"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var path = require("path"); var TryPath = require("./try-path"); var MappingEntry = require("./mapping-entry"); var Filesystem = require("./filesystem"); /** * See the sync version for docs. */ function createMatchPathAsync(absoluteBaseUrl, paths, mainFields, addMatchAll) { if (mainFields === void 0) { mainFields = ["main"]; } if (addMatchAll === void 0) { addMatchAll = true; } var absolutePaths = MappingEntry.getAbsoluteMappingEntries(absoluteBaseUrl, paths, addMatchAll); return function (requestedModule, readJson, fileExists, extensions, callback) { return matchFromAbsolutePathsAsync(absolutePaths, requestedModule, readJson, fileExists, extensions, callback, mainFields); }; } exports.createMatchPathAsync = createMatchPathAsync; /** * See the sync version for docs. */ function matchFromAbsolutePathsAsync(absolutePathMappings, requestedModule, readJson, fileExists, extensions, callback, mainFields) { if (readJson === void 0) { readJson = Filesystem.readJsonFromDiskAsync; } if (fileExists === void 0) { fileExists = Filesystem.fileExistsAsync; } if (extensions === void 0) { extensions = Object.keys(require.extensions); } if (mainFields === void 0) { mainFields = ["main"]; } var tryPaths = TryPath.getPathsToTry(extensions, absolutePathMappings, requestedModule); if (!tryPaths) { return callback(); } findFirstExistingPath(tryPaths, readJson, fileExists, callback, 0, mainFields); } exports.matchFromAbsolutePathsAsync = matchFromAbsolutePathsAsync; function findFirstExistingMainFieldMappedFile(packageJson, mainFields, packageJsonPath, fileExistsAsync, doneCallback, index) { if (index === void 0) { index = 0; } if (index >= mainFields.length) { return doneCallback(undefined, undefined); } var tryNext = function () { return findFirstExistingMainFieldMappedFile(packageJson, mainFields, packageJsonPath, fileExistsAsync, doneCallback, index + 1); }; var mainFieldMapping = packageJson[mainFields[index]]; if (typeof mainFieldMapping !== "string") { // Skip mappings that are not pointers to replacement files
return tryNext(); } var mappedFilePath = path.join(path.dirname(packageJsonPath), mainFieldMapping); fileExistsAsync(mappedFilePath, function (err, exists) { if (err) { return doneCallback(err); } if (exists) { return doneCallback(undefined, mappedFilePath); } return tryNext(); }); } // Recursive loop to probe for physical files
function findFirstExistingPath(tryPaths, readJson, fileExists, doneCallback, index, mainFields) { if (index === void 0) { index = 0; } if (mainFields === void 0) { mainFields = ["main"]; } var tryPath = tryPaths[index]; if (tryPath.type === "file" || tryPath.type === "extension" || tryPath.type === "index") { fileExists(tryPath.path, function (err, exists) { if (err) { return doneCallback(err); } if (exists) { // Not sure why we don't just return the full path? Why strip it?
return doneCallback(undefined, TryPath.getStrippedPath(tryPath)); } if (index === tryPaths.length - 1) { return doneCallback(); } // Continue with the next path
return findFirstExistingPath(tryPaths, readJson, fileExists, doneCallback, index + 1, mainFields); }); } else if (tryPath.type === "package") { readJson(tryPath.path, function (err, packageJson) { if (err) { return doneCallback(err); } if (packageJson) { return findFirstExistingMainFieldMappedFile(packageJson, mainFields, tryPath.path, fileExists, function (mainFieldErr, mainFieldMappedFile) { if (mainFieldErr) { return doneCallback(mainFieldErr); } if (mainFieldMappedFile) { // Not sure why we don't just return the full path? Why strip it?
return doneCallback(undefined, Filesystem.removeExtension(mainFieldMappedFile)); } // No field in package json was a valid option. Continue with the next path.
return findFirstExistingPath(tryPaths, readJson, fileExists, doneCallback, index + 1, mainFields); }); } // This is async code, we need to return unconditionally, otherwise the code still falls
// through and keeps recursing. While this might work in general, libraries that use neo-async
// like Webpack will actually not allow you to call the same callback twice.
// An example of where this caused issues:
// https://github.com/dividab/tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin/issues/11
// Continue with the next path
return findFirstExistingPath(tryPaths, readJson, fileExists, doneCallback, index + 1, mainFields); }); } else { TryPath.exhaustiveTypeException(tryPath.type); } }