warnings, errors: [], });
if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.warn === 'function') { for (var i = 0; i < formatted.warnings.length; i++) { if (i === 5) { console.warn( 'There were more warnings in other files.\n' + 'You can find a complete log in the terminal.' ); break; } console.warn(stripAnsi(formatted.warnings[i])); } } }
// Attempt to apply hot updates or reload.
if (isHotUpdate) { tryApplyUpdates(function onSuccessfulHotUpdate() { // Only dismiss it when we're sure it's a hot update.
// Otherwise it would flicker right before the reload.
tryDismissErrorOverlay(); }); } }
// Compilation with errors (e.g. syntax error or missing modules).
function handleErrors(errors) { clearOutdatedErrors();
isFirstCompilation = false; hasCompileErrors = true;
// "Massage" webpack messages.
var formatted = formatWebpackMessages({ errors: errors, warnings: [], });
// Only show the first error.
// Also log them to the console.
if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.error === 'function') { for (var i = 0; i < formatted.errors.length; i++) { console.error(stripAnsi(formatted.errors[i])); } }
// Do not attempt to reload now.
// We will reload on next success instead.
function tryDismissErrorOverlay() { if (!hasCompileErrors) { ErrorOverlay.dismissBuildError(); } }
// There is a newer version of the code available.
function handleAvailableHash(hash) { // Update last known compilation hash.
mostRecentCompilationHash = hash; }
// Handle messages from the server.
connection.onmessage = function (e) { var message = JSON.parse(e.data); switch (message.type) { case 'hash': handleAvailableHash(message.data); break; case 'still-ok': case 'ok': handleSuccess(); break; case 'content-changed': // Triggered when a file from `contentBase` changed.
window.location.reload(); break; case 'warnings': handleWarnings(message.data); break; case 'errors': handleErrors(message.data); break; default: // Do nothing.
} };
// Is there a newer version of this code available?
function isUpdateAvailable() { /* globals __webpack_hash__ */ // __webpack_hash__ is the hash of the current compilation.
// It's a global variable injected by webpack.
return mostRecentCompilationHash !== __webpack_hash__; }
// webpack disallows updates in other states.
function canApplyUpdates() { return module.hot.status() === 'idle'; }
// Attempt to update code on the fly, fall back to a hard reload.
function tryApplyUpdates(onHotUpdateSuccess) { if (!module.hot) { // HotModuleReplacementPlugin is not in webpack configuration.
window.location.reload(); return; }
if (!isUpdateAvailable() || !canApplyUpdates()) { return; }
function handleApplyUpdates(err, updatedModules) { // NOTE: This var is injected by Webpack's DefinePlugin, and is a boolean instead of string.
const hasReactRefresh = process.env.FAST_REFRESH; const wantsForcedReload = err || !updatedModules || hadRuntimeError; // React refresh can handle hot-reloading over errors.
if (!hasReactRefresh && wantsForcedReload) { window.location.reload(); return; }
if (typeof onHotUpdateSuccess === 'function') { // Maybe we want to do something.
onHotUpdateSuccess(); }
if (isUpdateAvailable()) { // While we were updating, there was a new update! Do it again.
tryApplyUpdates(); } }
// https://webpack.github.io/docs/hot-module-replacement.html#check
var result = module.hot.check(/* autoApply */ true, handleApplyUpdates);
// // webpack 2 returns a Promise instead of invoking a callback
if (result && result.then) { result.then( function (updatedModules) { handleApplyUpdates(null, updatedModules); }, function (err) { handleApplyUpdates(err, null); } ); } }