import * as MappingEntry from "./mapping-entry"; import * as Filesystem from "./filesystem"; /** * Function that can match a path async */ export interface MatchPathAsync { (requestedModule: string, readJson: Filesystem.ReadJsonAsync | undefined, fileExists: Filesystem.FileExistsAsync | undefined, extensions: ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined, callback: MatchPathAsyncCallback): void; } export interface MatchPathAsyncCallback { (err?: Error, path?: string): void; } /** * See the sync version for docs. */ export declare function createMatchPathAsync(absoluteBaseUrl: string, paths: { [key: string]: Array<string>; }, mainFields?: string[], addMatchAll?: boolean): MatchPathAsync; /** * See the sync version for docs. */ export declare function matchFromAbsolutePathsAsync(absolutePathMappings: ReadonlyArray<MappingEntry.MappingEntry>, requestedModule: string, readJson: Filesystem.ReadJsonAsync | undefined, fileExists: Filesystem.FileExistsAsync | undefined, extensions: ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined, callback: MatchPathAsyncCallback, mainFields?: string[]): void;