/* eslint-env mocha */ var assert = require("assert"); var p = require("path"); var readdir = require("../index");
function getAbsolutePath(file) { return p.join(__dirname, file); }
function getAbsolutePaths(files) { return files.map(getAbsolutePath); }
describe("readdir", function() { it("correctly lists all files in nested directories", function(done) { var expectedFiles = getAbsolutePaths([ "/testdir/a/a", "/testdir/a/beans", "/testdir/b/123", "/testdir/b/b/hurp-durp", "/testdir/c.txt", "/testdir/d.txt" ]);
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir"), function(err, list) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(list.sort(), expectedFiles.sort()); done(); }); });
it("ignores the files listed in the ignores array", function(done) { var notExpectedFiles = getAbsolutePaths([ "/testdir/d.txt", "/testdir/a/beans" ]);
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir"), ["d.txt", "beans"], function( err, list ) { assert.ifError(err); list.forEach(function(file) { assert.equal( notExpectedFiles.indexOf(file), -1, 'Failed to ignore file "' + file + '".' ); }); done(); }); });
it("ignores the directories listed in the ignores array", function(done) { var notExpectedFiles = getAbsolutePaths([ "/testdir/a/a", "/testdir/a/beans" ]);
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir"), ["**/testdir/a"], function( err, list ) { assert.ifError(err); list.forEach(function(file) { assert.equal( notExpectedFiles.indexOf(file), -1, 'Failed to ignore file "' + file + '".' ); }); done(); }); });
it("ignores symlinked files and directories listed in the ignores array", function( done ) { var notExpectedFiles = getAbsolutePaths([ "/testsymlinks/testdir/linkeddir/hi.docx", "/testsymlinks/testdir/linkedfile.wmf" ]); readdir( p.join(__dirname, "testsymlinks/testdir"), ["linkeddir", "linkedfile.wmf"], function(err, list) { assert.ifError(err); list.forEach(function(file) { assert.equal( notExpectedFiles.indexOf(file), -1, 'Failed to ignore file "' + file + '".' ); }); done(); } ); });
it("supports ignoring files with just basename globbing", function(done) { var notExpectedFiles = getAbsolutePaths([ "/testdir/d.txt", "/testdir/a/beans" ]);
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir"), ["*.txt", "beans"], function( err, list ) { assert.ifError(err); list.forEach(function(file) { assert.equal( notExpectedFiles.indexOf(file), -1, 'Failed to ignore file "' + file + '".' ); }); done(); }); });
it("supports ignoring files with the globstar syntax", function(done) { var notExpectedFiles = getAbsolutePaths([ "/testdir/d.txt", "/testdir/a/beans" ]);
var ignores = ["**/*.txt", "**/a/beans"];
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir"), ignores, function(err, list) { assert.ifError(err); list.forEach(function(file) { assert.equal( notExpectedFiles.indexOf(file), -1, 'Failed to ignore file "' + file + '".' ); }); done(); }); });
context("when there is a function in the ignores array", function() { it("passes each file and directory path to the function", function(done) { var expectedPaths = getAbsolutePaths([ "/testdir/a", "/testdir/a/a", "/testdir/a/beans", "/testdir/b", "/testdir/b/123", "/testdir/b/b", "/testdir/b/b/hurp-durp", "/testdir/c.txt", "/testdir/d.txt" ]); var paths = []; function ignoreFunction(path) { paths.push(path); return false; } readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir"), [ignoreFunction], function( err, list ) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(paths.sort(), expectedPaths.sort()); done(); }); });
it("passes the stat object of each file to the function as its second argument", function( done ) { var paths = {}; function ignoreFunction(path, stats) { paths[path] = stats; return false; } readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir"), [ignoreFunction], function( err, list ) { assert.ifError(err); assert(paths[getAbsolutePath("/testdir/a")].isDirectory()); assert(paths[getAbsolutePath("/testdir/c.txt")].isFile()); done(); }); });
it("ignores files that the function returns true for", function(done) { var ignoredFiles = getAbsolutePaths([ "/testdir/d.txt", "/testdir/a/beans" ]); function ignoreFunction(path) { return ignoredFiles.indexOf(path) != -1; }
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir"), [ignoreFunction], function( err, list ) { assert.ifError(err); list.forEach(function(file) { assert.equal( ignoredFiles.indexOf(file), -1, 'Failed to ignore file "' + file + '".' ); }); done(); }); });
it("does not ignore files that the function returns false for", function( done ) { var notIgnoredFiles = getAbsolutePaths([ "/testdir/d.txt", "/testdir/a/beans" ]); function ignoreFunction(path) { return notIgnoredFiles.indexOf(path) == -1; }
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir"), [ignoreFunction], function( err, list ) { assert.ifError(err); notIgnoredFiles.forEach(function(file) { assert.notEqual( notIgnoredFiles.indexOf(file), -1, 'Incorrectly ignored file "' + file + '".' ); }); done(); }); });
it("ignores directories that the function returns true for", function( done ) { var ignoredDirectory = getAbsolutePath("/testdir/a"); var ignoredFiles = getAbsolutePaths(["/testdir/a/a", "/testdir/a/beans"]); function ignoreFunction(path) { return ignoredDirectory == path; }
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir"), [ignoreFunction], function( err, list ) { assert.ifError(err); list.forEach(function(file) { assert.equal( ignoredFiles.indexOf(file), -1, 'Failed to ignore file "' + file + '".' ); }); done(); }); });
it("does not ignore directories that the function returns false for", function( done ) { var ignoredDirectory = getAbsolutePath("/testdir/a"); var notIgnoredFiles = getAbsolutePaths([ "/testdir/b/123", "/testdir/b/b/hurp-durp" ]); function ignoreFunction(path) { return ignoredDirectory == path; }
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir"), [ignoreFunction], function( err, list ) { assert.ifError(err); notIgnoredFiles.forEach(function(file) { assert.notEqual( notIgnoredFiles.indexOf(file), -1, 'Incorrectly ignored file "' + file + '".' ); }); done(); }); });
it("does not descend into directories that the function returns true for", function( done ) { var ignoredDirectory = getAbsolutePath("/testdir/a"); var ignoredFiles = getAbsolutePaths(["/testdir/a/a", "/testdir/a/beans"]); var paths = []; function ignoreFunction(path) { paths.push(path); return ignoredDirectory == path; }
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir"), [ignoreFunction], function( err, list ) { assert.ifError(err); paths.forEach(function(file) { assert.equal( ignoredFiles.indexOf(file), -1, 'Transversed file in ignored directory "' + file + '".' ); }); done(); }); }); });
it("works when there are no files to report except ignored files", function( done ) { readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdirBeta"), ["*"], function(err, list) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(list.length, 0, "expect to report 0 files"); done(); }); });
it("works when negated ignore list is given", function(done) { var expectedFiles = getAbsolutePaths(["/testdirBeta/ignore.txt"]);
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdirBeta"), ["!*.txt"], function(err, list) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual( list.sort(), expectedFiles, "Failed to find expected files." ); done(); }); });
it("traverses directory and file symbolic links", function(done) { var expectedFiles = getAbsolutePaths([ "/testsymlinks/testdir/linkeddir/hi.docx", "/testsymlinks/testdir/linkedfile.wmf" ]);
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testsymlinks", "testdir"), function(err, list) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual( list.sort(), expectedFiles, "Failed to find expected files." ); done(); }); });
if (!global.Promise) { console.log("Native Promise not supported - skipping tests"); } else { it("works with promises", function(done) { var expectedFiles = getAbsolutePaths([ "/testdir/a/a", "/testdir/a/beans", "/testdir/b/123", "/testdir/b/b/hurp-durp", "/testdir/c.txt", "/testdir/d.txt" ]);
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir")) .then(function(list) { assert.deepEqual(list.sort(), expectedFiles.sort()); done(); }) .catch(done); });
it("correctly ignores when using promises", function(done) { var expectedFiles = getAbsolutePaths([ "/testdir/a/a", "/testdir/a/beans", "/testdir/b/123", "/testdir/b/b/hurp-durp" ]);
readdir(p.join(__dirname, "testdir"), ["*.txt"]) .then(function(list) { assert.deepEqual(list.sort(), expectedFiles.sort()); done(); }) .catch(done); }); } });