'use strict';
var fs = require('fs'), join = require('path').join, resolve = require('path').resolve, dirname = require('path').dirname, defaultOptions = { extensions: ['js', 'json', 'coffee'], recurse: true, rename: function (name) { return name; }, visit: function (obj) { return obj; } };
function checkFileInclusion(path, filename, options) { return ( // verify file has valid extension
(new RegExp('\\.(' + options.extensions.join('|') + ')$', 'i').test(filename)) &&
// if options.include is a RegExp, evaluate it and make sure the path passes
!(options.include && options.include instanceof RegExp && !options.include.test(path)) &&
// if options.include is a function, evaluate it and make sure the path passes
!(options.include && typeof options.include === 'function' && !options.include(path, filename)) &&
// if options.exclude is a RegExp, evaluate it and make sure the path doesn't pass
!(options.exclude && options.exclude instanceof RegExp && options.exclude.test(path)) &&
// if options.exclude is a function, evaluate it and make sure the path doesn't pass
!(options.exclude && typeof options.exclude === 'function' && options.exclude(path, filename)) ); }
function requireDirectory(m, path, options) { var retval = {};
// path is optional
if (path && !options && typeof path !== 'string') { options = path; path = null; }
// default options
options = options || {}; for (var prop in defaultOptions) { if (typeof options[prop] === 'undefined') { options[prop] = defaultOptions[prop]; } }
// if no path was passed in, assume the equivelant of __dirname from caller
// otherwise, resolve path relative to the equivalent of __dirname
path = !path ? dirname(m.filename) : resolve(dirname(m.filename), path);
// get the path of each file in specified directory, append to current tree node, recurse
fs.readdirSync(path).forEach(function (filename) { var joined = join(path, filename), files, key, obj;
if (fs.statSync(joined).isDirectory() && options.recurse) { // this node is a directory; recurse
files = requireDirectory(m, joined, options); // exclude empty directories
if (Object.keys(files).length) { retval[options.rename(filename, joined, filename)] = files; } } else { if (joined !== m.filename && checkFileInclusion(joined, filename, options)) { // hash node key shouldn't include file extension
key = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.')); obj = m.require(joined); retval[options.rename(key, joined, filename)] = options.visit(obj, joined, filename) || obj; } } });
return retval; }
module.exports = requireDirectory; module.exports.defaults = defaultOptions;