'use strict';
var use = require('use'); var define = require('define-property'); var debug = require('debug')('snapdragon:compiler'); var utils = require('./utils');
/** * Create a new `Compiler` with the given `options`. * @param {Object} `options` */
function Compiler(options, state) { debug('initializing', __filename); this.options = utils.extend({source: 'string'}, options); this.state = state || {}; this.compilers = {}; this.output = ''; this.set('eos', function(node) { return this.emit(node.val, node); }); this.set('noop', function(node) { return this.emit(node.val, node); }); this.set('bos', function(node) { return this.emit(node.val, node); }); use(this); }
/** * Prototype methods */
Compiler.prototype = {
/** * Throw an error message with details including the cursor position. * @param {String} `msg` Message to use in the Error. */
error: function(msg, node) { var pos = node.position || {start: {column: 0}}; var message = this.options.source + ' column:' + pos.start.column + ': ' + msg;
var err = new Error(message); err.reason = msg; err.column = pos.start.column; err.source = this.pattern;
if (this.options.silent) { this.errors.push(err); } else { throw err; } },
/** * Define a non-enumberable property on the `Compiler` instance. * * ```js
* compiler.define('foo', 'bar'); * ```
* @name .define * @param {String} `key` propery name * @param {any} `val` property value * @return {Object} Returns the Compiler instance for chaining. * @api public */
define: function(key, val) { define(this, key, val); return this; },
/** * Emit `node.val` */
emit: function(str, node) { this.output += str; return str; },
/** * Add a compiler `fn` with the given `name` */
set: function(name, fn) { this.compilers[name] = fn; return this; },
/** * Get compiler `name`. */
get: function(name) { return this.compilers[name]; },
/** * Get the previous AST node. */
prev: function(n) { return this.ast.nodes[this.idx - (n || 1)] || { type: 'bos', val: '' }; },
/** * Get the next AST node. */
next: function(n) { return this.ast.nodes[this.idx + (n || 1)] || { type: 'eos', val: '' }; },
/** * Visit `node`. */
visit: function(node, nodes, i) { var fn = this.compilers[node.type]; this.idx = i;
if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw this.error('compiler "' + node.type + '" is not registered', node); } return fn.call(this, node, nodes, i); },
/** * Map visit over array of `nodes`. */
mapVisit: function(nodes) { if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { throw new TypeError('expected an array'); } var len = nodes.length; var idx = -1; while (++idx < len) { this.visit(nodes[idx], nodes, idx); } return this; },
/** * Compile `ast`. */
compile: function(ast, options) { var opts = utils.extend({}, this.options, options); this.ast = ast; this.parsingErrors = this.ast.errors; this.output = '';
// source map support
if (opts.sourcemap) { var sourcemaps = require('./source-maps'); sourcemaps(this); this.mapVisit(this.ast.nodes); this.applySourceMaps(); this.map = opts.sourcemap === 'generator' ? this.map : this.map.toJSON(); return this; }
this.mapVisit(this.ast.nodes); return this; } };
/** * Expose `Compiler` */
module.exports = Compiler;