// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3
var common;
module.exports = common = { /* Checks to see if o is an object, and it isn't an instance of some class. */
isBareObject: function(o) { if ((o != null) && o.constructor === Object) { return true; } return false; }, /* Returns type of an object, including: undefined, null, string, number, array, arguments, element, textnode, whitespace, and object */
typeOf: function(item) { var _ref; if (item === null) { return 'null'; } if (typeof item !== 'object') { return typeof item; } if (Array.isArray(item)) { return 'array'; } if (item.nodeName) { if (item.nodeType === 1) { return 'element'; } if (item.nodeType === 3) { return (_ref = /\S/.test(item.nodeValue)) != null ? _ref : { 'textnode': 'whitespace' }; } } else if (typeof item.length === 'number') { if (item.callee) { return 'arguments'; } } return typeof item; }, clone: function(item, includePrototype) { if (includePrototype == null) { includePrototype = false; } switch (common.typeOf(item)) { case 'array': return common._cloneArray(item, includePrototype); case 'object': return common._cloneObject(item, includePrototype); default: return item; } }, /* Deep clone of an object. From MooTools */
_cloneObject: function(o, includePrototype) { var clone, key; if (includePrototype == null) { includePrototype = false; } if (common.isBareObject(o)) { clone = {}; for (key in o) { clone[key] = common.clone(o[key], includePrototype); } return clone; } else { if (!includePrototype) { return o; } if (o instanceof Function) { return o; } clone = Object.create(o.constructor.prototype); for (key in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(key)) { clone[key] = common.clone(o[key], includePrototype); } } return clone; } }, /* Deep clone of an array. From MooTools */
_cloneArray: function(a, includePrototype) { var clone, i; if (includePrototype == null) { includePrototype = false; } i = a.length; clone = new Array(i); while (i--) { clone[i] = common.clone(a[i], includePrototype); } return clone; } };