/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict";
var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter; var async = require("neo-async"); var chokidar = require("./chokidar"); var fs = require("graceful-fs"); var path = require("path");
var watcherManager = require("./watcherManager");
var FS_ACCURACY = 1000;
function withoutCase(str) { return str.toLowerCase(); }
function Watcher(directoryWatcher, filePath, startTime) { EventEmitter.call(this); this.directoryWatcher = directoryWatcher; this.path = filePath; this.startTime = startTime && +startTime; // TODO this.data seem to be only read, weird
this.data = 0; }
Watcher.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype); Watcher.prototype.constructor = Watcher;
Watcher.prototype.checkStartTime = function checkStartTime(mtime, initial) { if(typeof this.startTime !== "number") return !initial; var startTime = this.startTime; return startTime <= mtime; };
Watcher.prototype.close = function close() { this.emit("closed"); };
function DirectoryWatcher(directoryPath, options) { EventEmitter.call(this); this.options = options; this.path = directoryPath; this.files = Object.create(null); this.directories = Object.create(null); var interval = typeof options.poll === "number" ? options.poll : undefined; this.watcher = chokidar.watch(directoryPath, { ignoreInitial: true, persistent: true, followSymlinks: false, depth: 0, atomic: false, alwaysStat: true, ignorePermissionErrors: true, ignored: options.ignored, usePolling: options.poll ? true : undefined, interval: interval, binaryInterval: interval, disableGlobbing: true }); this.watcher.on("add", this.onFileAdded.bind(this)); this.watcher.on("addDir", this.onDirectoryAdded.bind(this)); this.watcher.on("change", this.onChange.bind(this)); this.watcher.on("unlink", this.onFileUnlinked.bind(this)); this.watcher.on("unlinkDir", this.onDirectoryUnlinked.bind(this)); this.watcher.on("error", this.onWatcherError.bind(this)); this.initialScan = true; this.nestedWatching = false; this.initialScanRemoved = []; this.doInitialScan(); this.watchers = Object.create(null); this.parentWatcher = null; this.refs = 0; } module.exports = DirectoryWatcher;
DirectoryWatcher.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype); DirectoryWatcher.prototype.constructor = DirectoryWatcher;
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.setFileTime = function setFileTime(filePath, mtime, initial, type) { var now = Date.now(); var old = this.files[filePath];
this.files[filePath] = [initial ? Math.min(now, mtime) : now, mtime];
// we add the fs accuracy to reach the maximum possible mtime
if(mtime) mtime = mtime + FS_ACCURACY;
if(!old) { if(mtime) { if(this.watchers[withoutCase(filePath)]) { this.watchers[withoutCase(filePath)].forEach(function(w) { if(!initial || w.checkStartTime(mtime, initial)) { w.emit("change", mtime, initial ? "initial" : type); } }); } } } else if(!initial && mtime) { if(this.watchers[withoutCase(filePath)]) { this.watchers[withoutCase(filePath)].forEach(function(w) { w.emit("change", mtime, type); }); } } else if(!initial && !mtime) { if(this.watchers[withoutCase(filePath)]) { this.watchers[withoutCase(filePath)].forEach(function(w) { w.emit("remove", type); }); } } if(this.watchers[withoutCase(this.path)]) { this.watchers[withoutCase(this.path)].forEach(function(w) { if(!initial || w.checkStartTime(mtime, initial)) { w.emit("change", filePath, mtime, initial ? "initial" : type); } }); } };
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.setDirectory = function setDirectory(directoryPath, exist, initial, type) { if(directoryPath === this.path) { if(!initial && this.watchers[withoutCase(this.path)]) { this.watchers[withoutCase(this.path)].forEach(function(w) { w.emit("change", directoryPath, w.data, initial ? "initial" : type); }); } } else { var old = this.directories[directoryPath]; if(!old) { if(exist) { if(this.nestedWatching) { this.createNestedWatcher(directoryPath); } else { this.directories[directoryPath] = true; } if(!initial && this.watchers[withoutCase(this.path)]) { this.watchers[withoutCase(this.path)].forEach(function(w) { w.emit("change", directoryPath, w.data, initial ? "initial" : type); }); } if(this.watchers[withoutCase(directoryPath) + "#directory"]) { this.watchers[withoutCase(directoryPath) + "#directory"].forEach(function(w) { w.emit("change", w.data, initial ? "initial" : type); }); } } } else { if(!exist) { if(this.nestedWatching) this.directories[directoryPath].close(); delete this.directories[directoryPath]; if(!initial && this.watchers[withoutCase(this.path)]) { this.watchers[withoutCase(this.path)].forEach(function(w) { w.emit("change", directoryPath, w.data, initial ? "initial" : type); }); } if(this.watchers[withoutCase(directoryPath) + "#directory"]) { this.watchers[withoutCase(directoryPath) + "#directory"].forEach(function(w) { w.emit("change", directoryPath, w.data, initial ? "initial" : type); }); } } } } };
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.createNestedWatcher = function(directoryPath) { this.directories[directoryPath] = watcherManager.watchDirectory(directoryPath, this.options, 1); this.directories[directoryPath].on("change", function(filePath, mtime, type) { if(this.watchers[withoutCase(this.path)]) { this.watchers[withoutCase(this.path)].forEach(function(w) { if(w.checkStartTime(mtime, false)) { w.emit("change", filePath, mtime, type); } }); } }.bind(this)); };
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.setNestedWatching = function(flag) { if(this.nestedWatching !== !!flag) { this.nestedWatching = !!flag; if(this.nestedWatching) { Object.keys(this.directories).forEach(function(directory) { this.createNestedWatcher(directory); }, this); } else { Object.keys(this.directories).forEach(function(directory) { this.directories[directory].close(); this.directories[directory] = true; }, this); } } };
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.watch = function watch(filePath, startTime) { this.watchers[withoutCase(filePath)] = this.watchers[withoutCase(filePath)] || []; this.refs++; var watcher = new Watcher(this, filePath, startTime); watcher.on("closed", function() { var idx = this.watchers[withoutCase(filePath)].indexOf(watcher); this.watchers[withoutCase(filePath)].splice(idx, 1); if(this.watchers[withoutCase(filePath)].length === 0) { delete this.watchers[withoutCase(filePath)]; if(this.path === filePath) this.setNestedWatching(false); } if(--this.refs <= 0) this.close(); }.bind(this)); this.watchers[withoutCase(filePath)].push(watcher); var data; if(filePath === this.path) { this.setNestedWatching(true); data = false; Object.keys(this.files).forEach(function(file) { var d = this.files[file]; if(!data) data = d; else data = [Math.max(data[0], d[0]), Math.max(data[1], d[1])]; }, this); } else { data = this.files[filePath]; } process.nextTick(function() { if(data) { var ts = data[0] === data[1] ? data[0] + FS_ACCURACY : data[0]; if(ts >= startTime) watcher.emit("change", data[1]); } else if(this.initialScan && this.initialScanRemoved.indexOf(filePath) >= 0) { watcher.emit("remove"); } }.bind(this)); return watcher; };
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.onFileAdded = function onFileAdded(filePath, stat) { if(filePath.indexOf(this.path) !== 0) return; if(/[\\\/]/.test(filePath.substr(this.path.length + 1))) return;
this.setFileTime(filePath, +stat.mtime || +stat.ctime || 1, false, "add"); };
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.onDirectoryAdded = function onDirectoryAdded(directoryPath /*, stat */) { if(directoryPath.indexOf(this.path) !== 0) return; if(/[\\\/]/.test(directoryPath.substr(this.path.length + 1))) return; this.setDirectory(directoryPath, true, false, "add"); };
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.onChange = function onChange(filePath, stat) { if(filePath.indexOf(this.path) !== 0) return; if(/[\\\/]/.test(filePath.substr(this.path.length + 1))) return; var mtime = +stat.mtime || +stat.ctime || 1; ensureFsAccuracy(mtime); this.setFileTime(filePath, mtime, false, "change"); };
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.onFileUnlinked = function onFileUnlinked(filePath) { if(filePath.indexOf(this.path) !== 0) return; if(/[\\\/]/.test(filePath.substr(this.path.length + 1))) return; this.setFileTime(filePath, null, false, "unlink"); if(this.initialScan) { this.initialScanRemoved.push(filePath); } };
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.onDirectoryUnlinked = function onDirectoryUnlinked(directoryPath) { if(directoryPath.indexOf(this.path) !== 0) return; if(/[\\\/]/.test(directoryPath.substr(this.path.length + 1))) return; this.setDirectory(directoryPath, false, false, "unlink"); if(this.initialScan) { this.initialScanRemoved.push(directoryPath); } };
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.onWatcherError = function onWatcherError(err) { console.warn("Error from chokidar (" + this.path + "): " + err); };
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.doInitialScan = function doInitialScan() { fs.readdir(this.path, function(err, items) { if(err) { this.parentWatcher = watcherManager.watchFile(this.path + "#directory", this.options, 1); this.parentWatcher.on("change", function(mtime, type) { if(this.watchers[withoutCase(this.path)]) { this.watchers[withoutCase(this.path)].forEach(function(w) { w.emit("change", this.path, mtime, type); }, this); } }.bind(this)); this.initialScan = false; return; } async.forEach(items, function(item, callback) { var itemPath = path.join(this.path, item); fs.stat(itemPath, function(err2, stat) { if(!this.initialScan) return; if(err2) { callback(); return; } if(stat.isFile()) { if(!this.files[itemPath]) this.setFileTime(itemPath, +stat.mtime || +stat.ctime || 1, true); } else if(stat.isDirectory()) { if(!this.directories[itemPath]) this.setDirectory(itemPath, true, true); } callback(); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this), function() { this.initialScan = false; this.initialScanRemoved = null; }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); };
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.getTimes = function() { var obj = Object.create(null); var selfTime = 0; Object.keys(this.files).forEach(function(file) { var data = this.files[file]; var time; if(data[1]) { time = Math.max(data[0], data[1] + FS_ACCURACY); } else { time = data[0]; } obj[file] = time; if(time > selfTime) selfTime = time; }, this); if(this.nestedWatching) { Object.keys(this.directories).forEach(function(dir) { var w = this.directories[dir]; var times = w.directoryWatcher.getTimes(); Object.keys(times).forEach(function(file) { var time = times[file]; obj[file] = time; if(time > selfTime) selfTime = time; }); }, this); obj[this.path] = selfTime; } return obj; };
DirectoryWatcher.prototype.close = function() { this.initialScan = false; var p = this.watcher.close(); if(p && p.catch) p.catch(this.onWatcherError.bind(this)); if(this.nestedWatching) { Object.keys(this.directories).forEach(function(dir) { this.directories[dir].close(); }, this); } if(this.parentWatcher) this.parentWatcher.close(); this.emit("closed"); };
function ensureFsAccuracy(mtime) { if(!mtime) return; if(FS_ACCURACY > 1 && mtime % 1 !== 0) FS_ACCURACY = 1; else if(FS_ACCURACY > 10 && mtime % 10 !== 0) FS_ACCURACY = 10; else if(FS_ACCURACY > 100 && mtime % 100 !== 0) FS_ACCURACY = 100; }