# shell-quote
Parse and quote shell commands.
# example
## quote
``` js var quote = require('shell-quote').quote; var s = quote([ 'a', 'b c d', '$f', '"g"' ]); console.log(s); ```
``` a 'b c d' \$f '"g"' ```
## parse
``` js var parse = require('shell-quote').parse; var xs = parse('a "b c" \\$def \'it\\\'s great\''); console.dir(xs); ```
``` [ 'a', 'b c', '\\$def', 'it\'s great' ] ```
## parse with an environment variable
``` js var parse = require('shell-quote').parse; var xs = parse('beep --boop="$PWD"', { PWD: '/home/robot' }); console.dir(xs); ```
``` [ 'beep', '--boop=/home/robot' ] ```
## parse with custom escape charcter
``` js var parse = require('shell-quote').parse; var xs = parse('beep --boop="$PWD"', { PWD: '/home/robot' }, { escape: '^' }); console.dir(xs); ```
``` [ 'beep', '--boop=/home/robot' ] ```
## parsing shell operators
``` js var parse = require('shell-quote').parse; var xs = parse('beep || boop > /byte'); console.dir(xs); ```
``` [ 'beep', { op: '||' }, 'boop', { op: '>' }, '/byte' ] ```
## parsing shell comment
``` js var parse = require('shell-quote').parse; var xs = parse('beep > boop # > kaboom'); console.dir(xs); ```
``` [ 'beep', { op: '>' }, 'boop', { comment: '> kaboom' } ] ```
# methods
``` js var quote = require('shell-quote').quote; var parse = require('shell-quote').parse; ```
## quote(args)
Return a quoted string for the array `args` suitable for using in shell commands.
## parse(cmd, env={})
Return an array of arguments from the quoted string `cmd`.
Interpolate embedded bash-style `$VARNAME` and `${VARNAME}` variables with the `env` object which like bash will replace undefined variables with `""`.
`env` is usually an object but it can also be a function to perform lookups. When `env(key)` returns a string, its result will be output just like `env[key]` would. When `env(key)` returns an object, it will be inserted into the result array like the operator objects.
When a bash operator is encountered, the element in the array with be an object with an `"op"` key set to the operator string. For example:
``` 'beep || boop > /byte' ```
parses as:
``` [ 'beep', { op: '||' }, 'boop', { op: '>' }, '/byte' ] ```
# install
With [npm](http://npmjs.org) do:
``` npm install shell-quote ```
# license