# rollup-pluginutils
A set of functions commonly used by Rollup plugins.
## Installation
```bash npm install --save rollup-pluginutils ```
## Usage
### addExtension
```js import { addExtension } from 'rollup-pluginutils';
export default function myPlugin ( options = {} ) { return { resolveId ( code, id ) { // only adds an extension if there isn't one already id = addExtension( id ); // `foo` -> `foo.js`, `foo.js -> foo.js` id = addExtension( id, '.myext' ); // `foo` -> `foo.myext`, `foo.js -> `foo.js` } }; } ```
### attachScopes
This function attaches `Scope` objects to the relevant nodes of an AST. Each `Scope` object has a `scope.contains(name)` method that returns `true` if a given name is defined in the current scope or a parent scope.
See [rollup-plugin-inject](https://github.com/rollup/rollup-plugin-inject) or [rollup-plugin-commonjs](https://github.com/rollup/rollup-plugin-commonjs) for an example of usage.
```js import { attachScopes } from 'rollup-pluginutils'; import { walk } from 'estree-walker';
export default function myPlugin ( options = {} ) { return { transform ( code ) { const ast = this.parse( code );
let scope = attachScopes( ast, 'scope' );
walk( ast, { enter ( node ) { if ( node.scope ) scope = node.scope;
if ( !scope.contains( 'foo' ) ) { // `foo` is not defined, so if we encounter it, // we assume it's a global } }, leave ( node ) { if ( node.scope ) scope = scope.parent; } }); } }; } ```
### createFilter
```js import { createFilter } from 'rollup-pluginutils';
export default function myPlugin ( options = {} ) { // `options.include` and `options.exclude` can each be a minimatch // pattern, or an array of minimatch patterns, relative to process.cwd() var filter = createFilter( options.include, options.exclude );
return { transform ( code, id ) { // if `options.include` is omitted or has zero length, filter // will return `true` by default. Otherwise, an ID must match // one or more of the minimatch patterns, and must not match // any of the `options.exclude` patterns. if ( !filter( id ) ) return;
// proceed with the transformation... } }; } ```
If you want to resolve the patterns against a directory other than `process.cwd()`, you can additionally pass a `resolve` option:
```js var filter = createFilter( options.include, options.exclude, {resolve: '/my/base/dir'} ) ```
If `resolve` is a string, then this value will be used as the base directory. Relative paths will be resolved against `process.cwd()` first. If `resolve` is `false`, then the patterns will not be resolved against any directory. This can be useful if you want to create a filter for virtual module names.
### makeLegalIdentifier
```js import { makeLegalIdentifier } from 'rollup-pluginutils';
makeLegalIdentifier( 'foo-bar' ); // 'foo_bar' makeLegalIdentifier( 'typeof' ); // '_typeof' ```
### dataToEsm
Helper for treeshakable data imports
```js import { dataToEsm } from 'rollup-pluginutils';
const esModuleSource = dataToEsm({ custom: 'data', to: ['treeshake'] }, { compact: false, indent: '\t', preferConst: false, objectShorthand: false, namedExports: true }); /* Outputs the string ES module source: export const custom = 'data'; export const to = ['treeshake']; export default { custom, to }; */ ```
### extractAssignedNames
Extract the names of all assignment targets from patterns.
```js import { extractAssignedNames } from 'rollup-pluginutils'; import { walk } from 'estree-walker';
export default function myPlugin ( options = {} ) { return { transform ( code ) { const ast = this.parse( code );
walk( ast, { enter ( node ) { if ( node.type === 'VariableDeclarator' ) { const declaredNames = extractAssignedNames(node.id); // do something with the declared names // e.g. for `const {x, y: z} = ... => declaredNames = ['x', 'z'] } } }); } }; } ```
## License