# 3.21.0
* added `getWellKnownSymbolPropertyOfType` to reliably get symbol named properties due to changes in typescript@4.3 * `getPropertyNameOfWellKnownSymbol` is now deprecated
# 3.20.0
* `findImports` and `findImportLikeNodes` take an additional parameter `ignoreFileName`. The default value for this paramter is `true` to remain backwards compatible. When set to `false`, it matches the behavior of TypeScript, i.e. only looks for `require` in JavaScript files.
* `getJsDoc` for `EndOfFileToken` now returns `JSDoc` comments whose contents are usable with the type checker
# 3.19.1
* `getSymbolOfClassLikeDeclaration` no longer crashes on anonymous mixin classes
# 3.19.0
* `getSymbolOfClassLikeDeclaration` to retrieve the symbol of class declarations and expressions regardless whether they have a name or not * `getBaseOfClassLikeDeclaration` to conventiently get the expression after `extends` * `getBaseClassMemberOfClassElement` to look up the declaration of a class member in the base class
* `getConstructorTypeOfClassLikeDeclaration` now really returns the constructor type (the static side of the class), previously it returned the instance type * `hasExhaustiveCaseClauses` allows additional case clauses with `null`, `undefined` and `never`
# 3.18.0
* Source maps for easier debugging * JSDoc is preserved in declaration files * Comments are presered in transpiled code * Everything you need to handle the control flow changes of TypeScript@3.7 * `callExpressionAffectsControlFlow` to determine whether a CallExpression affects control flow by returning `never` or `asserts` * `hasExhaustiveCaseClauses` to determine whether a SwitchStatement's CaseClauses handle every possible value * `endsControlFlow` and `getControlFlowEnd` take an optional `checker` parameter to recognize exhaustive SwitchStatements and control flow effects of CallExpressions * `formatPseudoBigInt` converts TypeScript's representation of a BigInt to its literal representation as you would write it in your source code * `getAstNodeAtPosition` similar to `getTokenAtPosition`, but only operates on AST Nodes * `removeOptionalChainingUndefinedMarkerType` and `isOptionalChainingUndefinedMarkerType` to handle types originating in an optional chain * `findImports` and `findImportLikeNodes`: prepare for import assertions * `getTsCheckDirective` as new name for `getCheckJsDirective` * `getCheckJsDirective` is now deprecated
* `getUsageDomain`: handles NamespaceExport and NamedTupleMember * `getPropertyName`: handles parentheses and negative numeric literals, excludes RegExp literals and private identifiers * `getSingleLateBoundPropertyNameOfPropertyName` and `getLateBoundPropertyNamesOfPropertyName`: handles private identifiers * `hasAccessModifier`: handles JSDoc access modifier * `hasSideEffects`: correctly determines side effects of (static) property initializers * `isExpressionValueUsed`: handle nullish coalescing and conditional assignment operators * `canHaveJsDoc`: aligned with upstream changes in TypeScript * `isCompilerOptionEnabled`: * `noUncheckedIndexedAccess` requires `strictNullChecks` * `checkJs` implies `allowJs` * `emitDeclarationOnly` requires `declaration` * `isInConstContext`: handle template string interpolations * excluded unnecessary files from npm package
# 3.17.1
* `isValidJsxIdentifier`, `isValidPropertyAccess`, `isValidPropertyName`: fix unicode character width handling
# 3.17.0
* `isValidJsxIdentifier` added an optional parameter to specify the target ECMAScript version
* `isValidJsxIdentifier` now handles astral plane characters
# 3.16.0
* added `getIteratorYieldResultFromIteratorResult` to extract the `yield`ed type from `IteratorResult<TYield, TReturn, TNext>`
# 3.15.0
* `isValidIdentifier`, `isValidPropertyName`, `isValidPropertyAccess`, `isValidNumericLiteral` added an optional parameter to specify the target ECMAScript version
* `isValidPropertyName`, `isValidPropertyAccess` now handle astral plane characters
# 3.14.1
* `findImports`: fixed crash on nested namespaces
# 3.14.0
* added `getInstanceTypeOfClassLikeDeclaration` and `getConstructorTypeOfClassLikeDeclaration` * added `AccessKind.Delete` to `getAccessKind`: `getAccessKind(node) & AccessKind.Modification` can now be used to restore the old behavior of `isReassignmentTarget(node)`
# 3.13.0
* `getAccessKind` determines whether an expression is read from, written to or both * optimized `getPropertyOfType` for unambiguous property names to partially work around https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/31565
* `isReassignmentTarget` no longer returns `true` for `DeleteExpression` as it doesn't **assign** a value to the operand
# 3.12.0
* `getLateBoundPropertyNamesOfPropertyName` returns all statically analyzable names of a property, method, ... * `getSingleLateBoundPropertyNameOfPropertyName` returns the literal name of a property, method, ... if statically analyzable
* fixed circular import
# 3.11.0
* typeguards: `isNumericOrStringLikeLiteral`, `isTupleTypeReference` * `intersectionTypeParts` as counterpart to `unionTypeParts` * `someTypePart` to execute a callback for each union or intersection constituent until the callback returns true * `getPropertyOfType` looks up a property by its escaped name * `isPropertyReadonlyInType` determines whether a property in a given type cannot be written to * `symbolHasReadonlyDeclaration` determines if a Symbol has any readonly or constant declaration * `isNumericPropertyName` determines whether a property name would match an index signature * `isBindableObjectDefinePropertyCall` returns true for statically analyzable forms of `Object.defineProperty(o, 'p', {value, writable})` * `isReadonlyAssignmentDeclaration` determines whether an `Object.defineProperty` call is known to result in a readonly property * `getLateBoundPropertyNames` returns all known property names of an expression * `getPropertyNameFromType` extracts the property name of literal types * `isWellKnownSymbolLiterally` to recognize expressions in the form of `Symbol.<name>` * `getPropertyNameOfWellKnownSymbol` returns the escaped name for a well known symbol literal * `unwrapParentheses` returns the first child expression that is not a `ParenthesizedExpression`
# 3.10.0
* `isCompilerOptionEnabled`: `incremental` is implicitly enabled by `composite`
* `collectVariableUsage`/`getUsageDomain`: no longer treat `as const` as type usage
# 3.9.1
* reverted invalid deprecation of `canHaveJsdoc` * fixed condition in `parseJsdocOfNode`
# 3.9.0
* added typeguards: `isNullLiteral` and `isBooleanLiteral`
# 3.8.0
* exposes typeguards for typescript@3.2 by default * added utilities: `isConstAssertion` and `isInConstContext`
# 3.7.0
* added `isBlockScopedDeclarationStatement` * added `isInSingleStatementContext`
# 3.6.0
* added `getCheckJsDirective` utility to parse `// @ts-check` and `// @ts-nocheck` pragmas
# 3.5.2
* Published declaration files no longer contain `const enum`. They are now declared as regular enums instead.
# 3.5.1
* `isThenableType` allows `Node` instead of `Expression` as parameter * `isBlockScopeBoundary` and `isScopeBoundary` consider `WithStatement` as scope boundary
# 3.5.0
* correctly handle BigInt literals * added typeguard `isBigIntLiteral` * `isLiteralType` recognises BigInt * `getPropertyName` adds special handling for BigInt
# 3.4.0
* added utility `commentText` to get the actual text content of a comment excluding the characters needed to start and end the comment
# 3.3.1
* `findImports`: fixed handling of ImportEqualsDeclaration
# 3.3.0
* `isCompilerOptionEnabled`: recognizes `strictBindCallApply` * `getTokenAtPosition`: optionally includes JSDoc during lookup
* `isCompilerOptionEnabled`: correctly implements logic for `allowSyntheticDefaultImports` * `findImportLikeNodes`: correctly finds imports in namespaces * `findImportLikeNodes` / `findImports`: finds import types in JSDoc of JS files
# 3.2.0
* added utility `findImportLikeNodes` that works similar to `findImports` but returns the import statement or expression instead of the module specifier and doesn't filter non-string module specifiers
# 3.1.0
* added utilities: `isKeywordKind` and `isValidJsxIdentifier` * exposes typeguards for typescript@3.0 by default
# 3.0.0
:warning: **Breaking Changes:**
* Dropped support for `typescript@<2.8.0` * Dropped support for Node.js 4 * Removed deprecated APIs: * `getIdentifierText`, `isJsxFramgment`, `ImportOptions` * deprected overloads of `isModifierFlagSet`, `findImports` and `getControlFlowEnd` * control flow related symbols can no longer be imported from `'tsutils/util/util'`, import directly from `'tsutils/util/control-flow'` or `'tsutils/util'` * `isFunctionScopeBoundary` and `isBlockScopeBoundary` now return a enum member of `ScopeBoundary` instead of a boolean * `isFunctionScopeBoundary` no longer returns a truthy value for `InterfaceDeclaration`, `TypeAliasDeclaration`
* added utility `isTypeScopeBoundary` returning `ScopeBoundary.Type` or `ScopeBoundary.ConditionalType` * added enum `ScopeBoundarySelector` whose members can be used to determine if a declaration belongs to a given `ScopeBoundary` by using bitwise AND
* `collectVariableUsage` now correctly handles `infer T` nested inside function signatures or mapped types * `isCompilerOptionEnabled` correctly handles `skipDefaultLibCHeck` and `suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors`
# 2.29.0
* added utility `isCompilerOptionEnabled`
# 2.28.0
Typeguards are now split into multiple submodules for each version of TypeScript (starting with 2.8.0). That means you can now import directly from `"tsutils/typeguard/2.8"` to get compatible declaraton files for TypeScript@2.8. For more information please read the relevant section in [README.md](README.md).
* added typeguards: `isTupleType`, `isOptionalTypeNode`, `isRestTypeNode`, `isSyntheticExpression` (currently available from `"tsutils/typeguard/3.0"`) * added utility `isStrictCompilerOptionEnabled`
# 2.27.2
Avoid crash caused by removed function in `typescript@3.0.0`.
# 2.27.1
Added support for TypeScript@3.0.0 nightly builds.
# 2.27.0
* added `getIIFE` utility
# 2.26.2
* `forEachComment` and `forEachTokenWithTrivia` no longer duplicate comments around missing nodes
# 2.26.1
* fixed crash in `hasSideEffects` with tagged template literal without substitution: ``tag`template` ``
# 2.26.0
* added typeguard `isLiteralTypeNode` * added support for type imports (`type T = import('foo')`) to `findImports` via `ImportKind.ImportType`
# 2.25.1
* `collectVariableUsage`: fixed name lookup in function signatures to match runtime behavior. Note that this is not completely fixed in TypeScript, yet. See: [Microsoft/TypeScript#22825](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/22825) and [Microsoft/TypeScript#22769](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/22769)
# 2.25.0
* added utilities: `isStatementInAmbientContext` and `isAmbientModuleBlock`
# 2.24.0
* added typeguards for typescript@2.8: `isConditionalTypeNode`, `isInferTypeNode`, `isConditionalType`, `isInstantiableType`, `isSubstitutionType`
# 2.23.0
* added typeguard `isForInOrOfStatement`
* correctly handle comments in generic JSX elements: `<MyComponent<string>/*comment*/></MyComponent>` * fixed a bug with false positive trailing comments at the end of JSX self closing element: `<div><br/>/*no comment*/</div>`
# 2.22.2
* `collectVariableUsage`: handle ConditionalTypes and `infer T`, which will be introduced in TypeScript@2.8.0 and are already available in nightly builds * `isLiteralType` no longer returns true for `ts.TypeFlags.BooleanLiteral` as this is not a `ts.LiteralType`
# 2.22.1
* `endsControlFlow`: * handle loops that might not even run a single iteration * handle constant boolean conditions in loops and if
# 2.22.0
* added `isFalsyType` utility
# 2.21.2
* fixed compile error with `typescript@2.8.0-dev`
# 2.21.1
* `isReassignmentTarget`: handle type assertions and non-null assertion
# 2.21.0
* `forEachDeclaredVariable` uses a more precise type for the callback parameter to make it useable again with typescript@2.7.1
* added `isUniqueESSymbolType` typeguard
# 2.20.0
* added `isThenableType` utility * added `unionTypeParts` utility
# 2.19.1
* `forEachComment`, `getCommentAtPosition` and `isPositionInComment`: skip shebang (`#! something`) to not miss following comments at the start of the file
# 2.19.0
* added `WrappedAst` interface that models the type of a wrapped SourceFile more accurate * added `getWrappedNodeAtPosition` utiltiy that takes a `NodeWrap` and returns the most deeply nested NodeWrap that contains the given position
# 2.18.0
* `getControlFlowEnd` accepts BlockLike as argument
* `getControlFlowEnd` and `endsControlFlow`: correctly handle nested LabeledStatements * `endsControlFlow` removed erroneous special case when an IterationStatement is passed as argument whose parent is a LabeledStatement. * if you want labels of an IterationStatement (or SwitchStatement) to be handled, you need to pass the LabeledStatement as argument. * :warning: this fix may change the returned value if you relied on the buggy behavior
* deprecated overload of `getControlFlowEnd` that contains the `label` parameter. This parameter is no longer used and should no longer be passed to the function.
# 2.17.1
* `getControlFlowEnd` and `endsControlFlow` (#22) * ThrowStatements inside `try` are filtered out if there is a `catch` clause * TryStatements with `catch` only end control flow if `try` AND `catch` definitely end control flow
# 2.17.0
* added `kind` property to `NodeWrap` * added `getControlFlowEnd` to public API
# 2.16.0
* added `isDecorator` and `isCallLikeExpression` typeguards
# 2.15.0
* added `convertAst` utility to produce a flattened and wrapped version of the AST
# 2.14.0
* added `isDeleteExpression` * added `getLineBreakStyle`
# 2.13.1
* fixed name of `isJsxFragment`
# 2.13.0
* added support for `JsxFragment` introduced in typescript@2.6.2 * added corresponding typeguard functions
# 2.12.2
* `endsControlFlow` * added missing logic for labeled statement, iteration statements and try-catch * added missing logic for `break` and `continue` with labels * take all jump statements into account, not only the last statement * `isValidIdentifier` and `isValidNumericLiteral` handle irregular whitespace * `findImports` searches in ambient modules inside regular `.ts` files (not only `.d.ts`) * `canHaveJsDoc` is now a typeguard
# 2.12.1
* `forEachTokenWithTrivia` * handles irregular whitespace and no longer visits some tokens twice * correctly calculates the range of JsxText
# 2.12.0
* deprecated `ImportOptions` if favor of the new `ImportKind` enum
# 2.11.2
* `parseJsDocOfNode`: set correct `pos`, `end` and `parent` properties. Also affects `getJsDoc` of `EndOfFileToken`
# 2.11.1
* `collectVariableUsage`: correctly consider catch binding as block scoped declaration inside catch block
# 2.11.0
* `getJsDoc` now correctly returns JsDoc for `EndOfFileToken`
* added utility `parseJsDocOfNode`
# 2.10.0
* added utility `findImports` to find all kinds of imports in a source file
# 2.9.0
* added typeguard `isMappedTypeNode` * added utilities `canHaveJsDoc` and `getJsDoc`
# 2.8.2
* `collectVariableUsage`: handle global augmentation like other module augmentations
# 2.8.1
* Support `typescript@2.5.1` with optional catch binding * `collectVariableUsage` fixed a bug where method decorator had method's parameters in scope
# 2.8.0
* Compatibility with the latest typescript nightly * Added `getIdentifierText` to unescape identifiers across typescript versions
# 2.7.1
* `isReassignmentTarget` don't return `true` for right side of assignment
# 2.7.0
* Added `isReassignmentTarget` utility
# 2.6.1
* `getDeclarationDomain` now returns `undefined` for Parameter in IndexSignature * `collectVariableUsage` ignores Parameter in IndexSignature
# 2.6.0
* `collectVariableUsage`: * don't merge imports with global declarations * treat everything in a declaration file as exported if there is no explicit `export {};` * `isExpressionValueUsed`: handle destructuring in `for...of`
* Added `getModifier` utility * Added `DeclarationDomain.Import` to distinguish imports from other declarations
# 2.5.1
* `collectVariableUsage` ignore jump labels as in `break label;`
# 2.5.0
* `isFunctionWithBody` handles constructor overload correctly.
* Implemented `isExpressionValueUsed` to check whether the result of an expression is actually used. * Implemented `getDeclarationDomain` to determine if a given declaration introduces a new symbol in the value or type domain.
**`collectVariableUses` is now usable**
* no longer ignores signatures and its parameters * don't merge declarations and uses across domains * no longer marks exceptions in catch clause or parameter properties as exported * fixed exports of namespaces * fixed scoping of ClassExpression name * correcly handle ambient namespaces and module augmentations * fixed how `: typeof foo` is handled for parameters and function return type * **still WIP**: `export {Foo as Bar}` inside ambient namespaces and modules
# 2.4.0
* `getLineRanges`: `contentLength` now contains the correct line length when there are multiple consecutive line break characters * `getTokenAtPosition`: don't match tokens that end at the specified position (because that's already outside of their range) * deprecated the misnamed `isModfierFlagSet`, use the new `isModifierFlagSet` instead
* Added typeguard: `isJsDoc` * Added experimental scope and usage analysis (`getUsageDomain` and `collectVariableUsage`)
# 2.3.0
* `forEachComment` no longer omits some comments when callback returns a truthy value * `isPositionInComment` fixed false positive inside JSXText
* Added utility: `getCommentAtPosition`
# 2.2.0
* Fixed bit value of `SideEffectOptions.JsxElement` to be a power of 2
* Added utilities: `getTokenAtPosition` and `isPositionInComment`
# 2.1.0
* Added typeguard `isExpression` * Added utilities: `hasSideEffects`, `getDeclarationOfBindingElement`
# 2.0.0
**Breaking Changes:**
* Dropped compatibility with `typescript@<2.1.0` * Removed misnamed `isNumericliteral`, use `isNumericLiteral` instead (notice the uppercase L) * Removed `isEnumLiteralType` which will cause compile errors with typescript@2.4.0 * Refactored directory structure: all imports that referenced subdirectories (e.g. `require('tsutils/src/typeguard')` will be broken
* New directory structure allows imports of typeguards or utils independently, e.g. (`require('tsutils/typeguard')`)
# 1.9.1
* `isObjectFlagSet` now uses the correct `objectFlags` property
# 1.9.0
* `getNextToken` no longer omits `EndOfFileToken` when there is no trivia before EOF. That means the only inputs where `getNextToken` returns `undefined` are `SourceFile` and `EndOfFileToken`
* Added typeguards for types * Added utilities for flag checking: `isNodeFlagSet`, `isTypeFlagSet`, `isSymbolFlagSet`,`isObjectFlagSet`, `isModifierFlagSet`
# 1.8.0
* Support peer dependency of typescript nightlies of 2.4.0 * Added typeguards: `isJsxAttributes`, `isIntersectionTypeNode`, `isTypeOperatorNode`, `isTypePredicateNode`, `isTypeQueryNode`, `isUnionTypeNode`
# 1.7.0
* `isFunctionScopeBoundary` now handles Interfaces, TypeAliases, FunctionSignatures, etc
* Added utilities: `isThisParameter`, `isSameLine` and `isFunctionWithBody`
# 1.6.0
* Add `isValidPropertyAccess`, `isValidNumericLiteral` and `isValidPropertyName`
# 1.5.0
* Add `isValidIdentifier`
# 1.4.0
* Add `contentLength` property to the result of `getLineRanges`
# 1.3.0
* `canHaveLeadingTrivia`: * Fix property access on undefined parent reference * Fixes: [palantir/tslint#2330](https://github.com/palantir/tslint/issues/2330) * `hasOwnThisReference`: now includes accessors on object literals
* Typeguards: * isTypeParameterDeclaration * isEnitityName
# 1.2.2
* `hasOwnThisReference`: * exclude overload signatures of function declarations * add method declarations on object literals
# 1.2.1
* Fix name of `isNumericLiteral`
# 1.2.0
* Typeguards: * isEnumMember * isExpressionWithTypeArguments * isImportSpecifier * Utilities: * isJsDocKind, isTypeNodeKind * Allow typescript@next in peerDependencies
# 1.1.0
* Fix isBlockScopeBoundary: Remove WithStatement, IfStatment, DoStatement and WhileStatement because they are no scope boundary whitout a block.
* Added more typeguards: * isAssertionExpression * isEmptyStatement * isJsxAttributeLike * isJsxOpeningLikeElement * isNonNullExpression * isSyntaxList * Utilities: * getNextToken, getPreviousToken * hasOwnThisReference * getLineRanges
# 1.0.0
* Initial implementation of typeguards * Utilities: * getChildOfKind * isNodeKind, isAssignmentKind * hasModifier, isParameterProperty, hasAccessModifier * getPreviousStatement, getNextStatement * getPropertyName * forEachDestructuringIdentifier, forEachDeclaredVariable * getVariableDeclarationKind, isBlockScopedVariableDeclarationList, isBlockScopedVariableDeclaration * isScopeBoundary, isFunctionScopeBoundary, isBlockScopeBoundary * forEachToken, forEachTokenWithTrivia, forEachComment * endsControlFlow